Saturday, April 28, 2007
I'm very burdened. I don't know why. I thank God what U.nat shared about Europe. I thank God for that. It's in the list of nations God gave and asked me to pray. I'm shocked when God said Europe. God you're kidding man. Europe. Pray? Then when U.nat shared I realised why God asked me to be praying for them. I understood it finally. Like finally.
Time and time again He said this' there's a lot of things in the wordl that is happening, you may not know, butI do. But all I want is you to be praying over what I asked you to.' It's reminded again and again. I didn't know what and how to pray. Like for countries I've no idea what they are doing seriously. But a reminder to flip Operation World again. I've got that book somewhere on my shelve.
He answered a prayer on my way home. I thank you Father. I should have thought you abandon me there on my own. But still you sent someone. That's always you God. I was caught in a surprise in my email. Thank you Lord :)
Labels: God, nations, prayer
Friday, April 27, 2007
I looked back. I never wanted to played guitar for worship after a bad experience. A horrid experience and things that happens in worship team just scarred me from going into worship. But God, chose to dig it all out. I stopped playing for a long long while. It's after so long I picked it up. I have no idea where I am going. God will lead and guide me, no worries for me. I finally got out of it. For all I've got, I give it to You. It's you alone, I give my all.
I'm bored. I'm on MC for school today. So bored. No school. But well it's great to have a time of rest. Tomorrow, guess what. It's southern cross. :) Miss my team members. Meeting them tomorrow :)
I've nothing else to say.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Hebrews 13:1 - Continue to love each other with true Christian love.
In situations, God put you in, God wants us to love one another.It's so hard, sometimes, looking at the things happened and things done. Left me with another impression who the person really is. Perhaps, the person doesn't know what he or she had done. bah. God show me how to love in such circumstances. Break down this invisible wall.
Hebrews 13:13 Let us go out to him outside the camp and bear he disgrace he bore.
This verse popped out while I was doing QT. It's a hear desire to do this. To do what he did, though people looked down on you. Staring at you. Think's whatever you're doing is crazy. I think God is saying, don't be bothered by what others think of you. As long as you are doing what He wants, to share the gospel to do whatever it is. Just dont be bothered by what others say.Jesus bore the disgrace. But will you do it for him?
sigh. I've fallen sick again. boo. it's like coming to the weekend. I'm down with everything. flu, sore throat, headache, fever. Everything. it's kind of bad. Secondly, my ear piece died on me. I just changed a few months ago. sigh. but lesson God trying to teach me. Give thanks in all circumstances. Though you may feel like so angry, why spoil again that kind of thing. God taught me to control. To give thanks like Job did. I'm back to the lesson of Job. I must keep going. though circumstances may not be good, give thanks for all you have. :)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
'Don't be afraid, just trust me.' How delicate God speaks.
Forgive me for my lack of Faith. Not having the faith to believe what I prayed. Perhaps, often I doubt my prayers. But God said, every prayer mattered to Him. Even small ones, short ones. They don't have to be long long ones. Though I may not know the situation or what's happening in the place. I must faith in what I ask God for.
Gifts unfold, when I handed God the key to unlock a door I refused to open for so long. I guess, I was afraid how people looked at me, how bad I would look with a guitar. It's also because of past hurts. I never had the thought that I'll pick it up and play in the midst of people. But God is pestering me again and again. From Thailand till now. It's amazing. Now, I made a commitment to do what He asked me to write songs. From scratch, I'm going to learn. All I know, my first step is to take a psalm and start playing and sing. That's all God said.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
God told me, I'm going through a phase of training on Saturday. I didn't expect it to be so fast. From monday till now. I've went thru all kinds of things. Obedience to God. What He said, was really clear and I obeyed. I did it. It's through his grace and strength I was able to do it. I realised. Then yesterday, I lost my EZ Link card. I was like God, come on. I don't know what on earth happened. I was like oh crap. What happened. So I was lost, so I went to look for it at the interchange. Because I dropped it on 74. Then, there's so much more. I still went for design class. I'm utterly amazed how I survived. I wouldn't be so strong like tolerated it. I became stronger in God. I gave thanks even though I lost it again. I am the sotong of the sotongs. But I dont care. So I'm going to get a replacement. That's what He said. so I guess get it replaced. Well my learning points, is to be calm when you lose something important. Think who to call what to do. There's nothing as important as doing that. So, in the midst of confusion and frustration I could think what to do. If you know me, I could have went mad. Like what is this. that kind of thing. But God, I'm learning. Like you said you're training. So I am learning from you :)
Give thanks in all circumstances !! I learnt that :)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
new year.new semester. new friends. I'm amazed by His work. Last year in June 2006. God broke me into pieces really pieces. To do things His way and not my way. The reason I broke because I saw souls walking in the wrong direction. I told God somehow, you need to change the hearts of the people I see. I thank God that though it was really long ago. He answered. In a amazing manner. In His time not in ours, but His. I really thank God for using people to speak to talk to me that every prayer you make, make a difference, no matter how small or how short it is. God will answer in His time.
It was worship Jam yesterday, the worship team was ministered by God. It was really long but God is good. Things that were to be said was never left unsaid. God transformed this ministry. His ministry for the people. I guess, God spoke thru people as they prayed for us, again and again. I guess, today I unlocked a door I never wanted to open. Because I'm afraid. so afraid of music. I don't know because I'm whatever you have to say like music idiot. But God chose to me to unlock this door. I've feared even playing for mission trip. I struggled. I'm darn horrible about playing, but God made sure, after I come back, I will still pick up my guitar and play and sing. Whatever he said was quite true. I pick up guitar, because I dont know how to memorise chords so I play and sing my own song to God. But nevertheless, i'll never remember it.
There's so much things God spoke on Saturday and Sunday. It's like a whole lot. I'm to be a good girl and pray. Why? It was stupid of me? I told God for me to pray, it must be quiet. My house aren't quiet at all. So I told God perhaps in the night like 3 or 5 a.m that kind of thing. I realised I've not slept well for a whole week for a gd reason, now I remembered what I told God. I'll be a good girl to be always praying. Nothing more I can do. God loves us. :) I'm really happy.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
there's so much to do. Before school reopens next week. Every Thursday is my free day. But not in the evening like of course!So much to catch up on especially my design assignments. I've 3 left hanging. 6 variations of music and dance to be mounted and 6 Dingbats on an A3 board, typography- the worst. It seems I'm a school kid learning how to write letters. Tracing letters and make sure the spacing is what is required. Being tight, normal or loose. One mistake, you may have to redo it. and that sentence is so long! I'm off! But all these builds a portfolio I need and I thank God for that. I've learnt a lot in design. God's teaching me a lot of stuff. Stuff I need to handle and face if I'm to go into design. Handle my emotions well when things get a bit on the rough patch. But I'm happy :) I finished the recruitment newsletter!! praise God!!
Friday, April 06, 2007

Here's my first superimposed picture on Photoshop. maybe not the first but the most perfect one. Obviously the sea and the wallpaper I did was fake. Anyway, I guess I can share this great news!! Daddy has agreed on getting an IMAC. big time. It's been so long. The process of asking for one. Process of learning this mac is not for my own pleasure but for work and for doing God's work in design. It's really a reminder of not to love the world but God only. I miss Thailand still the most, I want to go back there and do ministry. I love the kids in third world country. I'm sorry people the photos are still uploading in my shutterfly account. I miss my team mates still but it's great we're meeting every 4th sat of the month to pray for the seeds sown :) I've got to start having a consistent prayer life. It's so easy to pray when I'm in Thailand. When I'm back home. It's another story. Probably my 2 irritating sisters , i hope they dont see this. Probably they would, their tech savy as well.
I don't know what more to share about my trip. But here's something. God really make us meet this chinese tourist that we are suppose to meet at 7 to 8. But of course if he doesn't turn up so we'll go for dinner so went off at 7.30 without meeting him. So, we took the taxi, the taxi toured really long to get us to the BIG C place. I dont know why. After ordering our food, everyone has finished eating. There Godiva's food haven't even arrived. No one knows why either. After dinner was strolling looking at stuff to buy for friends and all. I have no idea why it took so long. They shopped every pushcart checking the price, spending a long time but not getting anything in the end. It was seriously really long, then the guys were suppose to get water they went to the supermarket and after abt 10 to 15 mins they came out empty handed and said can't find water. We were like? waste so much time. Then we finally got on to the Songtel (taxi) then when we reached our hotel, then guess what facing us was the tourist we're supposed to meet. I asked Arlene is he the one. Only a Yes. And they went to talk to him already. How God planned everything I'm suprised. Utterly lost of words. This tourist was no ordinary tourist we met. It's God sent. He said if he becomes a christian he wants to be like us to be missionaries to spread the gospel and he don't want to be a 100% christian but a 102% christian. I really hope he accepted christ when he went back to China and I'm quite certain his mum has been praying really hard for him. I can only say God is amazing .
Saturday, April 28, 2007
I'm very burdened. I don't know why. I thank God what U.nat shared about Europe. I thank God for that. It's in the list of nations God gave and asked me to pray. I'm shocked when God said Europe. God you're kidding man. Europe. Pray? Then when U.nat shared I realised why God asked me to be praying for them. I understood it finally. Like finally.
Time and time again He said this' there's a lot of things in the wordl that is happening, you may not know, butI do. But all I want is you to be praying over what I asked you to.' It's reminded again and again. I didn't know what and how to pray. Like for countries I've no idea what they are doing seriously. But a reminder to flip Operation World again. I've got that book somewhere on my shelve.
He answered a prayer on my way home. I thank you Father. I should have thought you abandon me there on my own. But still you sent someone. That's always you God. I was caught in a surprise in my email. Thank you Lord :)
Labels: God, nations, prayer
Friday, April 27, 2007
I looked back. I never wanted to played guitar for worship after a bad experience. A horrid experience and things that happens in worship team just scarred me from going into worship. But God, chose to dig it all out. I stopped playing for a long long while. It's after so long I picked it up. I have no idea where I am going. God will lead and guide me, no worries for me. I finally got out of it. For all I've got, I give it to You. It's you alone, I give my all.
I'm bored. I'm on MC for school today. So bored. No school. But well it's great to have a time of rest. Tomorrow, guess what. It's southern cross. :) Miss my team members. Meeting them tomorrow :)
I've nothing else to say.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Hebrews 13:1 - Continue to love each other with true Christian love.
In situations, God put you in, God wants us to love one another.It's so hard, sometimes, looking at the things happened and things done. Left me with another impression who the person really is. Perhaps, the person doesn't know what he or she had done. bah. God show me how to love in such circumstances. Break down this invisible wall.
Hebrews 13:13 Let us go out to him outside the camp and bear he disgrace he bore.
This verse popped out while I was doing QT. It's a hear desire to do this. To do what he did, though people looked down on you. Staring at you. Think's whatever you're doing is crazy. I think God is saying, don't be bothered by what others think of you. As long as you are doing what He wants, to share the gospel to do whatever it is. Just dont be bothered by what others say.Jesus bore the disgrace. But will you do it for him?
sigh. I've fallen sick again. boo. it's like coming to the weekend. I'm down with everything. flu, sore throat, headache, fever. Everything. it's kind of bad. Secondly, my ear piece died on me. I just changed a few months ago. sigh. but lesson God trying to teach me. Give thanks in all circumstances. Though you may feel like so angry, why spoil again that kind of thing. God taught me to control. To give thanks like Job did. I'm back to the lesson of Job. I must keep going. though circumstances may not be good, give thanks for all you have. :)
Saturday, April 21, 2007
'Don't be afraid, just trust me.' How delicate God speaks.
Forgive me for my lack of Faith. Not having the faith to believe what I prayed. Perhaps, often I doubt my prayers. But God said, every prayer mattered to Him. Even small ones, short ones. They don't have to be long long ones. Though I may not know the situation or what's happening in the place. I must faith in what I ask God for.
Gifts unfold, when I handed God the key to unlock a door I refused to open for so long. I guess, I was afraid how people looked at me, how bad I would look with a guitar. It's also because of past hurts. I never had the thought that I'll pick it up and play in the midst of people. But God is pestering me again and again. From Thailand till now. It's amazing. Now, I made a commitment to do what He asked me to write songs. From scratch, I'm going to learn. All I know, my first step is to take a psalm and start playing and sing. That's all God said.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
God told me, I'm going through a phase of training on Saturday. I didn't expect it to be so fast. From monday till now. I've went thru all kinds of things. Obedience to God. What He said, was really clear and I obeyed. I did it. It's through his grace and strength I was able to do it. I realised. Then yesterday, I lost my EZ Link card. I was like God, come on. I don't know what on earth happened. I was like oh crap. What happened. So I was lost, so I went to look for it at the interchange. Because I dropped it on 74. Then, there's so much more. I still went for design class. I'm utterly amazed how I survived. I wouldn't be so strong like tolerated it. I became stronger in God. I gave thanks even though I lost it again. I am the sotong of the sotongs. But I dont care. So I'm going to get a replacement. That's what He said. so I guess get it replaced. Well my learning points, is to be calm when you lose something important. Think who to call what to do. There's nothing as important as doing that. So, in the midst of confusion and frustration I could think what to do. If you know me, I could have went mad. Like what is this. that kind of thing. But God, I'm learning. Like you said you're training. So I am learning from you :)
Give thanks in all circumstances !! I learnt that :)
Sunday, April 15, 2007
new year.new semester. new friends. I'm amazed by His work. Last year in June 2006. God broke me into pieces really pieces. To do things His way and not my way. The reason I broke because I saw souls walking in the wrong direction. I told God somehow, you need to change the hearts of the people I see. I thank God that though it was really long ago. He answered. In a amazing manner. In His time not in ours, but His. I really thank God for using people to speak to talk to me that every prayer you make, make a difference, no matter how small or how short it is. God will answer in His time.
It was worship Jam yesterday, the worship team was ministered by God. It was really long but God is good. Things that were to be said was never left unsaid. God transformed this ministry. His ministry for the people. I guess, God spoke thru people as they prayed for us, again and again. I guess, today I unlocked a door I never wanted to open. Because I'm afraid. so afraid of music. I don't know because I'm whatever you have to say like music idiot. But God chose to me to unlock this door. I've feared even playing for mission trip. I struggled. I'm darn horrible about playing, but God made sure, after I come back, I will still pick up my guitar and play and sing. Whatever he said was quite true. I pick up guitar, because I dont know how to memorise chords so I play and sing my own song to God. But nevertheless, i'll never remember it.
There's so much things God spoke on Saturday and Sunday. It's like a whole lot. I'm to be a good girl and pray. Why? It was stupid of me? I told God for me to pray, it must be quiet. My house aren't quiet at all. So I told God perhaps in the night like 3 or 5 a.m that kind of thing. I realised I've not slept well for a whole week for a gd reason, now I remembered what I told God. I'll be a good girl to be always praying. Nothing more I can do. God loves us. :) I'm really happy.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
there's so much to do. Before school reopens next week. Every Thursday is my free day. But not in the evening like of course!So much to catch up on especially my design assignments. I've 3 left hanging. 6 variations of music and dance to be mounted and 6 Dingbats on an A3 board, typography- the worst. It seems I'm a school kid learning how to write letters. Tracing letters and make sure the spacing is what is required. Being tight, normal or loose. One mistake, you may have to redo it. and that sentence is so long! I'm off! But all these builds a portfolio I need and I thank God for that. I've learnt a lot in design. God's teaching me a lot of stuff. Stuff I need to handle and face if I'm to go into design. Handle my emotions well when things get a bit on the rough patch. But I'm happy :) I finished the recruitment newsletter!! praise God!!
Friday, April 06, 2007

Here's my first superimposed picture on Photoshop. maybe not the first but the most perfect one. Obviously the sea and the wallpaper I did was fake. Anyway, I guess I can share this great news!! Daddy has agreed on getting an IMAC. big time. It's been so long. The process of asking for one. Process of learning this mac is not for my own pleasure but for work and for doing God's work in design. It's really a reminder of not to love the world but God only. I miss Thailand still the most, I want to go back there and do ministry. I love the kids in third world country. I'm sorry people the photos are still uploading in my shutterfly account. I miss my team mates still but it's great we're meeting every 4th sat of the month to pray for the seeds sown :) I've got to start having a consistent prayer life. It's so easy to pray when I'm in Thailand. When I'm back home. It's another story. Probably my 2 irritating sisters , i hope they dont see this. Probably they would, their tech savy as well.
I don't know what more to share about my trip. But here's something. God really make us meet this chinese tourist that we are suppose to meet at 7 to 8. But of course if he doesn't turn up so we'll go for dinner so went off at 7.30 without meeting him. So, we took the taxi, the taxi toured really long to get us to the BIG C place. I dont know why. After ordering our food, everyone has finished eating. There Godiva's food haven't even arrived. No one knows why either. After dinner was strolling looking at stuff to buy for friends and all. I have no idea why it took so long. They shopped every pushcart checking the price, spending a long time but not getting anything in the end. It was seriously really long, then the guys were suppose to get water they went to the supermarket and after abt 10 to 15 mins they came out empty handed and said can't find water. We were like? waste so much time. Then we finally got on to the Songtel (taxi) then when we reached our hotel, then guess what facing us was the tourist we're supposed to meet. I asked Arlene is he the one. Only a Yes. And they went to talk to him already. How God planned everything I'm suprised. Utterly lost of words. This tourist was no ordinary tourist we met. It's God sent. He said if he becomes a christian he wants to be like us to be missionaries to spread the gospel and he don't want to be a 100% christian but a 102% christian. I really hope he accepted christ when he went back to China and I'm quite certain his mum has been praying really hard for him. I can only say God is amazing .