Wednesday, November 29, 2006
How do I cope with stress. I think for me. I've got a way, it always help for me. Because, after doing that I'll just sleep happily and no unhappiness. What do I do. I would name the whole process Photos Theraphy. I'll start ramaging through photo sites especially flickr stock exchange deviantart etc. When I start meant, I'm stressed. I'll start downloading loads of photos to my computer. A certainly effective way of relieving stress. Looking at the flowers and the things pleasing to my eyes just makes me happy and relax. How weird.
I'm getting my kimono red birks. Lalala. It's red. Current favourite colour. Gosh. I think I took a night off from my books. Poly is no slacking time :) really. It's like not enough time. Common test next week.
reply to tags
joyce : yea soon when I'm not so lazy :)
Nat: hey all! the whole bunch of you all. thanks ya. Really encouraging to have such seniors in school a funny lot of ppl helping me with IEF. tongtong take your time. Finish already then pass to them or I can burn another one for them. :) heh.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
after quite a long while of silent hiatus. I'm back up. It's haven't been smooth sailing the past week. Been struggling, but God is with me. Thanks to those who prayed ya. Thankyou. Those who prayed that I'll find my file. My dg mate found my file. that pig file. I will post the 'lost file' later on tonight. here comes.


Thankful that God put friends in my life.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I'm tired. extremely seemed to reached the maximum since after a long while. I don't feel like writing in this blog anymore. From now on I'll just post pictures. I believe pictures speak thousand words. :)
Friday, November 17, 2006
God I know you're preparing me for something. The time has not yet come for me. But you're preparing me in advance. I know you are. I'm so going to be mad soon. God. I just have to learn to take things a small step at a time.
Alright enough of these things, sarah finished A levels so we went MV doulos today. at VIVOCITY. woah. I got lost though. Oh well. It's too big for me to go round. Bought 4 more books in total I own 7 new books this week. All the books are deserved to be bought Oh well if I had a lot of money I guess I'll have bought so many books. Ate dinner had nice chats. Realised time passed so quickly. In a few decades time I would be an old lady. Would everyone around me heard of the gospel. How urgent time is. How about those who do not know God and Jesus. Where would they be. How many more would be lost? there's really no more time. He is coming. I have no idea when but He is. No time anymore.
So sad right. Urgency of time. Will even the people in the north and south pole heard about God? Have they? God you have many missionaries. God I don't want to be one that is standing at the same place. Just being a christian by name. But I want to go out there and reach more for Jesus. Would you save one more Jesus. How many is enough is 1 enough 2 ? or even a hundred. Would it be enough ? No it would not be enough. You would want to see all your friends and people know God and come to Christ. There's always one more out there for you to share the gospel to.
It's so easy to say this. But hard to do it. But God I want to commit it in your hands and I would want to start by sharing your word in my campus. During Harvest Day and Harvest Week. I would want people to hear of Your great Love. At least bare minimum that people heard of this love You gave. :) God that's the cry of my heart. Seeing the lost ones, just pains my heart. Those who drifted from you, forgive them bring them back and show them who You are. You are the God that cares for each of Your children. God open their ears for them to listen. I ask. Thank you Lord.
Heard this in LM today.
'People wear cross at the front of your neck while Christ wore the cross at the back. '
Jesus died for you and I. He carried the cross. It was such a painful death, why did he do it for? you may ask. He bore all your sins upon the cross. He wants you to have life and have it to the full.
I've been thinking a lot these days. God said in Qt today
John 4:34
"My food", said Jesus," is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work."
What's the will of God for me now, I would definitely want to know. But all I know now it's tough to discern from hearing from You Lord. For I have little faith in myself if I heard correctly what you said. Or perhaps it's just the way I'm thinking, it's too hard for me Lord I can't do it. I'm feeling it now, doing what He says is so tough when He ask something you have no idea how you'll answer Him and certainly you know what is right but there's so many pull factors to make you not do what God says. Oh well. God if it's really your will do something. Show me something, bring people to speak to me. To tell me, I am to do what He ask of me. Though I hope it is not at this very time. But it is, I'll do as you say if you say now.
* God show me. I pray. Bring me out of this wilderness. Bring me into your arms. My life is no longer mine it's yours alone. This life lies in the palm of Your hands. You have the power to lead and guide me to where you want me to be.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
today, how amazing daddy picked from school we went home I got into t shirt and shorts and off we went to JTC to play tennis. Obviously I know how to run. When it comes to tennis, I know nuts. So dad, taught me how to play. it's really not easy to play tennis. Wonder when will I be able to play tennis again. heh. it's quite fun and learning forehand and backhand just bad. I can do it in badminton but I can't seem to do it in tennis. Alright learning tennis is a good thing. Then Dad will have someone to play with as time goes by. Righto. the tennis Dad. I just don't seem to like understand why he would play twice a week. It's a weekly thing that he will NEVER miss unless special circumstances, exam and it's raining. He will definitely go for his game. Till now, he even joined tournament. I was like suprised. But JTC is so empty and creepy. That place is so silent. Not too good. but enjoyable time there.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
MV doulos and me :)
Inside the Heart of the ship (engine room)
Laundry Laundry
The warm and moist cookie that I gave a bite :)
me again :)
Daddy in the engine room :)
this afternoon was well spent rushing from school to vivocity to do what get on board on MV doulos.How wonderful. Dad shock me when he said you know what I came down from MV doulos. Thanks Dad for such a shocker that you took leave out of the sudden. When I got there he bought mum a new bible. When I went haha. Meant more books. Got 3 books. I'm quite certain I'll get even more. because I know I love books. If you don't know I am a bookworm now. It's my only leisure. It rocks to be reading. But one thing that left me sad was I lost my phone pouch my pretty pouch I knew I was going to lose it somehow. Oh well. It was lost. No regrets it's expected to be lost on saturday. But now of all places Vivocity. I didn't get to shop around vivocity and all. I've so much to do yet so little time. Got a new notebook for journal. My journal is already at half way mark already. I think I rant too much sometimes. I discovered something when I left the ship. I was asking if I would serve on board after I graduate. It just brings me back to the memory I had in august. God told me nations. I don't understand it. Early this year I drew a cross on the globe. I don't understand why either God has told me I'm chosen and certainly I've no idea either what it exactly mean, nations have been coming to me so many times in QT and in all ways. Finally I see a link somewhere. But I'm not sure. But God if it is what you want me to do. I will. :) I love you God. You are my rock my shelter and the One who guides me in the wilderness through thick and thin. :)
Monday, November 13, 2006
Thinking over it now, I feel very happy i took it up. Here comes one of my friends joining me it just makes me happy because I knew I was fortunate to study that.heh. With her around, just makes me really happy that I signed up. lalala. This was one thing that happened in school.
God has been too good. He's been telling me, see Sam you see I'm with you. What you worry about is nothing just have faith in Him. I will trust Him in all ways my future my school, my projects, God I'm trusting all these things to you. I often forget to trust all these to you. As I try to do it myself, the worse it became. I need to remember this for I always forget about trusting you in all parts of my life not just some parts. But you are giving me a lot of things suddenly that I can hardly cope and understand what was all that you have shown me. God all I pray is that you'll reveal what you shown me the meaning of everything I ask.
v.comm rocks!! God rocks too :)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I forgot totally my prophecy. God called many few are chosen. There goes. one of the chosen few through a prophecy was made clear to me. Pondered over a while and I didn't take it seriously. God shook me up and cleansed me removed all that was unholy in his sight within me and he revealed Loud and clear Isaiah 49:7 during one of the night. That i was chosen, this kind of feeling was like yes it's true so clear and even true now. I don't what to do. I only know, it's so hard when I pray these days. Upsets and I see the world now. crying and crying. but I can't do anything. But to tell God about it. He hears I know he hears what I prayed. But there's something bugging me. I don't know who tell. Because I'm afraid. I need to be more joyful. Lately been really bugged by this world. sorrows of the world became my sorrows. How do i put it I can't balance it. Which I think I need to. God help me. I'm your child. You held me in Your arms. nothing can be better than spending the rest of my life with You. my life is Yours not mine not my parents but Yours. For I don't think I'll still be alive if You did not sustained me.
God you are my Father. You know me best. Can I ask that you don't give sudden shocks but reveal things slowly that I can accept it. :)
Friday, November 10, 2006
finally. I've sort of finish with my art journal. you know what. I went looking for blogskins hunting up and down. I realised there's no simple blogskin. I gave up. I decided to use the template given. I'm still lazy as usual. there's some recent photos not uploaded again. heh. what to do it's Samantha Leo. haha. finally Jonathan if you're reading this. it's up
www.unphotographable.blogspot.com . The creativity unleashed. I signed up for part time course in NAFA already. I don't know I'm worried about my time management. Somehow, I hope I'll get pass it. :)
seek God. find God.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
alright. I'm can't quite control my emotions. hah. I guess. There was this period of time earlier this evening. I was crying uncontrollably again. God just put something in my heart I felt so upset, I guess I have not been reaching or helping them in a way that I should. I just saw a movie advertisement on TV. It's called the way home. a korean movie. It's screened this friday night at 11.30. It shows this old granny taking care of his grandson. He was so young as usual. Quarrels happen and they were poor and this kid was teaching his grandma how to write. It really led me to tears. Sometimes we neglect this group of people. They are lovable people. I'm serious. Granny to me is just so cool sometimes but at times I get irritated I snapped at times. :( oh well. I guess. God's speaking to me that this group of people need God too. Will you reach out to them help them, by just sharing with them what Jesus has done. That they may come to know who is Jesus. It's been a long while I guess. I wanted my granny to speak Jesus in her life. One night she spoke smth abt Jesus. I was so excited and elated. God use me, if you want me to reach them, you show me. God has been very good, after tough times, I'm back to great times and he's teaching me things that I should be doing. Now, I don't have a choice anymore. Because God now put what He wants me to pray and intercede for in this small heart of mine. Though I thought to myself how inadequate I am. But I realised yes I'm in adequate. But my God fulfils all things. He is I am Possible. To him all things are possible. Thank you God. Your rock. :)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I've been writing quite badly these days. oh well. Just came back from holland v. Found another nice hang out at essential brews. hmm. one of these days you ppl should just pop by it's just a nice place to chat and do bible study of course. I went there with my DG today. It was great fun. Shared about a lot of things. Details, I don't feel like going into it. I'll gladly share with you if you ask me heh. There's so much things going on in my life. really so much things. Oh right. I want to say I love you daddy. you rock. I don't know like I thank God for such a cool Dad, seriously, I don't know but we have similar hobbies. IT and cameras. + sports. We share the same interest oh well. He's so cool that I just wished I could get him a DSLR. haha. I know he'll love one. it'll be the time when I work. Alright dad. There's so much things. I realised. I need to raise my money for missions for thailand. It's sort of bugging me. as I have not told my parents I'm going for missions next year. I really hope i can raise the money. Lord pls provide. Let this not come from my parents but show me you're God the provider. Lord I have faith in You. There's nothing impossible for you I believe. Christmas is coming. Meta Camp is coming. Of course God is coming too. Life is so different now a days. I was really stressed. I get stressed easily, could not really cope with schoolwork that's kind of bad. What more to say. I'm signing up for NAFA course. That's like ultra more work. I wonder if my dad would help me get a laptop and I return my current laptop to him. that I'll pay him back when I work. God I need to learn to trust you. God pls pls pls. alright. I'll stop ranting and go do my Quiet Time with God and start praying. Heh. There was this email that goes. God is like the vipers on the cars. as rain is our sins it keeps dropping on the car screens and God forgives and will be wiped away with the vipers. That's how forgiving God is. Lastly, one more thing to add I guess all sins are forgiven even those who commited sucide.. God can forgive that, but oh well. I'll tell you why next time round. tata. Learnt a lot today. :)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
it's been quite a long while since I blogged. doing my art journal. very slow progress. Pls do bear with me. Oh well. It'll become a place where I place what the Lord has given art in the area of art be in the blog. I seriously lost the trend of blogging. no good seriously. But what can I say. I'm back on track with God and I've started praying more consistently now resulting less awakening in the night. Oh yes. Granny met with a minor accident today. oh well don't worry she's fine. a few cuts here and there. God protects thank you Lord, I felt so disoriented today. floaty. guess I was tired. I slept at 1 plus 2 last night to do my art journal. shucks. I realised there's so much to do. Christmas is coming. I need to print photos out and keep it. Need to get a photo album. A nice one definitely. so much so much. Catch up with tutorials. alright I'll upload photos soon I hope.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I'm dreaming dreams again. But this kind of feelings kind of bad. Because when you have no idea why you are dreaming.
First dream. I was praying for demon possessed friend. I just dont know why I actually dream that. Yesterday I dreamt again. I was at sentosa somehow, then there came a tsunami. Never seen the waters so blue though. it appears very real somehow, then I got up and ran and everyone started to run. run through the forest. I don't know what happened after that. I woke up I guess. that's that. I'm in the midst of building an art journal. To put up the things I do again. I guess thanks jon.leong. haha. I think God is working. God wants me to go into visual arts and this time all the signs of confirmation came from email. Arty Farty emails. And an encouraging email from john ho. thanks man. no.2 confrimation. I'll sign up!! Nothing can come in between if God is for me. He's with me and will walk me through thank you Lord :) alrightie.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
How do I cope with stress. I think for me. I've got a way, it always help for me. Because, after doing that I'll just sleep happily and no unhappiness. What do I do. I would name the whole process Photos Theraphy. I'll start ramaging through photo sites especially flickr stock exchange deviantart etc. When I start meant, I'm stressed. I'll start downloading loads of photos to my computer. A certainly effective way of relieving stress. Looking at the flowers and the things pleasing to my eyes just makes me happy and relax. How weird.
I'm getting my kimono red birks. Lalala. It's red. Current favourite colour. Gosh. I think I took a night off from my books. Poly is no slacking time :) really. It's like not enough time. Common test next week.
reply to tags
joyce : yea soon when I'm not so lazy :)
Nat: hey all! the whole bunch of you all. thanks ya. Really encouraging to have such seniors in school a funny lot of ppl helping me with IEF. tongtong take your time. Finish already then pass to them or I can burn another one for them. :) heh.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
after quite a long while of silent hiatus. I'm back up. It's haven't been smooth sailing the past week. Been struggling, but God is with me. Thanks to those who prayed ya. Thankyou. Those who prayed that I'll find my file. My dg mate found my file. that pig file. I will post the 'lost file' later on tonight. here comes.


Thankful that God put friends in my life.
Friday, November 24, 2006
I'm tired. extremely seemed to reached the maximum since after a long while. I don't feel like writing in this blog anymore. From now on I'll just post pictures. I believe pictures speak thousand words. :)
Friday, November 17, 2006
God I know you're preparing me for something. The time has not yet come for me. But you're preparing me in advance. I know you are. I'm so going to be mad soon. God. I just have to learn to take things a small step at a time.
Alright enough of these things, sarah finished A levels so we went MV doulos today. at VIVOCITY. woah. I got lost though. Oh well. It's too big for me to go round. Bought 4 more books in total I own 7 new books this week. All the books are deserved to be bought Oh well if I had a lot of money I guess I'll have bought so many books. Ate dinner had nice chats. Realised time passed so quickly. In a few decades time I would be an old lady. Would everyone around me heard of the gospel. How urgent time is. How about those who do not know God and Jesus. Where would they be. How many more would be lost? there's really no more time. He is coming. I have no idea when but He is. No time anymore.
So sad right. Urgency of time. Will even the people in the north and south pole heard about God? Have they? God you have many missionaries. God I don't want to be one that is standing at the same place. Just being a christian by name. But I want to go out there and reach more for Jesus. Would you save one more Jesus. How many is enough is 1 enough 2 ? or even a hundred. Would it be enough ? No it would not be enough. You would want to see all your friends and people know God and come to Christ. There's always one more out there for you to share the gospel to.
It's so easy to say this. But hard to do it. But God I want to commit it in your hands and I would want to start by sharing your word in my campus. During Harvest Day and Harvest Week. I would want people to hear of Your great Love. At least bare minimum that people heard of this love You gave. :) God that's the cry of my heart. Seeing the lost ones, just pains my heart. Those who drifted from you, forgive them bring them back and show them who You are. You are the God that cares for each of Your children. God open their ears for them to listen. I ask. Thank you Lord.
Heard this in LM today.
'People wear cross at the front of your neck while Christ wore the cross at the back. '
Jesus died for you and I. He carried the cross. It was such a painful death, why did he do it for? you may ask. He bore all your sins upon the cross. He wants you to have life and have it to the full.
I've been thinking a lot these days. God said in Qt today
John 4:34
"My food", said Jesus," is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work."
What's the will of God for me now, I would definitely want to know. But all I know now it's tough to discern from hearing from You Lord. For I have little faith in myself if I heard correctly what you said. Or perhaps it's just the way I'm thinking, it's too hard for me Lord I can't do it. I'm feeling it now, doing what He says is so tough when He ask something you have no idea how you'll answer Him and certainly you know what is right but there's so many pull factors to make you not do what God says. Oh well. God if it's really your will do something. Show me something, bring people to speak to me. To tell me, I am to do what He ask of me. Though I hope it is not at this very time. But it is, I'll do as you say if you say now.
* God show me. I pray. Bring me out of this wilderness. Bring me into your arms. My life is no longer mine it's yours alone. This life lies in the palm of Your hands. You have the power to lead and guide me to where you want me to be.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
today, how amazing daddy picked from school we went home I got into t shirt and shorts and off we went to JTC to play tennis. Obviously I know how to run. When it comes to tennis, I know nuts. So dad, taught me how to play. it's really not easy to play tennis. Wonder when will I be able to play tennis again. heh. it's quite fun and learning forehand and backhand just bad. I can do it in badminton but I can't seem to do it in tennis. Alright learning tennis is a good thing. Then Dad will have someone to play with as time goes by. Righto. the tennis Dad. I just don't seem to like understand why he would play twice a week. It's a weekly thing that he will NEVER miss unless special circumstances, exam and it's raining. He will definitely go for his game. Till now, he even joined tournament. I was like suprised. But JTC is so empty and creepy. That place is so silent. Not too good. but enjoyable time there.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
MV doulos and me :)
Inside the Heart of the ship (engine room)
Laundry Laundry
The warm and moist cookie that I gave a bite :)
me again :)
Daddy in the engine room :)
this afternoon was well spent rushing from school to vivocity to do what get on board on MV doulos.How wonderful. Dad shock me when he said you know what I came down from MV doulos. Thanks Dad for such a shocker that you took leave out of the sudden. When I got there he bought mum a new bible. When I went haha. Meant more books. Got 3 books. I'm quite certain I'll get even more. because I know I love books. If you don't know I am a bookworm now. It's my only leisure. It rocks to be reading. But one thing that left me sad was I lost my phone pouch my pretty pouch I knew I was going to lose it somehow. Oh well. It was lost. No regrets it's expected to be lost on saturday. But now of all places Vivocity. I didn't get to shop around vivocity and all. I've so much to do yet so little time. Got a new notebook for journal. My journal is already at half way mark already. I think I rant too much sometimes. I discovered something when I left the ship. I was asking if I would serve on board after I graduate. It just brings me back to the memory I had in august. God told me nations. I don't understand it. Early this year I drew a cross on the globe. I don't understand why either God has told me I'm chosen and certainly I've no idea either what it exactly mean, nations have been coming to me so many times in QT and in all ways. Finally I see a link somewhere. But I'm not sure. But God if it is what you want me to do. I will. :) I love you God. You are my rock my shelter and the One who guides me in the wilderness through thick and thin. :)
Monday, November 13, 2006
Thinking over it now, I feel very happy i took it up. Here comes one of my friends joining me it just makes me happy because I knew I was fortunate to study that.heh. With her around, just makes me really happy that I signed up. lalala. This was one thing that happened in school.
God has been too good. He's been telling me, see Sam you see I'm with you. What you worry about is nothing just have faith in Him. I will trust Him in all ways my future my school, my projects, God I'm trusting all these things to you. I often forget to trust all these to you. As I try to do it myself, the worse it became. I need to remember this for I always forget about trusting you in all parts of my life not just some parts. But you are giving me a lot of things suddenly that I can hardly cope and understand what was all that you have shown me. God all I pray is that you'll reveal what you shown me the meaning of everything I ask.
v.comm rocks!! God rocks too :)
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I forgot totally my prophecy. God called many few are chosen. There goes. one of the chosen few through a prophecy was made clear to me. Pondered over a while and I didn't take it seriously. God shook me up and cleansed me removed all that was unholy in his sight within me and he revealed Loud and clear Isaiah 49:7 during one of the night. That i was chosen, this kind of feeling was like yes it's true so clear and even true now. I don't what to do. I only know, it's so hard when I pray these days. Upsets and I see the world now. crying and crying. but I can't do anything. But to tell God about it. He hears I know he hears what I prayed. But there's something bugging me. I don't know who tell. Because I'm afraid. I need to be more joyful. Lately been really bugged by this world. sorrows of the world became my sorrows. How do i put it I can't balance it. Which I think I need to. God help me. I'm your child. You held me in Your arms. nothing can be better than spending the rest of my life with You. my life is Yours not mine not my parents but Yours. For I don't think I'll still be alive if You did not sustained me.
God you are my Father. You know me best. Can I ask that you don't give sudden shocks but reveal things slowly that I can accept it. :)
Friday, November 10, 2006
finally. I've sort of finish with my art journal. you know what. I went looking for blogskins hunting up and down. I realised there's no simple blogskin. I gave up. I decided to use the template given. I'm still lazy as usual. there's some recent photos not uploaded again. heh. what to do it's Samantha Leo. haha. finally Jonathan if you're reading this. it's up
www.unphotographable.blogspot.com . The creativity unleashed. I signed up for part time course in NAFA already. I don't know I'm worried about my time management. Somehow, I hope I'll get pass it. :)
seek God. find God.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
alright. I'm can't quite control my emotions. hah. I guess. There was this period of time earlier this evening. I was crying uncontrollably again. God just put something in my heart I felt so upset, I guess I have not been reaching or helping them in a way that I should. I just saw a movie advertisement on TV. It's called the way home. a korean movie. It's screened this friday night at 11.30. It shows this old granny taking care of his grandson. He was so young as usual. Quarrels happen and they were poor and this kid was teaching his grandma how to write. It really led me to tears. Sometimes we neglect this group of people. They are lovable people. I'm serious. Granny to me is just so cool sometimes but at times I get irritated I snapped at times. :( oh well. I guess. God's speaking to me that this group of people need God too. Will you reach out to them help them, by just sharing with them what Jesus has done. That they may come to know who is Jesus. It's been a long while I guess. I wanted my granny to speak Jesus in her life. One night she spoke smth abt Jesus. I was so excited and elated. God use me, if you want me to reach them, you show me. God has been very good, after tough times, I'm back to great times and he's teaching me things that I should be doing. Now, I don't have a choice anymore. Because God now put what He wants me to pray and intercede for in this small heart of mine. Though I thought to myself how inadequate I am. But I realised yes I'm in adequate. But my God fulfils all things. He is I am Possible. To him all things are possible. Thank you God. Your rock. :)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I've been writing quite badly these days. oh well. Just came back from holland v. Found another nice hang out at essential brews. hmm. one of these days you ppl should just pop by it's just a nice place to chat and do bible study of course. I went there with my DG today. It was great fun. Shared about a lot of things. Details, I don't feel like going into it. I'll gladly share with you if you ask me heh. There's so much things going on in my life. really so much things. Oh right. I want to say I love you daddy. you rock. I don't know like I thank God for such a cool Dad, seriously, I don't know but we have similar hobbies. IT and cameras. + sports. We share the same interest oh well. He's so cool that I just wished I could get him a DSLR. haha. I know he'll love one. it'll be the time when I work. Alright dad. There's so much things. I realised. I need to raise my money for missions for thailand. It's sort of bugging me. as I have not told my parents I'm going for missions next year. I really hope i can raise the money. Lord pls provide. Let this not come from my parents but show me you're God the provider. Lord I have faith in You. There's nothing impossible for you I believe. Christmas is coming. Meta Camp is coming. Of course God is coming too. Life is so different now a days. I was really stressed. I get stressed easily, could not really cope with schoolwork that's kind of bad. What more to say. I'm signing up for NAFA course. That's like ultra more work. I wonder if my dad would help me get a laptop and I return my current laptop to him. that I'll pay him back when I work. God I need to learn to trust you. God pls pls pls. alright. I'll stop ranting and go do my Quiet Time with God and start praying. Heh. There was this email that goes. God is like the vipers on the cars. as rain is our sins it keeps dropping on the car screens and God forgives and will be wiped away with the vipers. That's how forgiving God is. Lastly, one more thing to add I guess all sins are forgiven even those who commited sucide.. God can forgive that, but oh well. I'll tell you why next time round. tata. Learnt a lot today. :)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
it's been quite a long while since I blogged. doing my art journal. very slow progress. Pls do bear with me. Oh well. It'll become a place where I place what the Lord has given art in the area of art be in the blog. I seriously lost the trend of blogging. no good seriously. But what can I say. I'm back on track with God and I've started praying more consistently now resulting less awakening in the night. Oh yes. Granny met with a minor accident today. oh well don't worry she's fine. a few cuts here and there. God protects thank you Lord, I felt so disoriented today. floaty. guess I was tired. I slept at 1 plus 2 last night to do my art journal. shucks. I realised there's so much to do. Christmas is coming. I need to print photos out and keep it. Need to get a photo album. A nice one definitely. so much so much. Catch up with tutorials. alright I'll upload photos soon I hope.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I'm dreaming dreams again. But this kind of feelings kind of bad. Because when you have no idea why you are dreaming.
First dream. I was praying for demon possessed friend. I just dont know why I actually dream that. Yesterday I dreamt again. I was at sentosa somehow, then there came a tsunami. Never seen the waters so blue though. it appears very real somehow, then I got up and ran and everyone started to run. run through the forest. I don't know what happened after that. I woke up I guess. that's that. I'm in the midst of building an art journal. To put up the things I do again. I guess thanks jon.leong. haha. I think God is working. God wants me to go into visual arts and this time all the signs of confirmation came from email. Arty Farty emails. And an encouraging email from john ho. thanks man. no.2 confrimation. I'll sign up!! Nothing can come in between if God is for me. He's with me and will walk me through thank you Lord :) alrightie.