Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Originally uploaded by justwhck.oh fine. I'm obssessed with apple computers. Macbook to Imac. God would you please provide a good computer for me. Well for now I think an IMAC or Macbook will do fine. God I think the signs you given me 2 of them of telling me to go sign up for visual arts. Thank you God. But I'm worried about the time it ends at 10. I will reach home nearly 12. If everything doesn't go so smoothly. but well, passion pushes all such things aside. But God, if I don't take up the 6 months internship. Pls provide a macbook for me pls!! There's so much things to pay for camps and gen12ii. Really need your providence God. For yesterday I went shoeless. This morning I woke up. Yesterday to cross that 'waterfall' in school, I have to take off my shoes and cross it. The question God asked me this morning was. So, would do whatever it takes to do God's work. To do it for Jesus? It was hard to answer. Finally I struggled with a YES! Happy Holidays to all! take care!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Water smooth as glass
Originally uploaded by Bill Gunnells.alright. Beautiful waters. Right but today was not a good monday after all. But still water fun! Just like when I was a kid who loves wearing rain coat running about. Even it's for 10 minutes I just enjoy every minute of it. Well, Jesus walks on water. But haha. I'm not God or anybody so I ended up walking in water today in school sadly yes. Removing my birks walking through water. because we met a waterfall on our way to the bus stop. Our plan of hiding from the rain became a joke of the month. We all became so wet. Oh well, could have called a cab I realised since we took a cab to lecture from Blk 72 to LT45. We just did something dumb by trying to attempt walking. Everyone was wet. Erika hair had gel so you should be able to guess what happened to her hair. We had to even go to toilet and make sure we are ok and alright before heading out to the bus stop funny. But enjoyable. God you reminded me of Jesus walking on water. How great it will be if we are able to do that. haha. I guess one of the things I'll learn when I get to heaven is God teach me how to walk on water. a fun day made by friends and of course I wouldn't be able to see this day if God didn't allow me to wake up from my sleep. Thank you God for the friends and the rain :)
Saturday, October 21, 2006

The colours of a rainbow after a big rainstorm. It's over. The sun's out there stands the rainbow. Reminding me of God's covenant of the rainbow. I can't deny I'm struggling with irritating thoughts running in my mind, under the evil one attack. I've recognised it and standing firm and turn bad thoughts to thoughts asking hmm. What can I do for Jesus? I'm utterly tired don't ask me why I'm so tired. I'm having a tiredness syndrome is it. Always feeling tired. which is bad. oh yes. I've packed my room. Now's it's tidy and clean :) I think this thing God been teaching about faithfulness is like so important to me. I can't lie I actually thought of skipping cell like I always have. I was like I'm tired so I don't want to go. But God will tell me how faithful Jesus was. So I was like ok Go Sam. Go. I know I've learn to be faithful in all ways God would want me to. To be faithful. Sometimes when everyone don't you'll be tempted like I don't go nevermind. But actually it's a different story altogether. There's always a reason behind faithfulness I believe God is the ever faithful God. Can you imagine if He isn't faithful. I think I'll feel betrayed like where are you when I need you. But well God is the FAITHFUL one. never fails to be there for us and hear us care for us and help us. Thank you God !!
Friday, October 20, 2006
smily faces
Originally uploaded by justwhck.I'm blogging from flickr. This picture here is my favourite from last saturday canon digital life photomarathon 2006. I'll be back in 2007. I really got to polish my skills. To shoot abstract and different things. This picture here was taken when I'm having breakfast with God. i just lay down my journal and took it. The rest of my pictures are all on flickr. search under justwhck. you'll find the photos I suppose. I've been slipping away from God bit by bit. But I have to stand firm to go to God. I guess there's many factors. I'm struggling to be His living testimony. Because sometimes I feel it's so secular. It's so not right. I don't seemed to be able to get out of it after like after a while of staying there. Oh well. I'm glad I made a decision to be faithful. I made a commitment to a ministry. I just want to thank God. God wants me to be faithful till the end no matter how tough it is. So yeps. Alright just wanna tell you people. Jesus LOVES you!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
10 Things to Do before Going back to SCHOOL
1. Pack the messy room, bed and table in my house.
2. Get your stationeries, pens, files, dividers, notebooks whatever.3. Get the ITP report done. Like duh.
4. Buy your samsung phone
5. Hopefully finish Extravagant Worship (awesome book!)
6. Return the ' I am not but I know I am' book to U.ced and A.Chris
7. Bring Rachel Scott and lend it to Nathan
8. Print my notes and timetable
9. Send out the publicity email for Passion Reignite
10. Meet Bong for dinner :)
I really got to finish all these. Actually, there's more than 10. Oh well. As usual. Too many things to complete. Last day of work. I just have a feeling JESUS is with me throughout the 7 weeks. Somehow there's this bird will appear outside my window daily. It just remind me of God. Like He telling me I am OMNIPRESENT. Like I am there forever and ever, every moment every second. When I'm struggling with temptations and all He's right there for me. To cling and hold on to. Thank you dear GOD. The coolest GOD and DAD of the UNIVERSE!! It's a relieve that school is starting. Certainly I miss school. If you hate schooling, I'll tell you what you'll hate working even more. Now I understand what is the cold and cruel working world is about. alright. Thank God for wonderful colleagues who care so much for me though I created so many jokes in the office. Like I'll answer the phone like ok. Then I'll say ' Did somebody called somebody' Everyone was like right what are you talking about. That's one the other one was really bad. I actually called my own office without knowing. I'm supposed to call other companies I called my own office and I spoke to my colleague and I have totally no idea still. :) sarahmok. if you're reading this. I think we are equally blur. haha. Miss the crusaders man. tatta. HAPPIEST DAY of the MONTH!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

another 2 pieces of art inspired by God. I don't know what's wrong with me and trees or perhaps nature and flowers. Only God knows. I don't feel like blogging. Blog another day about the 10 things I must do before I go back to school next week. hah.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I suddenly feel so tired in life. I wanted to hide in all my ways. But I chose not to. Because someone said by doing that aren't you hiding from the problem as well. I guess that's true. Problems surfaces no anxiety no fear nothing but PEACE. How ironic. But deep within me I'm upset with all the problems there's nothing much to be done if God has taken control. I certainly believe He did. I have went through the process when perhaps now some people are going through the uprooting and regrowing of the roots. In June, you'll definitely see me as a zombie thanks to sonicfest i was uprooted by God and growing well with God. I guess the turning point in my life is certainly sonicfest 2006. It may sounds stupid to people is just a festival but by leaps and jumps the God I love came upon many right there. People came to Christ, the rededication of life came that night. Must be wondering what happened to me. that's another story. Too many stories. But I've got a testimony for I guess after 8 years I've been breathing through my mouth. because my nose is like blocked. sinus problems since i was like 10. But God healed me of that yesterday after prayer and breaking free from bondages i can breathe like never before. Thank you God. For all my days I seek You. Things may turn out unpleasant but God is faithful. He is the ever faithful God who never forsake. He answers but human faults that we don't remember that we ask and we forget.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Write all your plans in pencil.
Giving God the eraser.
here's the original quote. The very first one got it from daniel ho. I thought it was beautiful. Giving God the eraser meant He is going to erase all our plans off and do what God has planned for us.
Lord,you see your children in pain.The pain that no one may understand but you understand.Drop your tears from heaven, heal these deep wounds of theirs hold their hands tight and lead them to the right path.When each child falls you will smile sweetly at them and saythese words ' it's alright, come to me' . Father, in this worldof darkness father I pray that light come upon the people inthis world that they don't sink into darkness but stand in awein the light of yours. I pray.Amen.
Monday, October 02, 2006
it's been really long. whatever it is. I've been through a lot. God taught me a lot and still have to teach me cleanse me in order to do his work. Breaking the resentments in my heart. oh well. it's great to do GOD's work. Just want to share with you ppl this verse
Do you not know? Have you not heard ? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
Isaiah 40:28
God is unfathomable. No one understand God. I agree with that totally. Sometimes we ask God why things turn out so bad. But there's no answer. Because we can't understand why either. But remember jeremiah 29:11 His plans are to prosper us to give us hope and a future. From now onwards, I will not question God why things turn out this way. Why did this happen and all. For I am not even deem fit to ask why.
Then he said to them all: " If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."
Luke 9:23
This the verse why I'm living for. I want to follow after God. Denying myself and take up the cross and follow God. It's not easy but still I'll forsake things that have to be forsaken for HE is worthy of me doing this.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Originally uploaded by justwhck.oh fine. I'm obssessed with apple computers. Macbook to Imac. God would you please provide a good computer for me. Well for now I think an IMAC or Macbook will do fine. God I think the signs you given me 2 of them of telling me to go sign up for visual arts. Thank you God. But I'm worried about the time it ends at 10. I will reach home nearly 12. If everything doesn't go so smoothly. but well, passion pushes all such things aside. But God, if I don't take up the 6 months internship. Pls provide a macbook for me pls!! There's so much things to pay for camps and gen12ii. Really need your providence God. For yesterday I went shoeless. This morning I woke up. Yesterday to cross that 'waterfall' in school, I have to take off my shoes and cross it. The question God asked me this morning was. So, would do whatever it takes to do God's work. To do it for Jesus? It was hard to answer. Finally I struggled with a YES! Happy Holidays to all! take care!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Water smooth as glass
Originally uploaded by Bill Gunnells.alright. Beautiful waters. Right but today was not a good monday after all. But still water fun! Just like when I was a kid who loves wearing rain coat running about. Even it's for 10 minutes I just enjoy every minute of it. Well, Jesus walks on water. But haha. I'm not God or anybody so I ended up walking in water today in school sadly yes. Removing my birks walking through water. because we met a waterfall on our way to the bus stop. Our plan of hiding from the rain became a joke of the month. We all became so wet. Oh well, could have called a cab I realised since we took a cab to lecture from Blk 72 to LT45. We just did something dumb by trying to attempt walking. Everyone was wet. Erika hair had gel so you should be able to guess what happened to her hair. We had to even go to toilet and make sure we are ok and alright before heading out to the bus stop funny. But enjoyable. God you reminded me of Jesus walking on water. How great it will be if we are able to do that. haha. I guess one of the things I'll learn when I get to heaven is God teach me how to walk on water. a fun day made by friends and of course I wouldn't be able to see this day if God didn't allow me to wake up from my sleep. Thank you God for the friends and the rain :)
Saturday, October 21, 2006

The colours of a rainbow after a big rainstorm. It's over. The sun's out there stands the rainbow. Reminding me of God's covenant of the rainbow. I can't deny I'm struggling with irritating thoughts running in my mind, under the evil one attack. I've recognised it and standing firm and turn bad thoughts to thoughts asking hmm. What can I do for Jesus? I'm utterly tired don't ask me why I'm so tired. I'm having a tiredness syndrome is it. Always feeling tired. which is bad. oh yes. I've packed my room. Now's it's tidy and clean :) I think this thing God been teaching about faithfulness is like so important to me. I can't lie I actually thought of skipping cell like I always have. I was like I'm tired so I don't want to go. But God will tell me how faithful Jesus was. So I was like ok Go Sam. Go. I know I've learn to be faithful in all ways God would want me to. To be faithful. Sometimes when everyone don't you'll be tempted like I don't go nevermind. But actually it's a different story altogether. There's always a reason behind faithfulness I believe God is the ever faithful God. Can you imagine if He isn't faithful. I think I'll feel betrayed like where are you when I need you. But well God is the FAITHFUL one. never fails to be there for us and hear us care for us and help us. Thank you God !!
Friday, October 20, 2006
smily faces
Originally uploaded by justwhck.I'm blogging from flickr. This picture here is my favourite from last saturday canon digital life photomarathon 2006. I'll be back in 2007. I really got to polish my skills. To shoot abstract and different things. This picture here was taken when I'm having breakfast with God. i just lay down my journal and took it. The rest of my pictures are all on flickr. search under justwhck. you'll find the photos I suppose. I've been slipping away from God bit by bit. But I have to stand firm to go to God. I guess there's many factors. I'm struggling to be His living testimony. Because sometimes I feel it's so secular. It's so not right. I don't seemed to be able to get out of it after like after a while of staying there. Oh well. I'm glad I made a decision to be faithful. I made a commitment to a ministry. I just want to thank God. God wants me to be faithful till the end no matter how tough it is. So yeps. Alright just wanna tell you people. Jesus LOVES you!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
10 Things to Do before Going back to SCHOOL
1. Pack the messy room, bed and table in my house.
2. Get your stationeries, pens, files, dividers, notebooks whatever.3. Get the ITP report done. Like duh.
4. Buy your samsung phone
5. Hopefully finish Extravagant Worship (awesome book!)
6. Return the ' I am not but I know I am' book to U.ced and A.Chris
7. Bring Rachel Scott and lend it to Nathan
8. Print my notes and timetable
9. Send out the publicity email for Passion Reignite
10. Meet Bong for dinner :)
I really got to finish all these. Actually, there's more than 10. Oh well. As usual. Too many things to complete. Last day of work. I just have a feeling JESUS is with me throughout the 7 weeks. Somehow there's this bird will appear outside my window daily. It just remind me of God. Like He telling me I am OMNIPRESENT. Like I am there forever and ever, every moment every second. When I'm struggling with temptations and all He's right there for me. To cling and hold on to. Thank you dear GOD. The coolest GOD and DAD of the UNIVERSE!! It's a relieve that school is starting. Certainly I miss school. If you hate schooling, I'll tell you what you'll hate working even more. Now I understand what is the cold and cruel working world is about. alright. Thank God for wonderful colleagues who care so much for me though I created so many jokes in the office. Like I'll answer the phone like ok. Then I'll say ' Did somebody called somebody' Everyone was like right what are you talking about. That's one the other one was really bad. I actually called my own office without knowing. I'm supposed to call other companies I called my own office and I spoke to my colleague and I have totally no idea still. :) sarahmok. if you're reading this. I think we are equally blur. haha. Miss the crusaders man. tatta. HAPPIEST DAY of the MONTH!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

another 2 pieces of art inspired by God. I don't know what's wrong with me and trees or perhaps nature and flowers. Only God knows. I don't feel like blogging. Blog another day about the 10 things I must do before I go back to school next week. hah.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
I suddenly feel so tired in life. I wanted to hide in all my ways. But I chose not to. Because someone said by doing that aren't you hiding from the problem as well. I guess that's true. Problems surfaces no anxiety no fear nothing but PEACE. How ironic. But deep within me I'm upset with all the problems there's nothing much to be done if God has taken control. I certainly believe He did. I have went through the process when perhaps now some people are going through the uprooting and regrowing of the roots. In June, you'll definitely see me as a zombie thanks to sonicfest i was uprooted by God and growing well with God. I guess the turning point in my life is certainly sonicfest 2006. It may sounds stupid to people is just a festival but by leaps and jumps the God I love came upon many right there. People came to Christ, the rededication of life came that night. Must be wondering what happened to me. that's another story. Too many stories. But I've got a testimony for I guess after 8 years I've been breathing through my mouth. because my nose is like blocked. sinus problems since i was like 10. But God healed me of that yesterday after prayer and breaking free from bondages i can breathe like never before. Thank you God. For all my days I seek You. Things may turn out unpleasant but God is faithful. He is the ever faithful God who never forsake. He answers but human faults that we don't remember that we ask and we forget.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Write all your plans in pencil.
Giving God the eraser.
here's the original quote. The very first one got it from daniel ho. I thought it was beautiful. Giving God the eraser meant He is going to erase all our plans off and do what God has planned for us.
Lord,you see your children in pain.The pain that no one may understand but you understand.Drop your tears from heaven, heal these deep wounds of theirs hold their hands tight and lead them to the right path.When each child falls you will smile sweetly at them and saythese words ' it's alright, come to me' . Father, in this worldof darkness father I pray that light come upon the people inthis world that they don't sink into darkness but stand in awein the light of yours. I pray.Amen.
Monday, October 02, 2006
it's been really long. whatever it is. I've been through a lot. God taught me a lot and still have to teach me cleanse me in order to do his work. Breaking the resentments in my heart. oh well. it's great to do GOD's work. Just want to share with you ppl this verse
Do you not know? Have you not heard ? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
Isaiah 40:28
God is unfathomable. No one understand God. I agree with that totally. Sometimes we ask God why things turn out so bad. But there's no answer. Because we can't understand why either. But remember jeremiah 29:11 His plans are to prosper us to give us hope and a future. From now onwards, I will not question God why things turn out this way. Why did this happen and all. For I am not even deem fit to ask why.
Then he said to them all: " If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."
Luke 9:23
This the verse why I'm living for. I want to follow after God. Denying myself and take up the cross and follow God. It's not easy but still I'll forsake things that have to be forsaken for HE is worthy of me doing this.