Thursday, January 26, 2006
These days. I've been too busy. I've never got a stop from all these stuff in my hands. IVP is over now. I guss won't be training for quite some time. I'm still thinking and asking GOD about that. I'm really tired. But I find that really wants me to leave track. I think I couldn't and all. But he like sent someone. That someone was a total stranger. He asked if I could contribute a design for a magazine. I was so happy :) even though I'm not a de-sign student. Or whatever you call me a design idiot or what. It's hard to find such chances. God have given this gift. Is that His call for me. alright. I'll stop here. I'll post some photos of Np track soon enough. till i get more of the photos. alright. I'll go do de-sign .. cya.. I'm super motivated now . heh
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
My fingersMy fingers. My left hand experiences pain. Finger plucking is hard and painful. But music is beautiful. This is the first time that I could not reach a chord. My hands are too small. lol. I have to manually adjust my finger but still it is simply too short. Laughs. I had a BIG NIGHTMARE last night.
The Nightmare
The videos I took for cedric's wedding video could not be open in windows movie maker. I was like. Well done. I was so worried. I was so stressed. That basically anyone who talked to me then I ignored them. My parents included. I was so sterned. I was staring at the different video converters hoping one will work. I tried till 12 a.m. I finally gave up. The video converted is ugly. They had the software name on top. What crap. I went back to bed crying. I was so worried. I could not sleep. I prayed. then I fell asleep. I have no lecture today. My class starts at 1 today. Then me was worried about the video. Still puting hope into it. Woke up by 6.45. On the computer and my laptop. Start to search for the video converter. haha. I found it then. It's called the quick video converter. Converts quicktime video file to other formats. into avi. to what I want. It worked. I was really happy. the nightmare ended. hee. then the next one came. searching for the bride's personal photos with others. the first person I called was A.karen. Then I still cannot find anyone who have them. Then I asked Zec. He gave me his brother Victor's number. I called Victor. He said don't have. Maybe can check with serene. Then, I called Serene. Well she says she doesn't have too. She says esther and evee may have. Hmm. I called esther and evee. I the BIG DUMB DUMB. Forgot to save evee's no. as well as serene's no. I only realised when evee returned the call and ask me to msg her. Well, you see now.But thank God there is still esther. I managed to get in contact with her. Thank GOD Thank GOD.
Believer MusicI reached international plaza at 5 p.m. My guitar lesson starts at like 6.30. I spent the time at Buger King eating mushroom swiss double meal. As usual. Then in front of me is a group of uncles and aunties. They are really interesting. They were holding a like shareholders meeting in burger king. they were arguing, talking about shares, getting like so charged up. Weird weird. I just cannot believe my eyes. I just find it very uncommon to see such things in Burger King. Usually is in the office right? Hmm. Intersting. God shows me different things everyday. I learnt Lord I lift Your Name on High in guitar class today. Plucking the song. I realised it has a very profound meaning in the song. Very beautiful meaning. Doing with the colour Red , White , Purple and Blue. I'm glad that I like Red. :) I guess I'll share with my cell when I see them like next month.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

first entry of the year. So now i think everyone has an idea what I've been doing the past months. de-sign. I wonder why I like it so much. Seriously wonder. Seems everything is falling into place.What am I doing in business. Nevermind after business, I'll go on to La salle SIA to study graphic de-sign. I'm going to do JUST THAT. Doing what I really enjoy. I guess it's GOD's Gift to me.I'm leaving track soon. Leaving track is a MUST. God says so. I do what the ALMIGHTY says. I asked God for a sign to ensure that I leave. Then my foot was swollen and hurting. Plus knee kind of aching just now. Well, after 21 Jan. I think I'll go where God wants me. hee. The first graphic is de-signed for sarah[rah] quite cool. Definitely not the best. But still alright. I'm busy busy in JAN. I have no time alright. Don't msg or phone me. I guess I'm so busy till I drop. IVP this saturday + next saturday. Which clashes with cedric's wedding. so sad. I love weddings though. then there's like 2 test next week. BCA PBL#2. IAC project.BMGT presentation. I'm struggling. But thank GOD it's a holiday today :)) OFF TO BED. LIGHTS OUT. bye people. tag me or msn me if you want to get me.
Ngee Ann
love de-sign
psalms 27:4
a lady that is striving to dwell in the house of the Lord
who is learning to see God's greater purpose for her
who wakes up and learns to be thankful for her blessings
Thursday, January 26, 2006
These days. I've been too busy. I've never got a stop from all these stuff in my hands. IVP is over now. I guss won't be training for quite some time. I'm still thinking and asking GOD about that. I'm really tired. But I find that really wants me to leave track. I think I couldn't and all. But he like sent someone. That someone was a total stranger. He asked if I could contribute a design for a magazine. I was so happy :) even though I'm not a de-sign student. Or whatever you call me a design idiot or what. It's hard to find such chances. God have given this gift. Is that His call for me. alright. I'll stop here. I'll post some photos of Np track soon enough. till i get more of the photos. alright. I'll go do de-sign .. cya.. I'm super motivated now . heh
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
My fingersMy fingers. My left hand experiences pain. Finger plucking is hard and painful. But music is beautiful. This is the first time that I could not reach a chord. My hands are too small. lol. I have to manually adjust my finger but still it is simply too short. Laughs. I had a BIG NIGHTMARE last night.
The Nightmare
The videos I took for cedric's wedding video could not be open in windows movie maker. I was like. Well done. I was so worried. I was so stressed. That basically anyone who talked to me then I ignored them. My parents included. I was so sterned. I was staring at the different video converters hoping one will work. I tried till 12 a.m. I finally gave up. The video converted is ugly. They had the software name on top. What crap. I went back to bed crying. I was so worried. I could not sleep. I prayed. then I fell asleep. I have no lecture today. My class starts at 1 today. Then me was worried about the video. Still puting hope into it. Woke up by 6.45. On the computer and my laptop. Start to search for the video converter. haha. I found it then. It's called the quick video converter. Converts quicktime video file to other formats. into avi. to what I want. It worked. I was really happy. the nightmare ended. hee. then the next one came. searching for the bride's personal photos with others. the first person I called was A.karen. Then I still cannot find anyone who have them. Then I asked Zec. He gave me his brother Victor's number. I called Victor. He said don't have. Maybe can check with serene. Then, I called Serene. Well she says she doesn't have too. She says esther and evee may have. Hmm. I called esther and evee. I the BIG DUMB DUMB. Forgot to save evee's no. as well as serene's no. I only realised when evee returned the call and ask me to msg her. Well, you see now.But thank God there is still esther. I managed to get in contact with her. Thank GOD Thank GOD.
Believer MusicI reached international plaza at 5 p.m. My guitar lesson starts at like 6.30. I spent the time at Buger King eating mushroom swiss double meal. As usual. Then in front of me is a group of uncles and aunties. They are really interesting. They were holding a like shareholders meeting in burger king. they were arguing, talking about shares, getting like so charged up. Weird weird. I just cannot believe my eyes. I just find it very uncommon to see such things in Burger King. Usually is in the office right? Hmm. Intersting. God shows me different things everyday. I learnt Lord I lift Your Name on High in guitar class today. Plucking the song. I realised it has a very profound meaning in the song. Very beautiful meaning. Doing with the colour Red , White , Purple and Blue. I'm glad that I like Red. :) I guess I'll share with my cell when I see them like next month.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

first entry of the year. So now i think everyone has an idea what I've been doing the past months. de-sign. I wonder why I like it so much. Seriously wonder. Seems everything is falling into place.What am I doing in business. Nevermind after business, I'll go on to La salle SIA to study graphic de-sign. I'm going to do JUST THAT. Doing what I really enjoy. I guess it's GOD's Gift to me.I'm leaving track soon. Leaving track is a MUST. God says so. I do what the ALMIGHTY says. I asked God for a sign to ensure that I leave. Then my foot was swollen and hurting. Plus knee kind of aching just now. Well, after 21 Jan. I think I'll go where God wants me. hee. The first graphic is de-signed for sarah[rah] quite cool. Definitely not the best. But still alright. I'm busy busy in JAN. I have no time alright. Don't msg or phone me. I guess I'm so busy till I drop. IVP this saturday + next saturday. Which clashes with cedric's wedding. so sad. I love weddings though. then there's like 2 test next week. BCA PBL#2. IAC project.BMGT presentation. I'm struggling. But thank GOD it's a holiday today :)) OFF TO BED. LIGHTS OUT. bye people. tag me or msn me if you want to get me.