Friday, December 30, 2005

I guess I am really tired of everything around me. I just feel so lost. Everything just isn't right I guess. Suffering from disappointment to sadness. Asking why is it me. But I guess, things are just not going the way it should. I'm tired.I just feel like sleeping on and on forever.Because there is just too many things to complete. It just seem that I can't complete the things that people ask me to do. sigh.Finally, I have started studying. Accounting. Finally, my account balances. That's a good sign isn't it. But I've been neglecting my guitar. My dad is getting a new car. It doesn't matter really much to me. Because I still have to travel myself. He won't drive me to school. I doubt he will ever do that. does my guitar really help strum my troubles away. I'm doubting it. alright. that's all.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I'm not studying..heylo. alright. I'm not studying which I should be.lalala. sigh. I wonder how did I end up in business. It's definitely not my cup of tea. I should be studying graphic design and all. How did I how did I make a crash into this course. Well, God has his purpose. So I'm not going to question anymore. laughs. I've decided to list things I have to do here.
1.Got to print the x campus map
2. Send bryan the x campuse graphics
3. Got to study POA lecture 4 and 5
4. Go for training
5. Send an email to A.mary the accounting.
6.Start to read Macro(Inflation)
7.Check what am I tested for the common test and when is it
- that's all. :)
Monday, December 26, 2005
Christmas for me started since thursday. When I woke up 20 minutes to 12p.m then at 12, mr Justhink called my phone. He goes :' sam, I know it's quite late to call u. But we are catching a movie in town at 1.40.' I'm like right you called at 12. While I am still like half asleep, and I'm staying at boonlay. Well done, but they are catching the chronicles of narnia. They actually mangage to get seats at cine. I'm shocked. But cool. That's when christmas started. Then after movie. Shopping again for presents. Then met up with evelyn and elaine to go to A.angie's place for dinner. We were so late. Then on friday, track for me. Ended up going home quite late. Then Dad happens to touched jurong point when I reach the interchange. So I went to get my chronicles of Narnia. I've got the book and I'm reading. The 7 books. Which sam wong call them fantasies. Whatever. Saturday well christmas party in church. Super duper fun. Actually 2 person came. Then 8 came in and 6 more came in. It turns out to be quite a huge crowd. Played wacky whacko, do you love your neighbour. then came the dumb dumb acting game. That's the most funny part. It rock man. All acted really well. Then after the party, everyone went back. Zec sent me and nelson back. Then we actually wanted to go get some food. But you see nelson and my directions are just equally horrid. Then we lost our way. Then we went to some places near qianhu fish farm. But it's a place for prawning. Cool, prawning. Looks really cool, I hope I'll try it one day. That's what we did during the first few minutes of christmas. Then we headed home. I touched home at like 1 a.m. I woke up at like 7 to wrap the remaining presents. I was really tired. Then after service was the littlest gift. cool. anyway, I'm really tired. Thank you ppl for all the presents and notes. I love you ppl. :)) I love the slippers mabel! thanks a lot to those who bought that. thanks.
CHRISTMAS is all about
Friday, December 23, 2005
someone please teach me how to study? I'm having common test on the 3rd jan 2006. What a time right ? christmas and new year holidays. I'm dreading it now. I've caught chronicles of narnia. It rocks. alright. I know I should not have went but still I love the show. I wanted to stay home to study yesterday. But I think it didn't kind of work. But I guess I'm just wasting my time away. Anyway, I need to get myself to the right mood to study. Now, I just want the whole set of chronicles of narnia. whatever. ok. I'm off to study. cya ppl.My christmas celebrations started yesterday I guess. :)) here comes the weekend.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
today. it marked the end of my guitar class. I'm moving on to fingerstyle 1. fingerpicking. :)) I hope I can do it. That'll be able to pull through this JANUARY 2006. I think it's the peak of my months in POLY. IVP on that month. Common tests as well. Plus guitar class and crusade. I'm going to cling on to GOD for strength. And that he will be with me through this tough time. I guess I really have to commit all my plans to God. He's our maker and creator. Whatever he does be it bad. It always have a purpose. God wants to mould you to be more like Him. :) Before I came back from guitar class. The nicest sister in christ made cookies for the class. Taste beautiful. soft and moist. goodie. I shall with you the recipe. heee.. it seems like this coming holidays I'll burn my kitchen down. :))
Mom's Chocolate Cookie
Preparation Time: 15 minutesCooking Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 35
1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 tsps. vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup oatmeal, ground in blender until fine
1/2 tsp. salt (necessary)
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 lb. chocolate chips
1-1/2 cups walnuts, or other nut
1/4 lb. chocolate, chopped fine or grated
InstructionsCream together first 4 ingredients in a bowl. Add eggs, one at a time. Add next 5 ingredients. Fold in last 3 ingredients. Place about 3 teaspoons of mixture per cookie on a cookie sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes.
And I like the salmon sheperd's pie one too.. Samantha is just so GREEDY. I'll share with you ppl when I blog again. anyway. loads of recipes at
www.chefs.com you ppl can try cooking. Messing up the kitchen. My mum will be the first one to kill me when I mess up the whole kitchen. laughs. I'm naughty.
how bad can it gets. I did horribly for trials. What can I say. I just have to keep my mouth shut. And stare into space. whatever. it's over anyway. I just don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm a busy bumble bee when school starts. I'm struggling. but still I got to study for my common tests. Putting my hopes in track is just a bubble that would burst anytime. But putting my hopes in music and art. I guess it wouldn't burst. It'll be like a hot air balloon. Flying high up. perhaps, God gave me different gifts. anyway, welcome back people who came back from Myanmar. hee. in any case. I love my guitar. :) I'm mad. saying this suddenly. whatever it is. Guitar creates beautiful things. I should start to memorise songs and start playing without chord sheets. haha.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
let's see what I did today. I went to church of course. looking forward to this coming weekend. it'll be tiring but still it's christmas. christmas party on the 24th. then christmas musical in church from like 2 till 5. It'll end up later than that when I get home.We'll go for dinner or perhaps ICE CREAM. I'm a greedy pig. alright. cedric's wedding clashes with IVP if I'm not wrong. And it's the very last day of IVP. maybe I should bang the wall. don't you think so? why is it spot on. I pray hard that they will end early that I'll make it for his wedding. I think I got most of the christmas gifts. Went towning this afternoon. gues what happened. the tunnel from wisma to taka. they actually jammed up and we have to stop and like wait for them to move. they were like doing crowd control. I don't think I want to go down to Orchard this week. It'll be packed as ever. It'll be worse on christmas eve. right. I got to sleep. trials tomorrow. I'm not hoping for anything. I'll just do what is within me. They are coming back tomorrow and I can't pick them up. SORRY ppl. trials are important to me. I'll meet you ppl up alright. You ppl look good with your sarongs and longjee. alright. i got to turn in now, or I'll become a panda. :)
Saturday, December 17, 2005
new de-sign. for a coming christmas. I liked this design though. another production by ME. :) I really truly wonder why I'm in business. I don't enjoy such stuff. I like music and art. But I can't brag about it. I'm there for a reason. It's in God's Plan. there is a reason behind it. but I just do not what is it. I'm thinking of meeting mum in town for christmas shopping. I know I'll be staying up late on christmas eve and the day before christmas eve wrapping the presents i bought and writing notes to them. this coming monday would be trials for 400m. I know I cannot run as well as many others out there. It's kind of demoralizing. that before the start of the race you are anticipating that you'll be the big loser. I got to look at the bright side I guess. God give me strength to overcome this psychological barrier and that when I run there's no fear in me. alright. that's all. they are coming back on MONDAY :). they must have a lot of things to share when they come back.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I'm back to blog again.I'm in MACRO lecture blogging. My shin hurts like anything. It is not even easy for me to go up a slope now. quite painful. there's a test tml. Hopefully I don't screw up again. IVP is in one month. Seriously, yesterday's training was one of the most productive ones. I did about 7 to 8 sets of 400m. I did 2 sets of sticks training and a 3.2km campus run. I guess what Yew Cheo said was really true. And that we should cheer each other on. when we are training. It's really tough sometimes. But, with motivation and cheering, I guess it does help. We'll do it !!! Just hang in there .. :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
sigh. I'm finally getting a break in a few days time. alright. I'm really tired. Got to study for BCA presentation as well as BCA test. Get it over and done with. But still got to mug. As for class politics, I'm not going get myself into it anymore. I know both sides have their points. But I guessed got to learn to listen to both sides. TRM. forgoing that I think, track training is more worth it then going into tourism and resort management. It's too late to back out of track now. And now, I truly want to stay in town for my holidays. 30 days in CHINA makes me sick. I don't know man. Christmas is coming. Christmas party is coming too. big smile :) The thought of christmas takes all away, lalala. I did my christmas shopping. Not bad. quite satisfied obviously wanted to buy more for many of you ppl. But litmited cash. Guess the budget each christmas is going to increase every single year. :) tata.. gotta mug now. I'm going to be an excel pro soon!!!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
sigh. I am so busy.. I know I'll most likely die of exhaustion. Busier than anyone I guess. A 7 day scheldule for a poly student is nuts alright. mon , wed and fri is track. Tuesday is DG thursday is guitar lesson. Saturday is cell grp and sunday is church. I'm dying. I'm dragging myself through this time. sigh. I'm really tired. But i guess i would not be so busy by the end of january. I think. People bear with me. I know, I haven't have time to hange out with you people.. sorry people. alright. I'm tired. In any case, I'm have not have enough sleep for ages. I'm stressed. If I lose my temper suddenly. Please don't hold it against me. I'm really tired and everything. A high chance I might do that. so ya... alright. I'll blog some time soon..
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
busy busy busy.. I've never been so busy. I think I'm going to screw up my guitar presentation. sigh. 3 songs. continous playing. I'll screw it. I've been attending weddings. Last month this month and next month. Sheesh. Weddings are beautiful. Sweet. But I'm super duper impressed by the bride wearing a wedding gown to play DRUMS. During her wedding. It was a fast song ok. sheesh. I admire for her courage to do that. in any case people. cedric is getting married next month. Singapore is really too small.. The wedding I attended on sunday was my guitar coach getting married. And actually cedric and him plus their girlfriends attended wedding preparations together. heh. so coincidental. anyway, asthma is no where better. Breathing through my nose is no where better too. But I'm persevering. I don't want to give up on track. I've been running since Pri sch. It's kind of like sad to give up now. I guess the past years, I didn't have good team mates or a coach that will help but make you feel even worse. But now I have seen a track team that endures together, train together. It is just like another family. A close family. Everyone is important to one another. Encouraging each other when it is hard. poof! few more weeks will be IVP.All the way people! alright. I'll stop here. I'm still impressed with the bride who played drums. And I want that hello kitty electric... I'm not asking for a gibson though. just that. i hope i can still find it. oh yea. Christmas is coming. :) the girls are leaving me to go for christmas shopping. I'm dead. I have not started shopping yet. so many of them to buy for. cya ppl.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
finally.. I've decided to update. This youth camp. It's such a blessing to me. I thank GOD for that. Learnt a lot from GOD. Prepared to give up something that is so close to my heart... But I realised something... today, seems like GOD sent me a sister in Christ. She is from the same guitar class as me. Because I did a make up. She told me GOD loves us so much. He would not hurt us. I guess, track have taken my life for the past few months. GOD wants me to hold HIM first. Thinking back what he told me during the camp. It's quite true. He asked if I'm willing to give up track for HIM. I could not say yes for such a long time that I can give up. But in the very very end. I said I will if He wants me to. But GOD did not say that he want me to give up. I'm going to pray about it. I guess, it may be a test of faith if I am willing to obey GOD. Going for missions. Is another thing. I got to ask HIM. R2ME2 rocks. Got to know GOD more. understood more things. knowing many ppl more. Thanks ppl. There's nothing our God cannot do. Because GOD is PERFECT! And HE ROCKS !!! alright. I've seen many things. ok.. blog sometime later .... got to turn in ... long day tml.
Friday, December 30, 2005

I guess I am really tired of everything around me. I just feel so lost. Everything just isn't right I guess. Suffering from disappointment to sadness. Asking why is it me. But I guess, things are just not going the way it should. I'm tired.I just feel like sleeping on and on forever.Because there is just too many things to complete. It just seem that I can't complete the things that people ask me to do. sigh.Finally, I have started studying. Accounting. Finally, my account balances. That's a good sign isn't it. But I've been neglecting my guitar. My dad is getting a new car. It doesn't matter really much to me. Because I still have to travel myself. He won't drive me to school. I doubt he will ever do that. does my guitar really help strum my troubles away. I'm doubting it. alright. that's all.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I'm not studying..heylo. alright. I'm not studying which I should be.lalala. sigh. I wonder how did I end up in business. It's definitely not my cup of tea. I should be studying graphic design and all. How did I how did I make a crash into this course. Well, God has his purpose. So I'm not going to question anymore. laughs. I've decided to list things I have to do here.
1.Got to print the x campus map
2. Send bryan the x campuse graphics
3. Got to study POA lecture 4 and 5
4. Go for training
5. Send an email to A.mary the accounting.
6.Start to read Macro(Inflation)
7.Check what am I tested for the common test and when is it
- that's all. :)
Monday, December 26, 2005
Christmas for me started since thursday. When I woke up 20 minutes to 12p.m then at 12, mr Justhink called my phone. He goes :' sam, I know it's quite late to call u. But we are catching a movie in town at 1.40.' I'm like right you called at 12. While I am still like half asleep, and I'm staying at boonlay. Well done, but they are catching the chronicles of narnia. They actually mangage to get seats at cine. I'm shocked. But cool. That's when christmas started. Then after movie. Shopping again for presents. Then met up with evelyn and elaine to go to A.angie's place for dinner. We were so late. Then on friday, track for me. Ended up going home quite late. Then Dad happens to touched jurong point when I reach the interchange. So I went to get my chronicles of Narnia. I've got the book and I'm reading. The 7 books. Which sam wong call them fantasies. Whatever. Saturday well christmas party in church. Super duper fun. Actually 2 person came. Then 8 came in and 6 more came in. It turns out to be quite a huge crowd. Played wacky whacko, do you love your neighbour. then came the dumb dumb acting game. That's the most funny part. It rock man. All acted really well. Then after the party, everyone went back. Zec sent me and nelson back. Then we actually wanted to go get some food. But you see nelson and my directions are just equally horrid. Then we lost our way. Then we went to some places near qianhu fish farm. But it's a place for prawning. Cool, prawning. Looks really cool, I hope I'll try it one day. That's what we did during the first few minutes of christmas. Then we headed home. I touched home at like 1 a.m. I woke up at like 7 to wrap the remaining presents. I was really tired. Then after service was the littlest gift. cool. anyway, I'm really tired. Thank you ppl for all the presents and notes. I love you ppl. :)) I love the slippers mabel! thanks a lot to those who bought that. thanks.
CHRISTMAS is all about
Friday, December 23, 2005
someone please teach me how to study? I'm having common test on the 3rd jan 2006. What a time right ? christmas and new year holidays. I'm dreading it now. I've caught chronicles of narnia. It rocks. alright. I know I should not have went but still I love the show. I wanted to stay home to study yesterday. But I think it didn't kind of work. But I guess I'm just wasting my time away. Anyway, I need to get myself to the right mood to study. Now, I just want the whole set of chronicles of narnia. whatever. ok. I'm off to study. cya ppl.My christmas celebrations started yesterday I guess. :)) here comes the weekend.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
today. it marked the end of my guitar class. I'm moving on to fingerstyle 1. fingerpicking. :)) I hope I can do it. That'll be able to pull through this JANUARY 2006. I think it's the peak of my months in POLY. IVP on that month. Common tests as well. Plus guitar class and crusade. I'm going to cling on to GOD for strength. And that he will be with me through this tough time. I guess I really have to commit all my plans to God. He's our maker and creator. Whatever he does be it bad. It always have a purpose. God wants to mould you to be more like Him. :) Before I came back from guitar class. The nicest sister in christ made cookies for the class. Taste beautiful. soft and moist. goodie. I shall with you the recipe. heee.. it seems like this coming holidays I'll burn my kitchen down. :))
Mom's Chocolate Cookie
Preparation Time: 15 minutesCooking Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 35
1 cup unsalted butter
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
2 tsps. vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup oatmeal, ground in blender until fine
1/2 tsp. salt (necessary)
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
3/4 lb. chocolate chips
1-1/2 cups walnuts, or other nut
1/4 lb. chocolate, chopped fine or grated
InstructionsCream together first 4 ingredients in a bowl. Add eggs, one at a time. Add next 5 ingredients. Fold in last 3 ingredients. Place about 3 teaspoons of mixture per cookie on a cookie sheet. Bake 12-15 minutes.
And I like the salmon sheperd's pie one too.. Samantha is just so GREEDY. I'll share with you ppl when I blog again. anyway. loads of recipes at
www.chefs.com you ppl can try cooking. Messing up the kitchen. My mum will be the first one to kill me when I mess up the whole kitchen. laughs. I'm naughty.
how bad can it gets. I did horribly for trials. What can I say. I just have to keep my mouth shut. And stare into space. whatever. it's over anyway. I just don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm a busy bumble bee when school starts. I'm struggling. but still I got to study for my common tests. Putting my hopes in track is just a bubble that would burst anytime. But putting my hopes in music and art. I guess it wouldn't burst. It'll be like a hot air balloon. Flying high up. perhaps, God gave me different gifts. anyway, welcome back people who came back from Myanmar. hee. in any case. I love my guitar. :) I'm mad. saying this suddenly. whatever it is. Guitar creates beautiful things. I should start to memorise songs and start playing without chord sheets. haha.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
let's see what I did today. I went to church of course. looking forward to this coming weekend. it'll be tiring but still it's christmas. christmas party on the 24th. then christmas musical in church from like 2 till 5. It'll end up later than that when I get home.We'll go for dinner or perhaps ICE CREAM. I'm a greedy pig. alright. cedric's wedding clashes with IVP if I'm not wrong. And it's the very last day of IVP. maybe I should bang the wall. don't you think so? why is it spot on. I pray hard that they will end early that I'll make it for his wedding. I think I got most of the christmas gifts. Went towning this afternoon. gues what happened. the tunnel from wisma to taka. they actually jammed up and we have to stop and like wait for them to move. they were like doing crowd control. I don't think I want to go down to Orchard this week. It'll be packed as ever. It'll be worse on christmas eve. right. I got to sleep. trials tomorrow. I'm not hoping for anything. I'll just do what is within me. They are coming back tomorrow and I can't pick them up. SORRY ppl. trials are important to me. I'll meet you ppl up alright. You ppl look good with your sarongs and longjee. alright. i got to turn in now, or I'll become a panda. :)
Saturday, December 17, 2005
new de-sign. for a coming christmas. I liked this design though. another production by ME. :) I really truly wonder why I'm in business. I don't enjoy such stuff. I like music and art. But I can't brag about it. I'm there for a reason. It's in God's Plan. there is a reason behind it. but I just do not what is it. I'm thinking of meeting mum in town for christmas shopping. I know I'll be staying up late on christmas eve and the day before christmas eve wrapping the presents i bought and writing notes to them. this coming monday would be trials for 400m. I know I cannot run as well as many others out there. It's kind of demoralizing. that before the start of the race you are anticipating that you'll be the big loser. I got to look at the bright side I guess. God give me strength to overcome this psychological barrier and that when I run there's no fear in me. alright. that's all. they are coming back on MONDAY :). they must have a lot of things to share when they come back.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
I'm back to blog again.I'm in MACRO lecture blogging. My shin hurts like anything. It is not even easy for me to go up a slope now. quite painful. there's a test tml. Hopefully I don't screw up again. IVP is in one month. Seriously, yesterday's training was one of the most productive ones. I did about 7 to 8 sets of 400m. I did 2 sets of sticks training and a 3.2km campus run. I guess what Yew Cheo said was really true. And that we should cheer each other on. when we are training. It's really tough sometimes. But, with motivation and cheering, I guess it does help. We'll do it !!! Just hang in there .. :)
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
sigh. I'm finally getting a break in a few days time. alright. I'm really tired. Got to study for BCA presentation as well as BCA test. Get it over and done with. But still got to mug. As for class politics, I'm not going get myself into it anymore. I know both sides have their points. But I guessed got to learn to listen to both sides. TRM. forgoing that I think, track training is more worth it then going into tourism and resort management. It's too late to back out of track now. And now, I truly want to stay in town for my holidays. 30 days in CHINA makes me sick. I don't know man. Christmas is coming. Christmas party is coming too. big smile :) The thought of christmas takes all away, lalala. I did my christmas shopping. Not bad. quite satisfied obviously wanted to buy more for many of you ppl. But litmited cash. Guess the budget each christmas is going to increase every single year. :) tata.. gotta mug now. I'm going to be an excel pro soon!!!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
sigh. I am so busy.. I know I'll most likely die of exhaustion. Busier than anyone I guess. A 7 day scheldule for a poly student is nuts alright. mon , wed and fri is track. Tuesday is DG thursday is guitar lesson. Saturday is cell grp and sunday is church. I'm dying. I'm dragging myself through this time. sigh. I'm really tired. But i guess i would not be so busy by the end of january. I think. People bear with me. I know, I haven't have time to hange out with you people.. sorry people. alright. I'm tired. In any case, I'm have not have enough sleep for ages. I'm stressed. If I lose my temper suddenly. Please don't hold it against me. I'm really tired and everything. A high chance I might do that. so ya... alright. I'll blog some time soon..
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
busy busy busy.. I've never been so busy. I think I'm going to screw up my guitar presentation. sigh. 3 songs. continous playing. I'll screw it. I've been attending weddings. Last month this month and next month. Sheesh. Weddings are beautiful. Sweet. But I'm super duper impressed by the bride wearing a wedding gown to play DRUMS. During her wedding. It was a fast song ok. sheesh. I admire for her courage to do that. in any case people. cedric is getting married next month. Singapore is really too small.. The wedding I attended on sunday was my guitar coach getting married. And actually cedric and him plus their girlfriends attended wedding preparations together. heh. so coincidental. anyway, asthma is no where better. Breathing through my nose is no where better too. But I'm persevering. I don't want to give up on track. I've been running since Pri sch. It's kind of like sad to give up now. I guess the past years, I didn't have good team mates or a coach that will help but make you feel even worse. But now I have seen a track team that endures together, train together. It is just like another family. A close family. Everyone is important to one another. Encouraging each other when it is hard. poof! few more weeks will be IVP.All the way people! alright. I'll stop here. I'm still impressed with the bride who played drums. And I want that hello kitty electric... I'm not asking for a gibson though. just that. i hope i can still find it. oh yea. Christmas is coming. :) the girls are leaving me to go for christmas shopping. I'm dead. I have not started shopping yet. so many of them to buy for. cya ppl.
Thursday, December 01, 2005
finally.. I've decided to update. This youth camp. It's such a blessing to me. I thank GOD for that. Learnt a lot from GOD. Prepared to give up something that is so close to my heart... But I realised something... today, seems like GOD sent me a sister in Christ. She is from the same guitar class as me. Because I did a make up. She told me GOD loves us so much. He would not hurt us. I guess, track have taken my life for the past few months. GOD wants me to hold HIM first. Thinking back what he told me during the camp. It's quite true. He asked if I'm willing to give up track for HIM. I could not say yes for such a long time that I can give up. But in the very very end. I said I will if He wants me to. But GOD did not say that he want me to give up. I'm going to pray about it. I guess, it may be a test of faith if I am willing to obey GOD. Going for missions. Is another thing. I got to ask HIM. R2ME2 rocks. Got to know GOD more. understood more things. knowing many ppl more. Thanks ppl. There's nothing our God cannot do. Because GOD is PERFECT! And HE ROCKS !!! alright. I've seen many things. ok.. blog sometime later .... got to turn in ... long day tml.