Friday, October 28, 2005

My blog is worth $19,758.90.
How much is your blog worth?

we can now measure how much our blog worth.. so weird
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Hmm.. I'm going back to school in a few days time. so sad. And I'm already booked till next thursday. I'll only be free on friday. Thank God there's no believer music next week. I'll never be able to squeeze that one hour out. :) I guess I'm happy with everything I have.
But ONE horrible thing happened to me. My DAD cannot believe I was capable of that. I didn't know I was. The strings I bought from davis are wasted. It was because of the stupid me. Now, my guitar only have 2 strings left out of 6. How clever am I. I broke the 4 strings. I'll never one to restring my guitar ever. Until if there's only a real need. so sad right. I have to go get new strings today. Dad ask me to get 2 packs. Laughs. He's afraid, I break them again. I got so frustrated with those strings. sighs.
I just realised. I have a make up lecture on wednesday. at 5-6 pm. And I release at like lunch time. And it came at such time slot. Goodness. What more, I have to go for the crusade camp. total wrong timing. Total clash. arr.. I hope there's another make up lecture in between so that, I won't waste so much time. Going for an hour of BCA lecture is quite pointless though.
but nevertheless, I'm going to enjoy what I have left. I'm going to davis later :) cya. next time, I should get a part time at a guitar shop, since I go there like really often. I've decided to stop track for a while. God is like telling me. I'm not to run for the time being I hope. poof. right. most likely I'll appear after IVP. what's wrong with me though. nvm. cya.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
It's been really long since I updated.new layout which says lifestyle 5-3-1. I really find it meaningful about lifestyle 5-3-1. Worshipping God is a lifestyle. However, lifestyle 5-3-1 is different. Well it meant praying for 5 people, sharing the gospel with 3. That 1 will accept Christ. Lifestyle 5-3-1 actually meant evangelism being a lifestyle. So I did the layout with Lifestyle 5-3-1. Bear with it a while. The graphic looks a bit ugly and messy. When I have inspiration, I'll redo it. I'm also sorry, for those I did not link up. Give me some time to do it. Lifestyle 5-3-1 is a theme of the camp for crusade. Well, I'm part of the day games commitee. Games. This is the first time I planned a game using a verse. And the 2 hour game is all about evangelism. Somewhere there. We used the verse.
Matt 28:19-20
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.
It was hard planning games using this verse. poof. but we did it. Yeah! I'm happy basically. Then I learnt about the LOST game. I think it is great. A game involving spiritual aspects. I cannot believe it. There are actually such games. Apprentice - E.. I'm really excited now. that's all for now.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
oh.. another rainy day. I guess I did accomplish quite a lot today. I did a JUST ART blog.
www.just-art.blogspot.com. I love to design. But there isn't a space for me. To let ppl see and comment on them. So i thought. This will bring about the other side of me too. POOF.I'll be super duper busy when term starts. I have a full packed week on the first week of school. Goodness. But I rather be BUSY. Holidays are boring. When you have no objectives. But I have no idea how to work on the website. what am I to do. I'll work something out real soon I hope.that's all for now.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
yesterday. met up with the x campus commitee. i realised. organising such events, there is really a lot of things to learn. Publicity making banners, making registration forms. Creating logos, decide closing dates. And doing budget proposals. Goodness. So many things to do when we have to organise such events. Inviting schools to come in and join. big time. In anycase, I actually like to organise events. :) I actually had fear to run, I realised it yesterday. But I can't run away from it in anycase. There's like so little girls. How are we going to run for IVP. January will be IVP. less than 3 months. Jesus is my SUPERHERO. So if I meet any trouble, he will come and save me.alright. I'm going to do some slides today. I'll blog some other time then.
Sunday, October 16, 2005

I think you ppl see this guitar before. This pink hello kitty electric. My eyes are sparkling on it. I definitely hope that, they still have it in singapore. There will only be one place to find it. I guess. That'll be wake me up music store. anyone wants to go there and take a look? I want to see it.but anyway, I do not know what to pray for. I don't seem to need anything. I have everything. I'm contented. But this guitar crossed my mind when I was talking to uncle cedric today. I decided to ask God for this guitar. Firstly, I liked it. At least, it's kind of trendy and not like the normal electric I see around. I hope I can get it. If I ever get it, I hope someone really good will teach me how to play it. I hope he will teach me if I really got it :))) [ i shan't reveal the person here.] Tomorrow is track time. :) miss them all. As for the chest pains and all. I'm not going to be bothered by it. I'm still going to whack. Just whack. Think about the consequences later. No one can stop me :) Inhaler is horrid though. :(
Friday, October 14, 2005

haha. came back from pastor kenny place. Now, finding inspiration to do the church site. my DGL just called me. I really thank God for her. One of the person who really care for her dg ppl. I think she is really top of the top. she'll call us when she miss us. think of us all this while. I really must thank God for her. Really thank God for the friends that I have. I found out another thing about year 2 . heex. doesn't seems like I made a wrong choice in ngee ann. we have a module called electronic commerce. which require us to build a site to sell our stuff. I think katherine and wee leong will definitely benefit from it. They like to auction their stuff. I think this will definitely benefit them. alright. that's all for now.
... I realised VCDs help one to be happier ? I don't know. At least you will not keep thinking of problems. Anyway, Sarah added me a thank you post. I want to have one too. Thanking all of the friends.
Thank God for my FRIENDS :)
1. Sarah.P . She is my great friend. Which I can share with her anything. She listens to all my rantings/problems. She gives me advices. Thank God for her, for the fun time we had. Watching VCDs, trying to study together but ended playing guitar together. It's really a blessing to have her.
2. becca ,leanne, miah, zongyao, tab,adin. These are the friends that I made in sonicfest 2005. During the few days, we really had fun serving God.Checkpoint C. becca. all the best to your 'O's . :) leanne, you are a beautiful girl that have a great smile :) miah. all the best in ARMY. look to God for strength.zongyao. our results. I think it does not really matter. It's whether we enjoy ourselves in poly. nvm about the GPA. I'm equally bad too. tab. truly miss you. the cute girl, who all of us tease. all the best to you. Adin, thanks for everything. from the sharing I had with you. thanks friend.
3.starSfish. thanks everyone is starSfish.especially Zec and sharon. Thanks for always so concern about me. thanks.
4. J.Mo, Sam.G, Evelyn, Elaine. thank you J.Mo. for tolerating my nonsense. I like to disturb him though. but I won't disturb anyone anymore. no msn is good. Sam.G you're really a great friend too. another person I disturb. doing stupid things. trying to talk through skype. a bit stupid though. Evelyn, thanks for always being so caring. really nice of you. Elaine you too. Thank you.
5. all my friends. basically, I have so many friends.so here's for everyone I didn't mention. thank you for all of you. For being there and everything. Thank you so much. :)
Yesterday, went to see the heart specialist. He says I'm ok. It may be due to asthma that's why I had chest pains. whee. I can go back to track. he gave me pain killers and something that will stop the pain. As well as the inhaler. :) I'm going to watch VCDs again. see ya
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I went out to get my X ray today. All well, just the treadmill shows abnormal signs. later I'll go to the doctor. I just got a really good ideas. Doing christian threads on sharing christ. Using our experiences. In a form of small booklets with pictures. I got my timetable for the next semester. quite packed. But I decided to design cover pages for the subjects and put them into my file. It'll be really cool and nice. I shall have a black and white theme. now, I'm going back to logo design first
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
alright. today, I'm really happy. Sarah came over to my place. Brought back my whole slam dunk series of VCDs and comics. Then she brought over the when a prince turns into a frog. I was happily watching the whole afternoon. I think she must be reading the digital fortress now. haha. I've never been that happy before. Actually, I've been thinking what will happen to me when TRACK is no longer in my life. I'm quite upset about it. But I've thought it over. JUST WHACK . don't keep yourself within those boundaries. I can still run. If God takes me away. So be it. I've no regrets I guess. Because I'm happy. What we have now, treasure everything. Once it is gone, it'll not return. I've decided not to go online so often means I'm switching off MSN for the time being. You won't be able to get me through MSN when I'm online. So yup! I've decided to fully work on the website design and all.
* I'm just a call or a msg away and a tag away. [ available only to ppl who have my no.]
[warning! : please dun call me unnecessarily, I just want peace]
LoveI've been listening to sermons online. Guess holidays make me so bored. So I listened like 3 of them from yesterday till now. I learnt a lot about love.
Matt 22 :35 - 40
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. It meant, the most important thing ever is to love your GOD with all your heart,soul and mind. Then, love your neighbour as yourself. I think I don't love my neighbours enough I guess. I've got to learn to love them as myself. I love them perhaps not to the extend of loving myself.
John 16:20
My prayer is not for them alone.I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me
God want his people to be united as ONE. believing in HIM. :)
things to do today
1. wrpf logo
2. sarah's hse [ watch vcds] -- big smile :)
Monday, October 10, 2005
poof. I hate check ups. I didn't want to go this morning to SATA. Anyway, still i went. did ECG and treadmill. the results turn out as I expected. something's wrong with me. I knew it. It's like GOD saying, Sam NO MORE RUNNING for you. well, I've got to learn to accept it. Perhaps take up something else. Tennis , squash. Oh perhaps, God just wants me study really hard. I got to know this. I should have known, no running for me anymore. Somehow this year, joining track was some sort of a pain to me. scheldules, birthdays, projects have to be pushed away for my Track trainings. argh. no exercise for me for the time being I guess. I'll be a really good girl to keep away from sports. Till everything is like alright. Sam.L is sad, but Sam.L is looking at the bright side. At least no one can keep the SUN away from me :) Poof!
Friday, October 07, 2005
alright. I'm still up at this hour. I was looking at JOSHUA 21. I am going mad soon. I want to go for mission trips. I love them. The ppl there. anyway. fever05 . I've been thinking, finding out about fever 05. I've got fever 04 picture in my book though. I want to go to East Timor. I just want to go. But term started. It meant a straight no. I'm sad. I pray that a miracle will happen. Even if I can't go. I think I'll sign up for the conference. I guess it teaches me more about loving people. I guess I'll go for the conference. I just realised. I got tons and tons of things to do. taking up a third language. going for track, studying,websites, mission trips, my guitar lessons. My cup is overflowing. the cup meant my life. I thank God for a lot of things. My results. I guess I'm happy with it. I know I got to study harder not slacking anymore.And, I've got to know how to let go of things. I can't hold on to things forever.
www.joshua21.org.sg that's the website to J21.
Monday, October 03, 2005
went out with ramesh, sam.G and J.mo to city hall yesterday. Had a great time. Bought my guitar strings. New strings ! yup. I'll do a guitar post sometime later this week.
we were at rafflescity eating burgerking . Talking and all. Then we all got to know the secret of rafflescity. I just cannot believe it. That place. Actually there are such things. Nvm
I'm really bored. there's nothing for me to do. I'm really like bored to tears and I'm rotting at home! it's seriously boring. I've been watching a lot of tv lately. they are equally boring too. i don't know what's wrong with me.
Friday, October 28, 2005

My blog is worth $19,758.90.
How much is your blog worth?

we can now measure how much our blog worth.. so weird
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Hmm.. I'm going back to school in a few days time. so sad. And I'm already booked till next thursday. I'll only be free on friday. Thank God there's no believer music next week. I'll never be able to squeeze that one hour out. :) I guess I'm happy with everything I have.
But ONE horrible thing happened to me. My DAD cannot believe I was capable of that. I didn't know I was. The strings I bought from davis are wasted. It was because of the stupid me. Now, my guitar only have 2 strings left out of 6. How clever am I. I broke the 4 strings. I'll never one to restring my guitar ever. Until if there's only a real need. so sad right. I have to go get new strings today. Dad ask me to get 2 packs. Laughs. He's afraid, I break them again. I got so frustrated with those strings. sighs.
I just realised. I have a make up lecture on wednesday. at 5-6 pm. And I release at like lunch time. And it came at such time slot. Goodness. What more, I have to go for the crusade camp. total wrong timing. Total clash. arr.. I hope there's another make up lecture in between so that, I won't waste so much time. Going for an hour of BCA lecture is quite pointless though.
but nevertheless, I'm going to enjoy what I have left. I'm going to davis later :) cya. next time, I should get a part time at a guitar shop, since I go there like really often. I've decided to stop track for a while. God is like telling me. I'm not to run for the time being I hope. poof. right. most likely I'll appear after IVP. what's wrong with me though. nvm. cya.
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
It's been really long since I updated.new layout which says lifestyle 5-3-1. I really find it meaningful about lifestyle 5-3-1. Worshipping God is a lifestyle. However, lifestyle 5-3-1 is different. Well it meant praying for 5 people, sharing the gospel with 3. That 1 will accept Christ. Lifestyle 5-3-1 actually meant evangelism being a lifestyle. So I did the layout with Lifestyle 5-3-1. Bear with it a while. The graphic looks a bit ugly and messy. When I have inspiration, I'll redo it. I'm also sorry, for those I did not link up. Give me some time to do it. Lifestyle 5-3-1 is a theme of the camp for crusade. Well, I'm part of the day games commitee. Games. This is the first time I planned a game using a verse. And the 2 hour game is all about evangelism. Somewhere there. We used the verse.
Matt 28:19-20
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.
It was hard planning games using this verse. poof. but we did it. Yeah! I'm happy basically. Then I learnt about the LOST game. I think it is great. A game involving spiritual aspects. I cannot believe it. There are actually such games. Apprentice - E.. I'm really excited now. that's all for now.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
oh.. another rainy day. I guess I did accomplish quite a lot today. I did a JUST ART blog.
www.just-art.blogspot.com. I love to design. But there isn't a space for me. To let ppl see and comment on them. So i thought. This will bring about the other side of me too. POOF.I'll be super duper busy when term starts. I have a full packed week on the first week of school. Goodness. But I rather be BUSY. Holidays are boring. When you have no objectives. But I have no idea how to work on the website. what am I to do. I'll work something out real soon I hope.that's all for now.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
yesterday. met up with the x campus commitee. i realised. organising such events, there is really a lot of things to learn. Publicity making banners, making registration forms. Creating logos, decide closing dates. And doing budget proposals. Goodness. So many things to do when we have to organise such events. Inviting schools to come in and join. big time. In anycase, I actually like to organise events. :) I actually had fear to run, I realised it yesterday. But I can't run away from it in anycase. There's like so little girls. How are we going to run for IVP. January will be IVP. less than 3 months. Jesus is my SUPERHERO. So if I meet any trouble, he will come and save me.alright. I'm going to do some slides today. I'll blog some other time then.
Sunday, October 16, 2005

I think you ppl see this guitar before. This pink hello kitty electric. My eyes are sparkling on it. I definitely hope that, they still have it in singapore. There will only be one place to find it. I guess. That'll be wake me up music store. anyone wants to go there and take a look? I want to see it.but anyway, I do not know what to pray for. I don't seem to need anything. I have everything. I'm contented. But this guitar crossed my mind when I was talking to uncle cedric today. I decided to ask God for this guitar. Firstly, I liked it. At least, it's kind of trendy and not like the normal electric I see around. I hope I can get it. If I ever get it, I hope someone really good will teach me how to play it. I hope he will teach me if I really got it :))) [ i shan't reveal the person here.] Tomorrow is track time. :) miss them all. As for the chest pains and all. I'm not going to be bothered by it. I'm still going to whack. Just whack. Think about the consequences later. No one can stop me :) Inhaler is horrid though. :(
Friday, October 14, 2005

haha. came back from pastor kenny place. Now, finding inspiration to do the church site. my DGL just called me. I really thank God for her. One of the person who really care for her dg ppl. I think she is really top of the top. she'll call us when she miss us. think of us all this while. I really must thank God for her. Really thank God for the friends that I have. I found out another thing about year 2 . heex. doesn't seems like I made a wrong choice in ngee ann. we have a module called electronic commerce. which require us to build a site to sell our stuff. I think katherine and wee leong will definitely benefit from it. They like to auction their stuff. I think this will definitely benefit them. alright. that's all for now.
... I realised VCDs help one to be happier ? I don't know. At least you will not keep thinking of problems. Anyway, Sarah added me a thank you post. I want to have one too. Thanking all of the friends.
Thank God for my FRIENDS :)
1. Sarah.P . She is my great friend. Which I can share with her anything. She listens to all my rantings/problems. She gives me advices. Thank God for her, for the fun time we had. Watching VCDs, trying to study together but ended playing guitar together. It's really a blessing to have her.
2. becca ,leanne, miah, zongyao, tab,adin. These are the friends that I made in sonicfest 2005. During the few days, we really had fun serving God.Checkpoint C. becca. all the best to your 'O's . :) leanne, you are a beautiful girl that have a great smile :) miah. all the best in ARMY. look to God for strength.zongyao. our results. I think it does not really matter. It's whether we enjoy ourselves in poly. nvm about the GPA. I'm equally bad too. tab. truly miss you. the cute girl, who all of us tease. all the best to you. Adin, thanks for everything. from the sharing I had with you. thanks friend.
3.starSfish. thanks everyone is starSfish.especially Zec and sharon. Thanks for always so concern about me. thanks.
4. J.Mo, Sam.G, Evelyn, Elaine. thank you J.Mo. for tolerating my nonsense. I like to disturb him though. but I won't disturb anyone anymore. no msn is good. Sam.G you're really a great friend too. another person I disturb. doing stupid things. trying to talk through skype. a bit stupid though. Evelyn, thanks for always being so caring. really nice of you. Elaine you too. Thank you.
5. all my friends. basically, I have so many friends.so here's for everyone I didn't mention. thank you for all of you. For being there and everything. Thank you so much. :)
Yesterday, went to see the heart specialist. He says I'm ok. It may be due to asthma that's why I had chest pains. whee. I can go back to track. he gave me pain killers and something that will stop the pain. As well as the inhaler. :) I'm going to watch VCDs again. see ya
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
I went out to get my X ray today. All well, just the treadmill shows abnormal signs. later I'll go to the doctor. I just got a really good ideas. Doing christian threads on sharing christ. Using our experiences. In a form of small booklets with pictures. I got my timetable for the next semester. quite packed. But I decided to design cover pages for the subjects and put them into my file. It'll be really cool and nice. I shall have a black and white theme. now, I'm going back to logo design first
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
alright. today, I'm really happy. Sarah came over to my place. Brought back my whole slam dunk series of VCDs and comics. Then she brought over the when a prince turns into a frog. I was happily watching the whole afternoon. I think she must be reading the digital fortress now. haha. I've never been that happy before. Actually, I've been thinking what will happen to me when TRACK is no longer in my life. I'm quite upset about it. But I've thought it over. JUST WHACK . don't keep yourself within those boundaries. I can still run. If God takes me away. So be it. I've no regrets I guess. Because I'm happy. What we have now, treasure everything. Once it is gone, it'll not return. I've decided not to go online so often means I'm switching off MSN for the time being. You won't be able to get me through MSN when I'm online. So yup! I've decided to fully work on the website design and all.
* I'm just a call or a msg away and a tag away. [ available only to ppl who have my no.]
[warning! : please dun call me unnecessarily, I just want peace]
LoveI've been listening to sermons online. Guess holidays make me so bored. So I listened like 3 of them from yesterday till now. I learnt a lot about love.
Matt 22 :35 - 40
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. It meant, the most important thing ever is to love your GOD with all your heart,soul and mind. Then, love your neighbour as yourself. I think I don't love my neighbours enough I guess. I've got to learn to love them as myself. I love them perhaps not to the extend of loving myself.
John 16:20
My prayer is not for them alone.I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you.May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me
God want his people to be united as ONE. believing in HIM. :)
things to do today
1. wrpf logo
2. sarah's hse [ watch vcds] -- big smile :)
Monday, October 10, 2005
poof. I hate check ups. I didn't want to go this morning to SATA. Anyway, still i went. did ECG and treadmill. the results turn out as I expected. something's wrong with me. I knew it. It's like GOD saying, Sam NO MORE RUNNING for you. well, I've got to learn to accept it. Perhaps take up something else. Tennis , squash. Oh perhaps, God just wants me study really hard. I got to know this. I should have known, no running for me anymore. Somehow this year, joining track was some sort of a pain to me. scheldules, birthdays, projects have to be pushed away for my Track trainings. argh. no exercise for me for the time being I guess. I'll be a really good girl to keep away from sports. Till everything is like alright. Sam.L is sad, but Sam.L is looking at the bright side. At least no one can keep the SUN away from me :) Poof!
Friday, October 07, 2005
alright. I'm still up at this hour. I was looking at JOSHUA 21. I am going mad soon. I want to go for mission trips. I love them. The ppl there. anyway. fever05 . I've been thinking, finding out about fever 05. I've got fever 04 picture in my book though. I want to go to East Timor. I just want to go. But term started. It meant a straight no. I'm sad. I pray that a miracle will happen. Even if I can't go. I think I'll sign up for the conference. I guess it teaches me more about loving people. I guess I'll go for the conference. I just realised. I got tons and tons of things to do. taking up a third language. going for track, studying,websites, mission trips, my guitar lessons. My cup is overflowing. the cup meant my life. I thank God for a lot of things. My results. I guess I'm happy with it. I know I got to study harder not slacking anymore.And, I've got to know how to let go of things. I can't hold on to things forever.
www.joshua21.org.sg that's the website to J21.
Monday, October 03, 2005
went out with ramesh, sam.G and J.mo to city hall yesterday. Had a great time. Bought my guitar strings. New strings ! yup. I'll do a guitar post sometime later this week.
we were at rafflescity eating burgerking . Talking and all. Then we all got to know the secret of rafflescity. I just cannot believe it. That place. Actually there are such things. Nvm
I'm really bored. there's nothing for me to do. I'm really like bored to tears and I'm rotting at home! it's seriously boring. I've been watching a lot of tv lately. they are equally boring too. i don't know what's wrong with me.