Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I like this guitar C; My favourite. HELLO KITTY. I love HELLO KITTY since I'm young. I collect of it's things. I used to have a big hello kitty that mum bought. but it was spoilt so it was dumped away. I decided to do graphics again. after about one week of break. I'll get a new blog to post my graphics. anyway. that kitty electric guitar is about $450 . but its cute. the first one i like was the emily the strange one. now this.
Monday, September 26, 2005
alright. I've set some rules after some lesson I learnt yesterday.
THE 3 rules.
1. don't ever ever try *IRRITATING* me! [ anything that irritates me I'll flare up]
2. don't ever lie in front of me that I can find out. [ for ppl who are blur enough]
3.don't make empty promises. [ it is a promise means a promise]
right. I get irritated easily. don't get me on my nerves. I'm unpredictable when things get on my nerve. If you don't know. I'm telling you now. don't ever IRRITATE me. If you do, like J.Mo. I won't talk to you until I'm not angry. argh. the second lesson I learnt. Never trust people easily. Ppl say it's nice doesn't really mean it is that nice. Now, trusting ppl is not that easy anymore. you ppl must be wondering what's wrong with me. what 3 rules. It serves as a warning. I'll go berserk if you irritate me. Just like what J.Mo did. Playing the games. telling me it is nice. right. not nice at all. I'm still angry. -.-
Besides that, the week before, I almost got bang! by a motorbike. It was so close that Yifeng had to pull me. but don't know why he didn't.I was still like under shock. continuing to walk without moving in. But thank God I'm safe. C: rahs. if you're reading, put up the lyrics the song you and grassy wrote. there's songwriters in church. so cool. grassy like wrote quite a no. of songs. C:
Sunday, September 25, 2005
alright. the last training. I had chest pain too. but nevermind. I just carried on. somemore I pushed myself to finishing that 5 sets of 200m. Just muscle aches here and there. I went east coast park. Cycling with nathan and joel. the others they were walking the dogs. sushee is beautiful.right.Joel send me some stupid games that scares ppl. I'm not going to talk to him for the time being. I don't trust you anymore JOEL MO. what nice and fun. hmph. -.-
Thursday, September 22, 2005
press your fingers into my cavities
the paint is slowly peeling
subtle, no less
somehow not me
I bleed crimson for your palette
and wine for your tongue
give me reason,
Your lies are selfish
hesistate not
to mould me into shapes
the cloth is not delicate, it is strong
just like the fabric of my heart
I will stand you
until your colours run dry
- thought it was beautiful. Thank GOD for HIS protection. I almost got knocked down by a motorcycle. someone almost had to pull me in. Right.I've got to be more careful with roads. I'm down with a flu, or I'll be at ECP with the crusaders. Sad. Raining somehow make one depress though. the darkness. Trainings these days, I find it hard. I had chest pains when I train. I hope the inhaler will help.Even though I dislike that.Seeing them run, I am sort of missing the past, when I used to run with the wind. No obstructions or obstacle, just running freely. I am bored. Holidays are truly boring.I'm tired and drained after training yesterday. that's all C;
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
it's raining. eeks. I finish the complete design of the website yesterday. contented. I had a really hard time doing that. That's the first and hopefully the last web design which I coated it with my tears. I don't understand why. But I guess, when you people see my photobucket you'll see a couple of design, but I could not use them. because my coding is horrible. I've got a lot of readings to do this week. I'm trying my best to improve my html, which includes scripting though.I wonder what's wrong with me. Anyway, I'm half way through digital fortress. Great book. I'll never thought of such ideas to write though. I shall leave a code here for people to decode. tag me to see if you know. This code is adapted from digital fortress C;
the code:
Monday, September 19, 2005
SONICFEST 2005[ my GOOD memories -nv be taken away from me]GIVE STAGE [ reaching to GOD]

Planetshakers :)

sonicfest prayer meeting

sound check

I've been sad. but sonicfest takes that away from me. I'm upset with myself but never with sonicfest. It's the best. The real photos aren't up yet. they are just some random shots. I truly miss it. I'm signing up to be crew next year too. I'm going to do some shoutouts.
miah : you're going army soon. You'll get over it ! no worries ok ? (:
becca: all the best to your 'O's I'll pray for you! catch up some day ok C:
tab: hey gurl, you're the one who always brings LAUGHTER! study real hard C:
adin: We've shared a lot of stuff with each other. Thanks for all your advice (:
leanne: you have a great smile C; study hard, GOD will lead you .
zongyao: I will never forget all of us watched russell peters on your laptop at park mall. we like got chased out in the end. really great time with you people (:
- we are from the same team actually only on saturday, I had to go the other checkpoint. I miss you ppl.

I've decided to blog again. Things are finally going right. I've never been so depressed before. I won't say why. My blog got is finally in ricebowl journals. I'm super happy when I received that email. don't ask me why. well, I won't lock my blog again. I don't understand why I did that too. Perhaps, I just want to try the password script. I did web designing till 3 a.m this morning. I almost closed a website. But someone is persuasive enough to stop it from happening. I'm getting my html coding right. the picture is what I created for the closure of the website. I really could have just copy and paste. and the page will be still. I'm getting to doubt myself of what GOD have given me. what does HE want me to do. do I have the flare of doing web designing. argh. anyway,I'll leave you with this: from the church bulletin. here goes.
Give God what''s right - not what's left
Man's way lead to a hopeless end
God's way leads to an endless hope
A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing
He who kneels before God can stand before anyone
Sunday, September 18, 2005
I'm making a post for Sarah. haha. thanks for the book. LOVE it (: it's been so long since we went out together. I guess months and months ago. we were so busy. right. realised, going Jurong Point is not as boring if I went with right people huh? shopping around. walking from shops to shops. We'll never fail to stop by cards n such. Don't know why. after that you said you want to study. asked me if I want to go to your house. about 20mins later. I'm at her house. we did some music uploads and stuff. I'm having holidays. so nothing to study. I was there watching my MVP valentine. sarah was studying really hard. but in the end, we ended up watching the show together. it isn't wise to sit beside a computer playing MVP valentine when studying.I've not been really joyful and stuff these weeks. But just now, I guess I found it. thanks.when you finish your exams. I'm having vacation too. haha. sleepovers at each other house.
today, for no reason I thought of apple strudels. Haven't been seeing those when I walk down the streets. I miss them though.I guess I've got to learn to be not so perfect. I'm trying my best to be perfect all the time.sometime, things just don't go the way I want. html coding just make me lose my cool. I just can't do it the way I wanted it to be.
*note [ I won't be updating much lately, emotions been going up and down ..And sarah I wrote you one post ok?so nice of me right? ]
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I had the most horrible birthday ever. BSTATS totally ruin the whole day. I've been mugging the whole morning. When I sat for the paper, it was difficult. I'm not going to complain anymore. I'll not be updating anymore for quite sometime. I don't know for how long. :) ok. NO MORE updates.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Share something about baseball today :) Here goes, I got it from friendster thought it was beautiful so yup. :)
Its All About The Lord
Freddy and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team.The Lord's team was at bat, the score was tiedzero to zero,and it was the bottom of the 9thWinning with two outs.They continued to watch as a batter stepped up tothe plate named 'Love.'Love swung at the first pitch and hit asingle, because "Love never fails."The next batter was named Faith,who also got a single because Faith works withLove.The next batter up was named Godly Wisdom.Satan wound up and threw the first pitch.Godly Wisdom looked it over and letit pass:Ball one.Three more pitches and Godly Wisdom walked because he never swings at what Satan throws.The bases were now loaded. The Lord then turned to Freddy and told him He was now going to bring in His star player.Up to the plate stepped Grace.Freddy said, "He sure doesn't look likemuch!"Satan's whole team relaxed when they saw Grace.Thinking he had won the game,Satan wound up andfired his first pitch.To the shock of everyone, Grace hitthe ball harder than anyone had ever Seen! But Satan was not worried; his center fielder let very few get by.He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head and sent him crashingon the ground;the roaring crowds went wild as the ball continued over the fence . . . for a home run!The Lord's team wIn!The Lord then asked Freddy if he knew why Love, Faithand Godly Wisdom could get on base but couldn't win the game. Freddy answered that he didn't know why.The Lord explained, "If your love,faith and wisdom had won the game, you would think you had done it by yourself. Love, Faith and Wisdom will get you on base but only My Grace can get you Home:'For by Grace are you saved, it is a gift of God;not of works,lest any man should boast." Ephestians 2:8-9
Psalm 84:11, "For the Lord God is a sun anDshield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."Jesus' TesT:This is an easy test; you score 100 or zero.It's your choice.If you aren't ashamed to do this,please follow the directions.Jesus said,"If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father."If you are Not ashamed!! Pass this on, if you mean it.For I do Love God. He is my source of existence and Savior.He keeps me functioning each and everyday.Without Him, I am nothing,but with him:"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13This is the simplest test . . If you Love God,and are not ashamed of all the great things he done.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

right.. went for track training after a really long time. the training was bad for me. I couldn't do it. 5 rounds of 100m relay. certainly kill. Then, there's this person in my team who runs like SONIC. He's a national runner though. He gave me even more pressure. I could not rest enough and he was already coming back and passing me the baton. then finally, I couldn't breathe. I was like in an asthmatic condition. If woah yi wasn't there, I most likely will collapse. Then I sat there for a long time, was gettin headaches when I was resting. It was so bad. I looked so dead at that moment. Thanks woah yi.She say it was a condition called hypoventilation. My lungs could not get enough air. It was really bad. It's like what I had when I was in Sec 4. I just collapse and slept in the sick bay for like 4 hrs. I went to the market to have dinner. I'm definitely so blur. Haha. another couple in track. Laughs. Life is full of surprises. If i can run like SONIC that will be so cool. I can't deny he is good. Talented runner I should say. He doesn't really like train but he is still extremely fast. I like that picture though.obviously it is photo manipulated. I gotta mug.
Friday, September 02, 2005
ello. I didn't update for quite long. I haven't been going for training. Seems that the passion I used to have for TRACK just disappeared. I certainly hope I find it back. This week was an empty week. I have totally no idea what I've been doing. I guess I was sleeping. The highlight of the week was watching PROJECT SUPERSTAR. I actually sat through the whole programme in front of that TV. I never like chinese songs. I don't think anyone will find chinese song in my laptop. Till now, no chinese songs. heez.. I don't fancy them, but quite an accomplishment sitting through project superstar. The singers sang beautifully. I think both are equally good. Whatever. I was hoping that WEILIAN will win. It's not easy to be there. I was asking my mum and dad how long he took to learn a song. The judges wrote him a song to sing. And the most amazing thing is, he cannot see the lyrics. Using braille, isn't it like english. How did he ever do that. Anyway, I had a beautiful evening yesterday, watching that. I think it's far better than Singapore Idol. It's so kiotic for Singapore Idol. I had my last netball lesson. That's all for Sports and wellness module.What a class I had. The games just rock. I want to go Myanmar. I miss the kids there. There's this special something there I want to go back. The people I guess. I certainly wonder if it's God's will for me to go. If my dad can make it for the DEC trip, I'll go with him. Totally blend in with the burmese. haha. Let's see how then. :)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I like this guitar C; My favourite. HELLO KITTY. I love HELLO KITTY since I'm young. I collect of it's things. I used to have a big hello kitty that mum bought. but it was spoilt so it was dumped away. I decided to do graphics again. after about one week of break. I'll get a new blog to post my graphics. anyway. that kitty electric guitar is about $450 . but its cute. the first one i like was the emily the strange one. now this.
Monday, September 26, 2005
alright. I've set some rules after some lesson I learnt yesterday.
THE 3 rules.
1. don't ever ever try *IRRITATING* me! [ anything that irritates me I'll flare up]
2. don't ever lie in front of me that I can find out. [ for ppl who are blur enough]
3.don't make empty promises. [ it is a promise means a promise]
right. I get irritated easily. don't get me on my nerves. I'm unpredictable when things get on my nerve. If you don't know. I'm telling you now. don't ever IRRITATE me. If you do, like J.Mo. I won't talk to you until I'm not angry. argh. the second lesson I learnt. Never trust people easily. Ppl say it's nice doesn't really mean it is that nice. Now, trusting ppl is not that easy anymore. you ppl must be wondering what's wrong with me. what 3 rules. It serves as a warning. I'll go berserk if you irritate me. Just like what J.Mo did. Playing the games. telling me it is nice. right. not nice at all. I'm still angry. -.-
Besides that, the week before, I almost got bang! by a motorbike. It was so close that Yifeng had to pull me. but don't know why he didn't.I was still like under shock. continuing to walk without moving in. But thank God I'm safe. C: rahs. if you're reading, put up the lyrics the song you and grassy wrote. there's songwriters in church. so cool. grassy like wrote quite a no. of songs. C:
Sunday, September 25, 2005
alright. the last training. I had chest pain too. but nevermind. I just carried on. somemore I pushed myself to finishing that 5 sets of 200m. Just muscle aches here and there. I went east coast park. Cycling with nathan and joel. the others they were walking the dogs. sushee is beautiful.right.Joel send me some stupid games that scares ppl. I'm not going to talk to him for the time being. I don't trust you anymore JOEL MO. what nice and fun. hmph. -.-
Thursday, September 22, 2005
press your fingers into my cavities
the paint is slowly peeling
subtle, no less
somehow not me
I bleed crimson for your palette
and wine for your tongue
give me reason,
Your lies are selfish
hesistate not
to mould me into shapes
the cloth is not delicate, it is strong
just like the fabric of my heart
I will stand you
until your colours run dry
- thought it was beautiful. Thank GOD for HIS protection. I almost got knocked down by a motorcycle. someone almost had to pull me in. Right.I've got to be more careful with roads. I'm down with a flu, or I'll be at ECP with the crusaders. Sad. Raining somehow make one depress though. the darkness. Trainings these days, I find it hard. I had chest pains when I train. I hope the inhaler will help.Even though I dislike that.Seeing them run, I am sort of missing the past, when I used to run with the wind. No obstructions or obstacle, just running freely. I am bored. Holidays are truly boring.I'm tired and drained after training yesterday. that's all C;
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
it's raining. eeks. I finish the complete design of the website yesterday. contented. I had a really hard time doing that. That's the first and hopefully the last web design which I coated it with my tears. I don't understand why. But I guess, when you people see my photobucket you'll see a couple of design, but I could not use them. because my coding is horrible. I've got a lot of readings to do this week. I'm trying my best to improve my html, which includes scripting though.I wonder what's wrong with me. Anyway, I'm half way through digital fortress. Great book. I'll never thought of such ideas to write though. I shall leave a code here for people to decode. tag me to see if you know. This code is adapted from digital fortress C;
the code:
Monday, September 19, 2005
SONICFEST 2005[ my GOOD memories -nv be taken away from me]GIVE STAGE [ reaching to GOD]

Planetshakers :)

sonicfest prayer meeting

sound check

I've been sad. but sonicfest takes that away from me. I'm upset with myself but never with sonicfest. It's the best. The real photos aren't up yet. they are just some random shots. I truly miss it. I'm signing up to be crew next year too. I'm going to do some shoutouts.
miah : you're going army soon. You'll get over it ! no worries ok ? (:
becca: all the best to your 'O's I'll pray for you! catch up some day ok C:
tab: hey gurl, you're the one who always brings LAUGHTER! study real hard C:
adin: We've shared a lot of stuff with each other. Thanks for all your advice (:
leanne: you have a great smile C; study hard, GOD will lead you .
zongyao: I will never forget all of us watched russell peters on your laptop at park mall. we like got chased out in the end. really great time with you people (:
- we are from the same team actually only on saturday, I had to go the other checkpoint. I miss you ppl.

I've decided to blog again. Things are finally going right. I've never been so depressed before. I won't say why. My blog got is finally in ricebowl journals. I'm super happy when I received that email. don't ask me why. well, I won't lock my blog again. I don't understand why I did that too. Perhaps, I just want to try the password script. I did web designing till 3 a.m this morning. I almost closed a website. But someone is persuasive enough to stop it from happening. I'm getting my html coding right. the picture is what I created for the closure of the website. I really could have just copy and paste. and the page will be still. I'm getting to doubt myself of what GOD have given me. what does HE want me to do. do I have the flare of doing web designing. argh. anyway,I'll leave you with this: from the church bulletin. here goes.
Give God what''s right - not what's left
Man's way lead to a hopeless end
God's way leads to an endless hope
A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing
He who kneels before God can stand before anyone
Sunday, September 18, 2005
I'm making a post for Sarah. haha. thanks for the book. LOVE it (: it's been so long since we went out together. I guess months and months ago. we were so busy. right. realised, going Jurong Point is not as boring if I went with right people huh? shopping around. walking from shops to shops. We'll never fail to stop by cards n such. Don't know why. after that you said you want to study. asked me if I want to go to your house. about 20mins later. I'm at her house. we did some music uploads and stuff. I'm having holidays. so nothing to study. I was there watching my MVP valentine. sarah was studying really hard. but in the end, we ended up watching the show together. it isn't wise to sit beside a computer playing MVP valentine when studying.I've not been really joyful and stuff these weeks. But just now, I guess I found it. thanks.when you finish your exams. I'm having vacation too. haha. sleepovers at each other house.
today, for no reason I thought of apple strudels. Haven't been seeing those when I walk down the streets. I miss them though.I guess I've got to learn to be not so perfect. I'm trying my best to be perfect all the time.sometime, things just don't go the way I want. html coding just make me lose my cool. I just can't do it the way I wanted it to be.
*note [ I won't be updating much lately, emotions been going up and down ..And sarah I wrote you one post ok?so nice of me right? ]
Thursday, September 15, 2005
I had the most horrible birthday ever. BSTATS totally ruin the whole day. I've been mugging the whole morning. When I sat for the paper, it was difficult. I'm not going to complain anymore. I'll not be updating anymore for quite sometime. I don't know for how long. :) ok. NO MORE updates.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Share something about baseball today :) Here goes, I got it from friendster thought it was beautiful so yup. :)
Its All About The Lord
Freddy and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game. The Lord's team was playing Satan's team.The Lord's team was at bat, the score was tiedzero to zero,and it was the bottom of the 9thWinning with two outs.They continued to watch as a batter stepped up tothe plate named 'Love.'Love swung at the first pitch and hit asingle, because "Love never fails."The next batter was named Faith,who also got a single because Faith works withLove.The next batter up was named Godly Wisdom.Satan wound up and threw the first pitch.Godly Wisdom looked it over and letit pass:Ball one.Three more pitches and Godly Wisdom walked because he never swings at what Satan throws.The bases were now loaded. The Lord then turned to Freddy and told him He was now going to bring in His star player.Up to the plate stepped Grace.Freddy said, "He sure doesn't look likemuch!"Satan's whole team relaxed when they saw Grace.Thinking he had won the game,Satan wound up andfired his first pitch.To the shock of everyone, Grace hitthe ball harder than anyone had ever Seen! But Satan was not worried; his center fielder let very few get by.He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head and sent him crashingon the ground;the roaring crowds went wild as the ball continued over the fence . . . for a home run!The Lord's team wIn!The Lord then asked Freddy if he knew why Love, Faithand Godly Wisdom could get on base but couldn't win the game. Freddy answered that he didn't know why.The Lord explained, "If your love,faith and wisdom had won the game, you would think you had done it by yourself. Love, Faith and Wisdom will get you on base but only My Grace can get you Home:'For by Grace are you saved, it is a gift of God;not of works,lest any man should boast." Ephestians 2:8-9
Psalm 84:11, "For the Lord God is a sun anDshield; the Lord will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly."Jesus' TesT:This is an easy test; you score 100 or zero.It's your choice.If you aren't ashamed to do this,please follow the directions.Jesus said,"If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you before my Father."If you are Not ashamed!! Pass this on, if you mean it.For I do Love God. He is my source of existence and Savior.He keeps me functioning each and everyday.Without Him, I am nothing,but with him:"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil 4:13This is the simplest test . . If you Love God,and are not ashamed of all the great things he done.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

right.. went for track training after a really long time. the training was bad for me. I couldn't do it. 5 rounds of 100m relay. certainly kill. Then, there's this person in my team who runs like SONIC. He's a national runner though. He gave me even more pressure. I could not rest enough and he was already coming back and passing me the baton. then finally, I couldn't breathe. I was like in an asthmatic condition. If woah yi wasn't there, I most likely will collapse. Then I sat there for a long time, was gettin headaches when I was resting. It was so bad. I looked so dead at that moment. Thanks woah yi.She say it was a condition called hypoventilation. My lungs could not get enough air. It was really bad. It's like what I had when I was in Sec 4. I just collapse and slept in the sick bay for like 4 hrs. I went to the market to have dinner. I'm definitely so blur. Haha. another couple in track. Laughs. Life is full of surprises. If i can run like SONIC that will be so cool. I can't deny he is good. Talented runner I should say. He doesn't really like train but he is still extremely fast. I like that picture though.obviously it is photo manipulated. I gotta mug.
Friday, September 02, 2005
ello. I didn't update for quite long. I haven't been going for training. Seems that the passion I used to have for TRACK just disappeared. I certainly hope I find it back. This week was an empty week. I have totally no idea what I've been doing. I guess I was sleeping. The highlight of the week was watching PROJECT SUPERSTAR. I actually sat through the whole programme in front of that TV. I never like chinese songs. I don't think anyone will find chinese song in my laptop. Till now, no chinese songs. heez.. I don't fancy them, but quite an accomplishment sitting through project superstar. The singers sang beautifully. I think both are equally good. Whatever. I was hoping that WEILIAN will win. It's not easy to be there. I was asking my mum and dad how long he took to learn a song. The judges wrote him a song to sing. And the most amazing thing is, he cannot see the lyrics. Using braille, isn't it like english. How did he ever do that. Anyway, I had a beautiful evening yesterday, watching that. I think it's far better than Singapore Idol. It's so kiotic for Singapore Idol. I had my last netball lesson. That's all for Sports and wellness module.What a class I had. The games just rock. I want to go Myanmar. I miss the kids there. There's this special something there I want to go back. The people I guess. I certainly wonder if it's God's will for me to go. If my dad can make it for the DEC trip, I'll go with him. Totally blend in with the burmese. haha. Let's see how then. :)