Sunday, August 28, 2005
great weekend :) Love my weekends. Went for young adults on saturday. Had CRABS !! Great ! Jamming till quite late and I really enjoyed that :) Watching planetshakers was the best ! Love their songs .. Today, the last week at GNK. I'll miss it terribly. I truly will miss it.I guess, I got so attached with the kids. I forgot all about gettting them chocolates and sweets. I'll get it for them next week :) Love them all. Especially Tommy. I couldn't capture a photo with him. Nevermind. I will make sure I take a photo with them. I went to Qian Hu fish farm just now. Never expected that right you people. Anyway, its fun man. awesome.
To rahs. in case you don't get me on the cbox, here it goes. please come for young adults. Don't try to keep yourself so so so busy. Then we can stay over at each other's house :)) .
right. another thing. I want to do a shoutout entry to my friends. :) after my exams .. hahaha
Friday, August 26, 2005
I had a GOD BLESSED week. :) Thank you God. I wonder if God didn't bless this week, it'll be bad. last friday.the tiles in my house fluffed up right in front of me. Thank God I was not hurt. The clumbsiness yesterday but it wasn't like spilled everything on my clothes. Then for no reason, I decided that since it was raining forget it. I shall not go for netball. Then, when my mum went to work. She called back and told me to be careful if I'm going out. Someone in my block commited sucide. I was like, right. At a moment like this. I was eating my noodles happily. It just broke that joy. I was stunned. I thought. My sister went out at 6.45... My mum left the house at 8 . When I was to go out. It's about 7.15... the police should have arrived about 15 - 20 mins before. If I really went out. I will meet that incident definitely. I guess I will faint or what. It was a relieve that I decided to stay at home. Thank God for that. Really a GOD blessed week. It is my block again. It happened before in my old house too. I was young then and was so scared. Because I heard the impact. I was like. Nothing one .. someone just threw some old big boxes down. Then there was blue and red light shinining into my room. Right it was. Police. It was such a commotion then. Now I'm just going to stay put in this house until my granny wakes up and I shall ask her to bring me down. sighs. weird things always happen to me ..... hahax..
Thursday, August 25, 2005
A beautiful prayer - quoted from 'rahs.'
I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, No. It is not for me to take away but for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No. Patience is the byproduct of tribulations.It isn't granted, it is learned.
I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No. Sufferings draw you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No. You must grow on your own but i will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked God for all the things that i may enjoy life.
God said, No. I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.
I asked God to help me love others, as much as he loves me.
God said...AHHH, finally you have the idea.
laughs. I'm CLUMBSY.. bad day. OB was horrible. I just want to get out of that class. Can't wait to get out! we had 4 free hours. Some of my classmates when to have some chicken rice but I chose PRATAaaaa.... This is where my ULTIMATE clumbsiness came in. We ordered MILO dinosaur. Yum yum. But I have no idea what I'm doing. some milo thing was on my finger. And I touched my t shirt. Then came the prata. In the process of eating. I spilled that plate of curry. Thank God it didn't came flowing down. Phew. Then you know the spoon in my cup dropped on my lap. I don't know how I fiddle with it till it dropped. After that was my straw. It dropped on the flow almost knocking the curry again. If it was hard enough. Joyce will be CURRIFIED. Hahax. Just now on the train, I stepped on a woman foot. Sheesh. how clumbsy. then there's a small cut on my wrist. wondering how I got that cut. sighs. CLUMBSY DAY !! Pool was great! I improved. No more trembling hands. I'm playing NORMAL finally. I finished my worship dynamics 2 guitar. :) lalala.. Next week will be Advance worship dynamics :) .. Harder to play I guess. It's getting so hard to sing and play. whatever. I'm going track tomorrow. IVP training is starting. Will I get the 400m event ? That's my favourite event. It'll turn out fine in any case. Netball tml.Netball is so fun. :))
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
alright.rightie. I dreamt of doughnuts within 2 hours of sleep. I gues I have not had them for ages since the myanmar trip 2 years back. I didn't go for the 3 hour lectures. I was quite late so I didn't go. I'm just going to be in school for 3 hours and off I go back home. So might as well stay at home. Actually, I seems like positive and everything. But deep down inside, I'm not.I have thought of moving on to another church. I only told some of my friends about it. Because I felt so distant from GOD. I'm quite lost too. Secondly was my responsibilities in church. I have so many things to take care off. But now, I'm off with ushering. Thank GOD for that. Things just change overnight after that talk. After praying and all. I asked GOD if I should continue to stay on. Because I'm sad that I feel so distant from GOD. I was so sad. But I asked GOD to give me a verse if He wants me to stay. Because, I just to be so distant from him. But here's the scripture He gave. Jeremiah 29 :5 Build houses and settle down;plant gardens and eat what they produce. It hit me so hard. Right. Just stay and let GOD do the work. :) to rahs:.. if you're reading this , how now. after that crying, I think I'm fine. no worries kaes ...?I've been thinking if I should continue RUNNING . I've been runnning since I was 9 . It's been 8 long years. The medals and trophies I have. I wonder if I want to be like my Dad. Play tennis and squash. Interesting right ? Dad plays tennis every week. He stopped playing squash. We moved to Jurong, so far from West Coast. He plays squash every sunday when we used to stay at Clementi. I still remember he broke his tooth when he was playing. So ugly. hahax. I like to run in the squash court. Everytime when no ones playing. I'll be running in the court throwing balls at the wall . But theres like no 'pop' sound when the ball hits the wall. I was so sad. I just kept going on. Until they come in and play. Silly me. It's not easy to let go of Track. After so long since primrary school till now. So hard to let go.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

This thing here, was done few months ago. Decided to put it up.Well, well, well. Sat there in my room doing up this blog. Simple and plain. Super plain compared to the other blogs I had. But I like this particular one because, the pictures I post now can be seen clearly. Not like the previous one. Just for that. I sat hours and hours to try to do this blog. Finally, it's done up. I got to Thank God for being with me through my table topic presentation. Giving an impromptu speech for 2 minutes on business. That's just not me. But I prayed that everything goes well. So I hardly paused throughout the 2 minutes. I was trying use up my 2 minutes. Thank God, I did it. I finished my assignment too. Before 5 p.m today. Track tomorrow. I guess I'll run home straight after track. I've got my stats tutorials to be handed in next week. sighs. why that sudden impulse of having look at our tutorials. It's fine. I did not do only 3 tutorials I think. that's all for now. Let me know what you people think of this blog :)
Monday, August 22, 2005

I didn't go to school today :) Assignments to be handed in tomorrow. I'm so dead. I haven't touch it until now. But guess what.I went to cut my hair this morning. Short hair again. Everyone having long hair. It's so hot these days. So decided to snip it off. :)) Better for track. Run wild and free. ART is something I really want to do. Anyway, I did not mug again. Give it up. I'm always so lazy. hahz. Basically, I seemed to have shut myself from that world outside. I'm not really interested in people's conversation.Gossips is like everywhere around me. Where people just talk about each other. That's all I can say. Tomorrow's table topic. Wonder how am I going to crap through it for 2 mins. For goodness sake. I'm a person with few words. That will be kind of hard. If only the topic is about something that irritate me, I guess, I'll definitely be able to do it. I thought of closing my blog man. I don't know why the thought like that. Maybe I need a new blogskin. I'm at it again. If I'm going to do it meant no time again. Better not try my luck. I give up. I really have change my taste about COLOURS. My current favourites : GREEN and RED. I really like such colours now a days.
Anyone want to guestblog my dear blog ?Let me know if you do. Want to try somethin different again. :))
Sunday, August 21, 2005

I did this out of like. i find squares are really cool and that I like the colour GREY haha. it's been really long since I didn't use GREY. Now after some inspiration from the website, I'm back with Graphics. Should I use this for my website ? Hang out with my cell people at Orchard. After Marche. It's good though. Ham and cheese crepe. Then window shopped. I slept on the bus, as if I did not sleep for ages. I was like you know very tired. The kids in Reindeer are so cute. I really adore Conrad. He's the most adorable one and all the others. I really find JOY with those kids. Well, it's time for me to get into my books. Have not been doing my tutorials. You see, I'm going to make sure I get them done and understand them. And start mugging. well well well.. I'm going for a lecture and track tml only. Big smile. 2 hrs lecture. It's fine.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I went sonicfest party yesterday. Met up with Liana, esther,wenyan. Guess what. My whole group didn't turn up. so sad. I looked forward to seeing them but all of them did not turn up. It's ok. Everything seems so relaxed and happy yesterday. I don't feel tense or anything. Though at first it was when I saw nobody there. But in the end, I went. It's really encouraging. Esther talked to me about serving God and forgot about Him. Guess that's really what I'm going through now. You know sometimes I wonder, where is God ? Anyway, it is cool meeting up with them. Liana esther and I are in the same course. In different year of course. I wonder if Marcus is in NP too ? he is a good guitarist :) I'm so encouraged by a lot of things from sonicfest. Something interesting. Thailand is also going to have a sonicfest. Got to know it yesterday. I truly wonder where will sonicfest be next year. It's somewhere bigger the next time. Bigger than fort canning. That's like.. Hmm... where ? Sonicfest next year is in JUNE.. Look out for it .. :) 4 days of sonicfest the next year. Including sunday. I am so happy lalala.
* remember to pray for Joel.
Friday, August 19, 2005
should I say I'm really happy or should I not. I'll never want to step into my granny's room. There like this huge crack. From like no where. It just fluff up. Weird things always happens to me.. I was walking to the cupboard to take something then suddenly, it made a super loud and cracking sound and scare me. Rightie.. I like ran out.. Call Daddy Call Daddy!! that's the only thing I know. So yup. Today was great I think. My C.A.T.S project actually got selected for the exhibition. Removable heels. Cool rite. people like tried on the shoes. It actually works. Our group was unsure if our idea was possible but it was truly possible. wow ! rite ? haha.Tonight's the sonicfest party. I wonder who is going. My projects are all over. Left with EXAMS. The competition, NP did very well. 2nd for the girls team category and 3rd for the guys. Then 3 girls came in top10. But I guess the most important that kept the team moving on was because of SARA. I cannot remember who he is but I guess I have seen him before, but I just don't remember. He might not be able to run again or walk. So yup.. He want us to do well. And we did.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I've been really bored. So I did this. Is it nice ? Did it using photoshop. Can't wait for the holidays. I will design more things. I wonder why did I ever want to do business. I love designing so much. I have no idea too.. check the emily the strange electric guitar out ok people.. the post below.. :)

rightie. don't you ppl think this is totally cool. Emily the strange guitar. I'll get this if I have money. I think, it's really unique. because people are truly
strange. haha. here's another one. ricgreen guitar. Beautiful isn't it ? I like that too. they are so beautiful. I don't know. But I want to get funky guitars like the emily strange . Or perhaps, you could say that, I'm not really fond of pink anymore. I like Green and Red. Change of taste. Red rocks. hey, what do you ppl think of photoblogging ? My blog just doesn't seems to allow the pictures to be placed at the right place though. But I love this skin. haha. Oh yea, I feel quite sore about missing the flash workshop. I forgot totally about it. I wanted to go so much. But yet, I could not remember. race is like about 11 hrs away now. I trust you God. :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
so happy. yup. Friday is sonicfest post party.. That means I get to see becca, miah, tab , leanne ,zong yao and adin. I miss them.Perhaps, I miss my favourite speaker. This speaker, made a very big impact on me. Transformed my life. I'll never forget seek God's kingdom and one must always serve with a joyful heart. I guess he is really GOOD.
www.glennlim.net .. I'll get to hear his speech.Now i guess. Well, surfing through the net, friends introduced me to
www.kennysia.com he is a good blogger. Interesting blog entries. When will I be able to blog like him.. Then through his site, we found like a cantonese and hokkien blog. I don't know how to read them. It's hard. What bloggers.
I just got my new shoes yesterday. Mizuno shoes. It's super expensive if I buy it outside. It's like $179.90 but I only got it for $108.00 .. Super light shoes. I had to get them. Tomorrow is my race. I am afraid that my shin cannot take the slopes. It hurts. I trust God that He will bring me through it. DG was great today. I'm glad I went. I was thinking and asking GOD if I should go. He said. Go if you love Me. So, I went. I didn't like regret it. People, we all have problems. Take a step back and see the big picture. How bad can your problem be .. There are many people out there have even worse problems.. they might not even have enough to eat yup :)
leave a tag before you go kaes? I'm mad ..
Monday, August 15, 2005
... I am in school now, I know I cannot really find time to blog.. so here I am. Track training today. I dread it. But competition is on wednesday. I know I have to go. Even my shin hurts like anything. I still have to go. I'm in school, earlier than usual. My class is suppose to come at 10.30.. But I reahed at 9.10.. I rushed out.It's ok.. At least, I did some part of OB project. Using songs for learning. I chose Simple Plan - How could this happen to me. I think it is a beautiful song. Slow and nice. Teach literature using that song. Something new :) Like what sam.goh says, I can change. But the world around me needs to change too. Or else, it's not going to work. I can't bother about life now. I just think of getting pass each day, that will be enough. As long as God is with me. It's enough. No matter how tough it is, I will walk through it with Jesus. :)
God, I hold on to you and will never let you go.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
it's baptism today. julian was chasing me around.
shin was hurting. people can see I wasn't walking properly. sighs. wednesday is the competition.
Thank you Joel.Mo for that notebook. yea.. I really like that...
Guitar rox!! I just listened to Pastor Glenn Lim's sermon.. one of his sermons.I think he is really good. I've been thinking so much lately. I need changes in my life, in church and everything. I don't know what God wants. I desire to be like Mary but ended up like Martha. I feel that I should be moving on. I asked God about something, He gave a choice answer. That I could choose, but basically, I really do not know what to do. Basically, I only told Sarah about this.I'm lost. Nelson once asked me how was worship? I could not answer him the question. I told him, I cannot tell him because, halfway through the worship, I thought I was not singing to God but just mouthing the words. I want to worship Him, but I kept feeling that He is no longer there. I was thinking if people were really worshipping Him. Where was God? I wondered for so long. There was like a
barrier between me and Him in church. But I realise when I'm not in church, I know God was there. In fort canning, everywhere. I guess the greatest barrier was I am not serving joyfully, which God did say in the bible. I forgot the verse. Uncle Sonic did shared in one of the sonicfest prayer meeting. God desires us to serve him joyfully. God does not need us to serve Him. But he wants his children to serve him with a
JOYFUL heart. yup. God, teach me what to do.I just want to walk in
YOUR WAY. GOD will make a Way, when there seems to be NO WAY ..
Friday, August 12, 2005
... I feel like knocking myself out. Oh man, I don't understand what am I thinking about. I seems to overstressed. Now I got myself into
PROJECT NUTZ.. really making me go nutx.. I'm in charge manpower. What's wrong with me. I can't handle all my stuff already and this. Competition on wednesday, Friday is sonicfest post party at
COOS Thursday is OCOM test. This is bad bad bad.. But Philippians 4 :13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I'm getting headaches throughout the week.. I feel so tired. I slept this afternoon for 2 hours with peace. I didn't even want to wake up anymore.I've never slept so deeply before.ok. Enough. Thank God for Tml. Need not go back to church but I have to be there at 9 a.m ...
GNK.. Oh great!! my voice isn't that bad anymore.I'm a naughty girl.. I ate ice cream even though I'm not feeling well. 2 scoops somemore.. Bought chocolate cookies.. sighs. I just can't control what I want to eat.. hehe.. :) I'll stop here for now. Proposal and OB project to finish...
God is my strength and my refuge
Thursday, August 11, 2005

sighs. Yesterday, someone just called and tell me I'm in the commitee for
project nutz.. Project Nutz is an event held in NP. Which bonds people from the staff to the students in NP. I'm in the commitee.I wonder what will happen to me. Is that what God wants? I wonder how am I going to teach the kids in
GNK . I'm like sick. No voice. I hope I'll be well by Sunday. I have GNK practice on saturday. Baptism is on Sunday too. hahax. I won't want to miss that. Jesus loves us most. Next thursday is
SF05 post party.. I can't wait for that. I miss
Leanne, Becca, tab , zong yao, miah and adin.I miss them man. here it goes for sonicfest 2005. Recently in church, I can't feel God presence.But in sonicfest pre prayer meeting, I found it . It was really hot, I still remember we sang
GOD OF WONDERS. Everyone was perspiring. At fort canning, I looked up to the sky.I thank God for everything. I felt God's presence. You know things just aren't the same anymore. The times we had at sonicfest was great!! Especially, we always love plaza sing so much that, when it's our break, we will make our way there. Then when planetshakers was there we were there worshipping God. haha. I'll never forget that.. See you ppl next thursday at the party... :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Yesterday was the crosslines event in church .. :)
I'm super
indecisive. Continue using geocities or just continue using blogger. Blogger is much more of a better choice.. because.. i can upload pics in an easier way. Whatever. Changed skin again. Found this skin. The person created this skin creates beautiful christian skins. Just loved it or should I say. I started to like
RED these days. hahx. went to Mt elizabeth hospital to see doctor. 4 medications. Like really bad. I woke up with no voice. I kept coughing since yesterday. Then, in the clinic there is a weighing machine. I stepped on it and check my weight.I can go and bang the wall. I've been eating a lot these days. Mummy was so shocked that I finish all the rice in the cooker and still feels HUNGRY. Everyday, after dinner I'll sleep. I should be getting fat right? In 2 months I lost around 3 kg or more weight. I use to be 50 over kg.. now is
47.5.. sighs. I'm too stressed. Everyday, I have so many things to do. Datelines and everything. But I know Jesus is there. Whatever it is, I love Jesus.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
after some time, I decided to come back here .. the
website that I have, cannot blog. It's really sickening if we have to use html code to blog. Using blogger is much a better choice I guess. But I'm trying to embed it in the webpage.But I guess, I'll take sometime to do that. I did not go for DG today. I was really tired. I make a
joke out of myself today. Because I'm really tired. I called my stats tutor Mr phua, really loud. And I was wondering whether if I called the right name so I said loudly again Correct a not ? Oh man. Everyone started laughing. I'm really blur. I'm going bonkers soon.
Shin Splint getting worse. I can't do full squats.. It'll hurt like anything. Thought of going for acupuncture.I'll see how effective it is. :)
Sunday, August 28, 2005
great weekend :) Love my weekends. Went for young adults on saturday. Had CRABS !! Great ! Jamming till quite late and I really enjoyed that :) Watching planetshakers was the best ! Love their songs .. Today, the last week at GNK. I'll miss it terribly. I truly will miss it.I guess, I got so attached with the kids. I forgot all about gettting them chocolates and sweets. I'll get it for them next week :) Love them all. Especially Tommy. I couldn't capture a photo with him. Nevermind. I will make sure I take a photo with them. I went to Qian Hu fish farm just now. Never expected that right you people. Anyway, its fun man. awesome.
To rahs. in case you don't get me on the cbox, here it goes. please come for young adults. Don't try to keep yourself so so so busy. Then we can stay over at each other's house :)) .
right. another thing. I want to do a shoutout entry to my friends. :) after my exams .. hahaha
Friday, August 26, 2005
I had a GOD BLESSED week. :) Thank you God. I wonder if God didn't bless this week, it'll be bad. last friday.the tiles in my house fluffed up right in front of me. Thank God I was not hurt. The clumbsiness yesterday but it wasn't like spilled everything on my clothes. Then for no reason, I decided that since it was raining forget it. I shall not go for netball. Then, when my mum went to work. She called back and told me to be careful if I'm going out. Someone in my block commited sucide. I was like, right. At a moment like this. I was eating my noodles happily. It just broke that joy. I was stunned. I thought. My sister went out at 6.45... My mum left the house at 8 . When I was to go out. It's about 7.15... the police should have arrived about 15 - 20 mins before. If I really went out. I will meet that incident definitely. I guess I will faint or what. It was a relieve that I decided to stay at home. Thank God for that. Really a GOD blessed week. It is my block again. It happened before in my old house too. I was young then and was so scared. Because I heard the impact. I was like. Nothing one .. someone just threw some old big boxes down. Then there was blue and red light shinining into my room. Right it was. Police. It was such a commotion then. Now I'm just going to stay put in this house until my granny wakes up and I shall ask her to bring me down. sighs. weird things always happen to me ..... hahax..
Thursday, August 25, 2005
A beautiful prayer - quoted from 'rahs.'
I asked God to take away my habit.
God said, No. It is not for me to take away but for you to give it up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.
God said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is temporary.
I asked God to grant me patience.
God said, No. Patience is the byproduct of tribulations.It isn't granted, it is learned.
I asked God to give me happiness.
God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked God to spare me pain.
God said, No. Sufferings draw you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me.
I asked God to make my spirit grow.
God said, No. You must grow on your own but i will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked God for all the things that i may enjoy life.
God said, No. I will give you life so that you may enjoy all things.
I asked God to help me love others, as much as he loves me.
God said...AHHH, finally you have the idea.
laughs. I'm CLUMBSY.. bad day. OB was horrible. I just want to get out of that class. Can't wait to get out! we had 4 free hours. Some of my classmates when to have some chicken rice but I chose PRATAaaaa.... This is where my ULTIMATE clumbsiness came in. We ordered MILO dinosaur. Yum yum. But I have no idea what I'm doing. some milo thing was on my finger. And I touched my t shirt. Then came the prata. In the process of eating. I spilled that plate of curry. Thank God it didn't came flowing down. Phew. Then you know the spoon in my cup dropped on my lap. I don't know how I fiddle with it till it dropped. After that was my straw. It dropped on the flow almost knocking the curry again. If it was hard enough. Joyce will be CURRIFIED. Hahax. Just now on the train, I stepped on a woman foot. Sheesh. how clumbsy. then there's a small cut on my wrist. wondering how I got that cut. sighs. CLUMBSY DAY !! Pool was great! I improved. No more trembling hands. I'm playing NORMAL finally. I finished my worship dynamics 2 guitar. :) lalala.. Next week will be Advance worship dynamics :) .. Harder to play I guess. It's getting so hard to sing and play. whatever. I'm going track tomorrow. IVP training is starting. Will I get the 400m event ? That's my favourite event. It'll turn out fine in any case. Netball tml.Netball is so fun. :))
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
alright.rightie. I dreamt of doughnuts within 2 hours of sleep. I gues I have not had them for ages since the myanmar trip 2 years back. I didn't go for the 3 hour lectures. I was quite late so I didn't go. I'm just going to be in school for 3 hours and off I go back home. So might as well stay at home. Actually, I seems like positive and everything. But deep down inside, I'm not.I have thought of moving on to another church. I only told some of my friends about it. Because I felt so distant from GOD. I'm quite lost too. Secondly was my responsibilities in church. I have so many things to take care off. But now, I'm off with ushering. Thank GOD for that. Things just change overnight after that talk. After praying and all. I asked GOD if I should continue to stay on. Because I'm sad that I feel so distant from GOD. I was so sad. But I asked GOD to give me a verse if He wants me to stay. Because, I just to be so distant from him. But here's the scripture He gave. Jeremiah 29 :5 Build houses and settle down;plant gardens and eat what they produce. It hit me so hard. Right. Just stay and let GOD do the work. :) to rahs:.. if you're reading this , how now. after that crying, I think I'm fine. no worries kaes ...?I've been thinking if I should continue RUNNING . I've been runnning since I was 9 . It's been 8 long years. The medals and trophies I have. I wonder if I want to be like my Dad. Play tennis and squash. Interesting right ? Dad plays tennis every week. He stopped playing squash. We moved to Jurong, so far from West Coast. He plays squash every sunday when we used to stay at Clementi. I still remember he broke his tooth when he was playing. So ugly. hahax. I like to run in the squash court. Everytime when no ones playing. I'll be running in the court throwing balls at the wall . But theres like no 'pop' sound when the ball hits the wall. I was so sad. I just kept going on. Until they come in and play. Silly me. It's not easy to let go of Track. After so long since primrary school till now. So hard to let go.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

This thing here, was done few months ago. Decided to put it up.Well, well, well. Sat there in my room doing up this blog. Simple and plain. Super plain compared to the other blogs I had. But I like this particular one because, the pictures I post now can be seen clearly. Not like the previous one. Just for that. I sat hours and hours to try to do this blog. Finally, it's done up. I got to Thank God for being with me through my table topic presentation. Giving an impromptu speech for 2 minutes on business. That's just not me. But I prayed that everything goes well. So I hardly paused throughout the 2 minutes. I was trying use up my 2 minutes. Thank God, I did it. I finished my assignment too. Before 5 p.m today. Track tomorrow. I guess I'll run home straight after track. I've got my stats tutorials to be handed in next week. sighs. why that sudden impulse of having look at our tutorials. It's fine. I did not do only 3 tutorials I think. that's all for now. Let me know what you people think of this blog :)
Monday, August 22, 2005

I didn't go to school today :) Assignments to be handed in tomorrow. I'm so dead. I haven't touch it until now. But guess what.I went to cut my hair this morning. Short hair again. Everyone having long hair. It's so hot these days. So decided to snip it off. :)) Better for track. Run wild and free. ART is something I really want to do. Anyway, I did not mug again. Give it up. I'm always so lazy. hahz. Basically, I seemed to have shut myself from that world outside. I'm not really interested in people's conversation.Gossips is like everywhere around me. Where people just talk about each other. That's all I can say. Tomorrow's table topic. Wonder how am I going to crap through it for 2 mins. For goodness sake. I'm a person with few words. That will be kind of hard. If only the topic is about something that irritate me, I guess, I'll definitely be able to do it. I thought of closing my blog man. I don't know why the thought like that. Maybe I need a new blogskin. I'm at it again. If I'm going to do it meant no time again. Better not try my luck. I give up. I really have change my taste about COLOURS. My current favourites : GREEN and RED. I really like such colours now a days.
Anyone want to guestblog my dear blog ?Let me know if you do. Want to try somethin different again. :))
Sunday, August 21, 2005

I did this out of like. i find squares are really cool and that I like the colour GREY haha. it's been really long since I didn't use GREY. Now after some inspiration from the website, I'm back with Graphics. Should I use this for my website ? Hang out with my cell people at Orchard. After Marche. It's good though. Ham and cheese crepe. Then window shopped. I slept on the bus, as if I did not sleep for ages. I was like you know very tired. The kids in Reindeer are so cute. I really adore Conrad. He's the most adorable one and all the others. I really find JOY with those kids. Well, it's time for me to get into my books. Have not been doing my tutorials. You see, I'm going to make sure I get them done and understand them. And start mugging. well well well.. I'm going for a lecture and track tml only. Big smile. 2 hrs lecture. It's fine.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I went sonicfest party yesterday. Met up with Liana, esther,wenyan. Guess what. My whole group didn't turn up. so sad. I looked forward to seeing them but all of them did not turn up. It's ok. Everything seems so relaxed and happy yesterday. I don't feel tense or anything. Though at first it was when I saw nobody there. But in the end, I went. It's really encouraging. Esther talked to me about serving God and forgot about Him. Guess that's really what I'm going through now. You know sometimes I wonder, where is God ? Anyway, it is cool meeting up with them. Liana esther and I are in the same course. In different year of course. I wonder if Marcus is in NP too ? he is a good guitarist :) I'm so encouraged by a lot of things from sonicfest. Something interesting. Thailand is also going to have a sonicfest. Got to know it yesterday. I truly wonder where will sonicfest be next year. It's somewhere bigger the next time. Bigger than fort canning. That's like.. Hmm... where ? Sonicfest next year is in JUNE.. Look out for it .. :) 4 days of sonicfest the next year. Including sunday. I am so happy lalala.
* remember to pray for Joel.
Friday, August 19, 2005
should I say I'm really happy or should I not. I'll never want to step into my granny's room. There like this huge crack. From like no where. It just fluff up. Weird things always happens to me.. I was walking to the cupboard to take something then suddenly, it made a super loud and cracking sound and scare me. Rightie.. I like ran out.. Call Daddy Call Daddy!! that's the only thing I know. So yup. Today was great I think. My C.A.T.S project actually got selected for the exhibition. Removable heels. Cool rite. people like tried on the shoes. It actually works. Our group was unsure if our idea was possible but it was truly possible. wow ! rite ? haha.Tonight's the sonicfest party. I wonder who is going. My projects are all over. Left with EXAMS. The competition, NP did very well. 2nd for the girls team category and 3rd for the guys. Then 3 girls came in top10. But I guess the most important that kept the team moving on was because of SARA. I cannot remember who he is but I guess I have seen him before, but I just don't remember. He might not be able to run again or walk. So yup.. He want us to do well. And we did.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I've been really bored. So I did this. Is it nice ? Did it using photoshop. Can't wait for the holidays. I will design more things. I wonder why did I ever want to do business. I love designing so much. I have no idea too.. check the emily the strange electric guitar out ok people.. the post below.. :)

rightie. don't you ppl think this is totally cool. Emily the strange guitar. I'll get this if I have money. I think, it's really unique. because people are truly
strange. haha. here's another one. ricgreen guitar. Beautiful isn't it ? I like that too. they are so beautiful. I don't know. But I want to get funky guitars like the emily strange . Or perhaps, you could say that, I'm not really fond of pink anymore. I like Green and Red. Change of taste. Red rocks. hey, what do you ppl think of photoblogging ? My blog just doesn't seems to allow the pictures to be placed at the right place though. But I love this skin. haha. Oh yea, I feel quite sore about missing the flash workshop. I forgot totally about it. I wanted to go so much. But yet, I could not remember. race is like about 11 hrs away now. I trust you God. :)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
so happy. yup. Friday is sonicfest post party.. That means I get to see becca, miah, tab , leanne ,zong yao and adin. I miss them.Perhaps, I miss my favourite speaker. This speaker, made a very big impact on me. Transformed my life. I'll never forget seek God's kingdom and one must always serve with a joyful heart. I guess he is really GOOD.
www.glennlim.net .. I'll get to hear his speech.Now i guess. Well, surfing through the net, friends introduced me to
www.kennysia.com he is a good blogger. Interesting blog entries. When will I be able to blog like him.. Then through his site, we found like a cantonese and hokkien blog. I don't know how to read them. It's hard. What bloggers.
I just got my new shoes yesterday. Mizuno shoes. It's super expensive if I buy it outside. It's like $179.90 but I only got it for $108.00 .. Super light shoes. I had to get them. Tomorrow is my race. I am afraid that my shin cannot take the slopes. It hurts. I trust God that He will bring me through it. DG was great today. I'm glad I went. I was thinking and asking GOD if I should go. He said. Go if you love Me. So, I went. I didn't like regret it. People, we all have problems. Take a step back and see the big picture. How bad can your problem be .. There are many people out there have even worse problems.. they might not even have enough to eat yup :)
leave a tag before you go kaes? I'm mad ..
Monday, August 15, 2005
... I am in school now, I know I cannot really find time to blog.. so here I am. Track training today. I dread it. But competition is on wednesday. I know I have to go. Even my shin hurts like anything. I still have to go. I'm in school, earlier than usual. My class is suppose to come at 10.30.. But I reahed at 9.10.. I rushed out.It's ok.. At least, I did some part of OB project. Using songs for learning. I chose Simple Plan - How could this happen to me. I think it is a beautiful song. Slow and nice. Teach literature using that song. Something new :) Like what sam.goh says, I can change. But the world around me needs to change too. Or else, it's not going to work. I can't bother about life now. I just think of getting pass each day, that will be enough. As long as God is with me. It's enough. No matter how tough it is, I will walk through it with Jesus. :)
God, I hold on to you and will never let you go.
Sunday, August 14, 2005
it's baptism today. julian was chasing me around.
shin was hurting. people can see I wasn't walking properly. sighs. wednesday is the competition.
Thank you Joel.Mo for that notebook. yea.. I really like that...
Guitar rox!! I just listened to Pastor Glenn Lim's sermon.. one of his sermons.I think he is really good. I've been thinking so much lately. I need changes in my life, in church and everything. I don't know what God wants. I desire to be like Mary but ended up like Martha. I feel that I should be moving on. I asked God about something, He gave a choice answer. That I could choose, but basically, I really do not know what to do. Basically, I only told Sarah about this.I'm lost. Nelson once asked me how was worship? I could not answer him the question. I told him, I cannot tell him because, halfway through the worship, I thought I was not singing to God but just mouthing the words. I want to worship Him, but I kept feeling that He is no longer there. I was thinking if people were really worshipping Him. Where was God? I wondered for so long. There was like a
barrier between me and Him in church. But I realise when I'm not in church, I know God was there. In fort canning, everywhere. I guess the greatest barrier was I am not serving joyfully, which God did say in the bible. I forgot the verse. Uncle Sonic did shared in one of the sonicfest prayer meeting. God desires us to serve him joyfully. God does not need us to serve Him. But he wants his children to serve him with a
JOYFUL heart. yup. God, teach me what to do.I just want to walk in
YOUR WAY. GOD will make a Way, when there seems to be NO WAY ..
Friday, August 12, 2005
... I feel like knocking myself out. Oh man, I don't understand what am I thinking about. I seems to overstressed. Now I got myself into
PROJECT NUTZ.. really making me go nutx.. I'm in charge manpower. What's wrong with me. I can't handle all my stuff already and this. Competition on wednesday, Friday is sonicfest post party at
COOS Thursday is OCOM test. This is bad bad bad.. But Philippians 4 :13 says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I'm getting headaches throughout the week.. I feel so tired. I slept this afternoon for 2 hours with peace. I didn't even want to wake up anymore.I've never slept so deeply before.ok. Enough. Thank God for Tml. Need not go back to church but I have to be there at 9 a.m ...
GNK.. Oh great!! my voice isn't that bad anymore.I'm a naughty girl.. I ate ice cream even though I'm not feeling well. 2 scoops somemore.. Bought chocolate cookies.. sighs. I just can't control what I want to eat.. hehe.. :) I'll stop here for now. Proposal and OB project to finish...
God is my strength and my refuge
Thursday, August 11, 2005

sighs. Yesterday, someone just called and tell me I'm in the commitee for
project nutz.. Project Nutz is an event held in NP. Which bonds people from the staff to the students in NP. I'm in the commitee.I wonder what will happen to me. Is that what God wants? I wonder how am I going to teach the kids in
GNK . I'm like sick. No voice. I hope I'll be well by Sunday. I have GNK practice on saturday. Baptism is on Sunday too. hahax. I won't want to miss that. Jesus loves us most. Next thursday is
SF05 post party.. I can't wait for that. I miss
Leanne, Becca, tab , zong yao, miah and adin.I miss them man. here it goes for sonicfest 2005. Recently in church, I can't feel God presence.But in sonicfest pre prayer meeting, I found it . It was really hot, I still remember we sang
GOD OF WONDERS. Everyone was perspiring. At fort canning, I looked up to the sky.I thank God for everything. I felt God's presence. You know things just aren't the same anymore. The times we had at sonicfest was great!! Especially, we always love plaza sing so much that, when it's our break, we will make our way there. Then when planetshakers was there we were there worshipping God. haha. I'll never forget that.. See you ppl next thursday at the party... :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Yesterday was the crosslines event in church .. :)
I'm super
indecisive. Continue using geocities or just continue using blogger. Blogger is much more of a better choice.. because.. i can upload pics in an easier way. Whatever. Changed skin again. Found this skin. The person created this skin creates beautiful christian skins. Just loved it or should I say. I started to like
RED these days. hahx. went to Mt elizabeth hospital to see doctor. 4 medications. Like really bad. I woke up with no voice. I kept coughing since yesterday. Then, in the clinic there is a weighing machine. I stepped on it and check my weight.I can go and bang the wall. I've been eating a lot these days. Mummy was so shocked that I finish all the rice in the cooker and still feels HUNGRY. Everyday, after dinner I'll sleep. I should be getting fat right? In 2 months I lost around 3 kg or more weight. I use to be 50 over kg.. now is
47.5.. sighs. I'm too stressed. Everyday, I have so many things to do. Datelines and everything. But I know Jesus is there. Whatever it is, I love Jesus.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
after some time, I decided to come back here .. the
website that I have, cannot blog. It's really sickening if we have to use html code to blog. Using blogger is much a better choice I guess. But I'm trying to embed it in the webpage.But I guess, I'll take sometime to do that. I did not go for DG today. I was really tired. I make a
joke out of myself today. Because I'm really tired. I called my stats tutor Mr phua, really loud. And I was wondering whether if I called the right name so I said loudly again Correct a not ? Oh man. Everyone started laughing. I'm really blur. I'm going bonkers soon.
Shin Splint getting worse. I can't do full squats.. It'll hurt like anything. Thought of going for acupuncture.I'll see how effective it is. :)