Thursday, June 30, 2005
Swells..My legs are having swells now. sigh. really hurting now. well, it is after yesterday I discover it. I thought it was like bruise that I hit against something. But I realise it was like both legs. I was like, so coincidental. Well, then I realise it was swelling.I went home for dinner yesterday or else, I guess miec tutorial will never be done.. I was on the bus with Yifeng and toon siong. Kind of like weird. They are like the fm radio.They are funny people. Singing when they are walking. ok. Oh yea.. Happy Birthday wee leong.. 1 year older now. I want to watch initial D but I guess I'll think about it.
- track rox C; , though it hurts at times
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I'm fine these days. Getting use to the life I'm leading now. Though it is tiring. But I don't care what people say. Whatever it is, the thing that matters is that I'm happy. I find JOY in what I'm doing now. Track and school. I've been serving the past hour to find a skin for my blog. I think I really need to change a skin. But I just can't find one that fits my blog. And obviously, I have no time to do designing skins anymore. And I was still thinking to change the skin for my website. I'm just thinking the impossible. I'm too busy for that. Wait till the holidays, I guess you'll see me doing that. C; Halfway through OB lecture today, I just went out to eat. I was super hungry, can't blame me. On the table every morning is bread. I'm sick of that. So, that's it. And through CIP we are like talking about ghost stories. In the middle of lecture. Kind of awkward. In front of the lecturer and there we are doing that. How crazy. Whatever it is. I still have training later. I'm going to nap now.
I'm drained but happy ..C;
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Freak. I feel so argh. Well, I'm just super angry. Presentation for CIP is tml . Some of the slides are not send to me yet. Well, there's always email.. For goodness sake. I'm so pissed. I just need a place to shout it out. I guess, I really have to be more patient. Things are just zooming pass me every second. I feel so lost in this world. Pace of things are really too fast. I guess, choosing the right project partners is really important especially if one does not do his or her work. It is super bad. sigh.
Thus, never do projects at the very last minute- God help me !!
Freak. I feel so argh. Well, I'm just super angry. Presentation for CIP is tml . Some of the slides are not send to me yet. Well, there's always email.. For goodness sake. I'm so pissed. I just need a place to shout it out. I guess, I really have to be more patient. Things are just zooming pass me every second. I feel so lost in this world. Pace of things are really too fast. I guess, choosing the right project partners is really important especially if one does not do his or her work. It is super bad. sigh.
Thus, never do projects at the very last minute- God help me !!
Saturday, June 25, 2005

mizuno creation 6
I love this pair of shoes. I think I'll get this pair of shoes. My track shoes are kind of worn off. The sole of the shoes are coming off. I guess. This will be good. These few weeks. Daily I'll only reach home after 8. I have no idea why.. track, guitar lesson, DG and campus crusade. takes up all of my time. No time. But I guess, I never regretted going to NP though. I guess, that was what I was looking for. Not mugging the whole of another 2 years in JC. I don't mind trainings on mon, wed and fri. Well, track motivates me to study more. that i must do my work and everything. I guess, I have no regrets getting into poly. Even though BS isn't what I wanted to do at first. But now, everything is well on the right path though. C;
God guides his children. -big smile-
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I'm super drained by training yesterday. I was sleeping the whole time in school. I'll just sleep wherever I can. And I thought I put my guitar make up lesson at 1830. But in the end I realised I put it at 1930. I feel so stupid. Then, I lost my wallet. I dropped it believer. Thank God that it was still there when I went back to get it. I've been so busy. I've not spend so much time with my beloved guitar. I had a great "Jam" session just now. with the new songs, and everything. It just seems great. Learning the plucking and the high speed songs. Just too great. But I still can't play my favourite song. Simple Plan - welcome to my life. somewhere in the middle, it just doesn't flow as it should be. Track camp caused me to like this song. We were singing through the night. Anyway, I'm off. I'll blog some other time.
my new smiley C; [cute isn't it ?]
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
This weekend I did one of the most stupid things. Track camp. It's fun. First time in my life. No money and no ez link card, running arnd in orchard. Doing loads of stupid dares, making a prymaid at Far east plaza. It's super weird. Washing face at the fountain outside taka. I guess, I like the scavenger hunt though.. C: well, I guess. I have a great passion for track. Oh yeah.. Happy Birthday , QiuHui.. heez.. sweet 17..
I guess I am so busy that I have no time for anything. But I guess, it doesn't matter anyway. It's better than being too free and having to slack around.
I'm tired but I'm contented :)
Thursday, June 16, 2005
I feel so miserable. things just go wrong when I'm in track.I have track camp.. pouts.. I shall not talk about it here. why when things go wrong. people will ask me to help or something. becoming a substitute. I feel so MISERABLE... !!!!!!!!!!!! you won't hear from me till next week.................. I'm tired, drained, everything...................
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I'm drained... nothing left in me..IVP is postponed to Jan 2006.. training is back to long runs and all.today, we did 10 sets of upslope.Not easy. I could not breathe properly.But I guess I endured. Did like 2 campus run. It's super long and I was running with the sprinters. so kind of slack. track camp is like in 2 days time. I'm tired. But there is still MIEC tutorial waiting for me and tomorrow I have guitar lesson. These days, I've been sleeping on the bus journeys. I couldn't catch with my sleep. I need it so much but I just doesn't seem to find it. Oh yes, every training, I'll see new people. there is a ac girl training today. there is so many ppl training with us. this kind of weird. well, the air-con in my room broke down. sobx.. that means no air-con. Oh man.. bad week... :(
Lord, teach me not to worry anymore.. :p
Monday, June 13, 2005
today, I really had a bad day. Class starts at like 9 and I only reach school at 10 plus due to some misconception.Then I rush out without a right t shirt for training. Horrible. No towel. Horrible day I had. But well, I saw a rainbow during training. I'm happy. God created rainbow. I got some sort of motivation. Well, I couldn't cross those sticks at first. But during speedwork, I did it. I feel satisfied. And well, God gave a great friend for me. She encourages me.. Thank God for her. Or else I'll most likely leave track. But track is fun.
Thank you Lord for everything .
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I decided reblog. I sound so sad and tired of life. It isn't the case though. Here it goes. the Mini Youth camp was super fun. I skipped training for the camp. I decided that God was more important than track. Well, track is ranked 2 . First day was team building. I was kind of like blur or feel kind of weird. But after dinner. Everything went smoothly. My cell was quite small but I'm happy. We got Julian in the group though. Scavenger Hunt was fun. My station was at centrepoint. Me and Joanne had to like ask them to do monkey gorilla and chimpanzee in the middle of Orchard road. How embarassing.. but all of them did it and there was a group that caught a tourist attenton. she was like staring at them. Thinking they looks funny. Why are they doing this.. Ok. Then they have to use like 5 dollars to buy ten items. Very interesting things they bought that kind of like kill me and Joanne. because we had to carry them . We ran with the groups to cold storage to buy the stuff. But the first group bought tofu and vegetables. Joanne and I was like .. right. we have to carry that around. my group rocks. they were fast. they kept to their budget. they bought 10 things with only $4.05 . Incredible. We had extended worship and all. Tell the World that. This morning, we went to Mac to eat breakfast. Joel were like chanting the Big mac chant .. trying to break the record for that ice cream cone. then we had games after breakfast. we played captain's ball. Cool game. I was super exhausted by then. all the energy was gone. Tired. had lunch at Bt.Batok with josh and company. Nice food . After that I went home. That's why I'm here blogging.
Jesus said to them,"My Father is always at his work until this very day,and I, too, am working. John 5:17
Mini youth camp is over. Memories will stay. Learnt a lot of things through the camp. John 5:17. I'm worn out now. Thinking of doing my tutorials, quit msn and all, but still I can't do the tutorials.I'm really tired, thinking of training tml. I need to sleep. Things just have not been going the right way since I started school. It is far too busy than I expected.Life just come and go.
How do people manage their time ?
Thursday, June 09, 2005
heyx.. today, some NP track ppl are running for mizuno championships. All the best to them. Singapore is like really small. Eunice knows nelson and she is sam chan's cousin. Singapore is generally too small.. Thinking of getting new shoes again. Should I get spikes or just track shoes ? I'm like super lost. I'll get both if I can. But I think. I have too many shoes at home. Yesterday, I survived the training. 4 sets of 800m and 6 sets of 400m and speed training. Was not easy at all. I couldn't walk properly yesterday after training.Everytime I had to do a set. I wanted to give up. But I'll always think of God waiting for me at the finishing line. That's how I pulled through all the trainings. Or else, I'll have probably have given up long long ago.
Life is a road that I want to keep going.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
today, it is kind of fun. As I only have to go to school for like 2 hours. From like 9 to 11.. for OCOM tutorial. Kind of interesting. But I'm super guilty today. I took the camp booklet out and show it to the camp commitee.. And I did not put it back. Now it is like lost. I'm super guilty now. Having Joshua telling me he is redoing it. I feel bad.
I went out with my mum to shop after my class in town. Bought towels and stuff. went back to school for DG group. Did a super indept bible study. A chapter that I may never understand. But I guess. that helps. 'Heaven is so real' is a good book. But it scares a bit. But you'll know more about Heaven and hell. I'm leaving with a quote again.
Life can get messy... bad relationahips, tough circumstances, lack of purpose. But with God, you can start over with a clean state, start down a new road, and live your life connected to the one Person who knows what's best for your life at all times-taken from campus crusuade postcard-
Monday, June 06, 2005
what am I doing here in the morning and not in school.I'm going to school at 2 today. my CIP workshop session is cancelled. If I knew that earlier,most likely I'll be like sleeping now. I'm excited for the TELL THE WORLD camp. Thank God, that I get to bath in school before going to the camp. Or else I'll be like fighting with them over the toilets. Oh well. I have training later. I'm getting sick of interval training. Going around the track. But at least it doesn't hurt as much as sprinting. Well, I just can't sprint. that's all I can say. straining my thigh muscle isn't good in anyway.Looking forward to DG tml. Campus crusuade, seems a good place. oh yes, I removed my tagboard and changed it to a comment box now. just to let you peepx know.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
heys.. I was super tired on Friday. Netball for SW in the morning like 8 to 10.. then evening from like 5 - 8 training.. 7 x 400m.. interesting.. strained my thigh muscles.If i continued, I might have cramps. Anyway, my palms like hurt i guess I exerted too much pressure on them when I'm doing push up or something. It is like swelling now. yesterday I reached home at 10.. met up with crusuade ppl. didn't expect to meet daniel ho. but had mac at KAP. that's my favourite mac. basically it is super huge. simply cool. track camp is coming up on the third week. so my days in poly will be packed.If ppl wants me to watch movie or something. you ppl have to tell me in advance.sighs. anyway,I bought new footwear again. my sandals kinda of worn off. :) modified my blog.
I like to move it move it move it.. magadascar.it kinda of cute. ppl who want me to link. leave a note. thanks. couldn't remember your address..
tell the world that JESUS lives
heys.. I was super tired on Friday. Netball for SW in the morning like 8 to 10.. then evening from like 5 - 8 training.. 7 x 400m.. interesting.. strained my thigh muscles.If i continued, I might have cramps. Anyway, my palms like hurt i guess I exerted too much pressure on them when I'm doing push up or something. It is like swelling now. yesterday I reached home at 10.. met up with crusuade ppl. didn't expect to meet daniel ho. but had mac at KAP. that's my favourite mac. basically it is super huge. simply cool. track camp is coming up on the third week. so my days in poly will be packed.If ppl wants me to watch movie or something. you ppl have to tell me in advance.sighs. anyway,I bought new footwear again. my sandals kinda of worn off. :) modified my blog.
I like to move it move it move it.. magadascar.it kinda of cute. ppl who want me to link. leave a note. thanks. couldn't remember your address..
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
It's been a few days since I lost blogged. Obviously, I'm super duber busy. I'm wondering what I am doing in poly. 24hrs isn't enough. I need more time to sleep.I need my sleep. >.< .. I'm dozing off in any lessons when people just don't talk to me for a minute. I'll be like flat on the table.Horrible me. I still whole lot of stuff to do.. my tutorials.I'm in the NP library blogging. As track starts at like 5 p.m.It is long.Why do I like track that much since secondary school still now.I'm still in like track.I'm tired of 135 trainings. well the worse thing is like there is a competition on the 9 and 11 june the mizuro championship or something. If I have to go, I'll be in trouble. tell the world camp is like from 10 - 12 june. scavenger hunt on the 11.I'll miss the scavenger hunt plus training. then why do I still want to go to the camp ? whatever it is. I'll just leave it to God. I don't understand people who joined track and disappear after 1 training. these people are irritating. don't they understand.missing one training is bad. You will like waste the effort of the past training. people give reasons like legs hurting so they don't want to come. crap. My legs hurt too. not just them. I'm still going. I am just like them. oh ya. I ate wonderful seafood pasta at SIM foodcourt.the whole "restaurant"works like marche.the food isn't expensive.Nice food. I don't believe you'll grow skinner in poly. Our portion of food seems quite alot. that's all for now. training on Monday was terrible. 10 rounds. shan't reveal what we did though. :p
God give me more TIME !!
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Swells..My legs are having swells now. sigh. really hurting now. well, it is after yesterday I discover it. I thought it was like bruise that I hit against something. But I realise it was like both legs. I was like, so coincidental. Well, then I realise it was swelling.I went home for dinner yesterday or else, I guess miec tutorial will never be done.. I was on the bus with Yifeng and toon siong. Kind of like weird. They are like the fm radio.They are funny people. Singing when they are walking. ok. Oh yea.. Happy Birthday wee leong.. 1 year older now. I want to watch initial D but I guess I'll think about it.
- track rox C; , though it hurts at times
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I'm fine these days. Getting use to the life I'm leading now. Though it is tiring. But I don't care what people say. Whatever it is, the thing that matters is that I'm happy. I find JOY in what I'm doing now. Track and school. I've been serving the past hour to find a skin for my blog. I think I really need to change a skin. But I just can't find one that fits my blog. And obviously, I have no time to do designing skins anymore. And I was still thinking to change the skin for my website. I'm just thinking the impossible. I'm too busy for that. Wait till the holidays, I guess you'll see me doing that. C; Halfway through OB lecture today, I just went out to eat. I was super hungry, can't blame me. On the table every morning is bread. I'm sick of that. So, that's it. And through CIP we are like talking about ghost stories. In the middle of lecture. Kind of awkward. In front of the lecturer and there we are doing that. How crazy. Whatever it is. I still have training later. I'm going to nap now.
I'm drained but happy ..C;
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Freak. I feel so argh. Well, I'm just super angry. Presentation for CIP is tml . Some of the slides are not send to me yet. Well, there's always email.. For goodness sake. I'm so pissed. I just need a place to shout it out. I guess, I really have to be more patient. Things are just zooming pass me every second. I feel so lost in this world. Pace of things are really too fast. I guess, choosing the right project partners is really important especially if one does not do his or her work. It is super bad. sigh.
Thus, never do projects at the very last minute- God help me !!
Freak. I feel so argh. Well, I'm just super angry. Presentation for CIP is tml . Some of the slides are not send to me yet. Well, there's always email.. For goodness sake. I'm so pissed. I just need a place to shout it out. I guess, I really have to be more patient. Things are just zooming pass me every second. I feel so lost in this world. Pace of things are really too fast. I guess, choosing the right project partners is really important especially if one does not do his or her work. It is super bad. sigh.
Thus, never do projects at the very last minute- God help me !!
Saturday, June 25, 2005

mizuno creation 6
I love this pair of shoes. I think I'll get this pair of shoes. My track shoes are kind of worn off. The sole of the shoes are coming off. I guess. This will be good. These few weeks. Daily I'll only reach home after 8. I have no idea why.. track, guitar lesson, DG and campus crusade. takes up all of my time. No time. But I guess, I never regretted going to NP though. I guess, that was what I was looking for. Not mugging the whole of another 2 years in JC. I don't mind trainings on mon, wed and fri. Well, track motivates me to study more. that i must do my work and everything. I guess, I have no regrets getting into poly. Even though BS isn't what I wanted to do at first. But now, everything is well on the right path though. C;
God guides his children. -big smile-
Thursday, June 23, 2005
I'm super drained by training yesterday. I was sleeping the whole time in school. I'll just sleep wherever I can. And I thought I put my guitar make up lesson at 1830. But in the end I realised I put it at 1930. I feel so stupid. Then, I lost my wallet. I dropped it believer. Thank God that it was still there when I went back to get it. I've been so busy. I've not spend so much time with my beloved guitar. I had a great "Jam" session just now. with the new songs, and everything. It just seems great. Learning the plucking and the high speed songs. Just too great. But I still can't play my favourite song. Simple Plan - welcome to my life. somewhere in the middle, it just doesn't flow as it should be. Track camp caused me to like this song. We were singing through the night. Anyway, I'm off. I'll blog some other time.
my new smiley C; [cute isn't it ?]
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
This weekend I did one of the most stupid things. Track camp. It's fun. First time in my life. No money and no ez link card, running arnd in orchard. Doing loads of stupid dares, making a prymaid at Far east plaza. It's super weird. Washing face at the fountain outside taka. I guess, I like the scavenger hunt though.. C: well, I guess. I have a great passion for track. Oh yeah.. Happy Birthday , QiuHui.. heez.. sweet 17..
I guess I am so busy that I have no time for anything. But I guess, it doesn't matter anyway. It's better than being too free and having to slack around.
I'm tired but I'm contented :)
Thursday, June 16, 2005
I feel so miserable. things just go wrong when I'm in track.I have track camp.. pouts.. I shall not talk about it here. why when things go wrong. people will ask me to help or something. becoming a substitute. I feel so MISERABLE... !!!!!!!!!!!! you won't hear from me till next week.................. I'm tired, drained, everything...................
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I'm drained... nothing left in me..IVP is postponed to Jan 2006.. training is back to long runs and all.today, we did 10 sets of upslope.Not easy. I could not breathe properly.But I guess I endured. Did like 2 campus run. It's super long and I was running with the sprinters. so kind of slack. track camp is like in 2 days time. I'm tired. But there is still MIEC tutorial waiting for me and tomorrow I have guitar lesson. These days, I've been sleeping on the bus journeys. I couldn't catch with my sleep. I need it so much but I just doesn't seem to find it. Oh yes, every training, I'll see new people. there is a ac girl training today. there is so many ppl training with us. this kind of weird. well, the air-con in my room broke down. sobx.. that means no air-con. Oh man.. bad week... :(
Lord, teach me not to worry anymore.. :p
Monday, June 13, 2005
today, I really had a bad day. Class starts at like 9 and I only reach school at 10 plus due to some misconception.Then I rush out without a right t shirt for training. Horrible. No towel. Horrible day I had. But well, I saw a rainbow during training. I'm happy. God created rainbow. I got some sort of motivation. Well, I couldn't cross those sticks at first. But during speedwork, I did it. I feel satisfied. And well, God gave a great friend for me. She encourages me.. Thank God for her. Or else I'll most likely leave track. But track is fun.
Thank you Lord for everything .
Sunday, June 12, 2005
I decided reblog. I sound so sad and tired of life. It isn't the case though. Here it goes. the Mini Youth camp was super fun. I skipped training for the camp. I decided that God was more important than track. Well, track is ranked 2 . First day was team building. I was kind of like blur or feel kind of weird. But after dinner. Everything went smoothly. My cell was quite small but I'm happy. We got Julian in the group though. Scavenger Hunt was fun. My station was at centrepoint. Me and Joanne had to like ask them to do monkey gorilla and chimpanzee in the middle of Orchard road. How embarassing.. but all of them did it and there was a group that caught a tourist attenton. she was like staring at them. Thinking they looks funny. Why are they doing this.. Ok. Then they have to use like 5 dollars to buy ten items. Very interesting things they bought that kind of like kill me and Joanne. because we had to carry them . We ran with the groups to cold storage to buy the stuff. But the first group bought tofu and vegetables. Joanne and I was like .. right. we have to carry that around. my group rocks. they were fast. they kept to their budget. they bought 10 things with only $4.05 . Incredible. We had extended worship and all. Tell the World that. This morning, we went to Mac to eat breakfast. Joel were like chanting the Big mac chant .. trying to break the record for that ice cream cone. then we had games after breakfast. we played captain's ball. Cool game. I was super exhausted by then. all the energy was gone. Tired. had lunch at Bt.Batok with josh and company. Nice food . After that I went home. That's why I'm here blogging.
Jesus said to them,"My Father is always at his work until this very day,and I, too, am working. John 5:17
Mini youth camp is over. Memories will stay. Learnt a lot of things through the camp. John 5:17. I'm worn out now. Thinking of doing my tutorials, quit msn and all, but still I can't do the tutorials.I'm really tired, thinking of training tml. I need to sleep. Things just have not been going the right way since I started school. It is far too busy than I expected.Life just come and go.
How do people manage their time ?
Thursday, June 09, 2005
heyx.. today, some NP track ppl are running for mizuno championships. All the best to them. Singapore is like really small. Eunice knows nelson and she is sam chan's cousin. Singapore is generally too small.. Thinking of getting new shoes again. Should I get spikes or just track shoes ? I'm like super lost. I'll get both if I can. But I think. I have too many shoes at home. Yesterday, I survived the training. 4 sets of 800m and 6 sets of 400m and speed training. Was not easy at all. I couldn't walk properly yesterday after training.Everytime I had to do a set. I wanted to give up. But I'll always think of God waiting for me at the finishing line. That's how I pulled through all the trainings. Or else, I'll have probably have given up long long ago.
Life is a road that I want to keep going.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
today, it is kind of fun. As I only have to go to school for like 2 hours. From like 9 to 11.. for OCOM tutorial. Kind of interesting. But I'm super guilty today. I took the camp booklet out and show it to the camp commitee.. And I did not put it back. Now it is like lost. I'm super guilty now. Having Joshua telling me he is redoing it. I feel bad.
I went out with my mum to shop after my class in town. Bought towels and stuff. went back to school for DG group. Did a super indept bible study. A chapter that I may never understand. But I guess. that helps. 'Heaven is so real' is a good book. But it scares a bit. But you'll know more about Heaven and hell. I'm leaving with a quote again.
Life can get messy... bad relationahips, tough circumstances, lack of purpose. But with God, you can start over with a clean state, start down a new road, and live your life connected to the one Person who knows what's best for your life at all times-taken from campus crusuade postcard-
Monday, June 06, 2005
what am I doing here in the morning and not in school.I'm going to school at 2 today. my CIP workshop session is cancelled. If I knew that earlier,most likely I'll be like sleeping now. I'm excited for the TELL THE WORLD camp. Thank God, that I get to bath in school before going to the camp. Or else I'll be like fighting with them over the toilets. Oh well. I have training later. I'm getting sick of interval training. Going around the track. But at least it doesn't hurt as much as sprinting. Well, I just can't sprint. that's all I can say. straining my thigh muscle isn't good in anyway.Looking forward to DG tml. Campus crusuade, seems a good place. oh yes, I removed my tagboard and changed it to a comment box now. just to let you peepx know.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
heys.. I was super tired on Friday. Netball for SW in the morning like 8 to 10.. then evening from like 5 - 8 training.. 7 x 400m.. interesting.. strained my thigh muscles.If i continued, I might have cramps. Anyway, my palms like hurt i guess I exerted too much pressure on them when I'm doing push up or something. It is like swelling now. yesterday I reached home at 10.. met up with crusuade ppl. didn't expect to meet daniel ho. but had mac at KAP. that's my favourite mac. basically it is super huge. simply cool. track camp is coming up on the third week. so my days in poly will be packed.If ppl wants me to watch movie or something. you ppl have to tell me in advance.sighs. anyway,I bought new footwear again. my sandals kinda of worn off. :) modified my blog.
I like to move it move it move it.. magadascar.it kinda of cute. ppl who want me to link. leave a note. thanks. couldn't remember your address..
tell the world that JESUS lives
heys.. I was super tired on Friday. Netball for SW in the morning like 8 to 10.. then evening from like 5 - 8 training.. 7 x 400m.. interesting.. strained my thigh muscles.If i continued, I might have cramps. Anyway, my palms like hurt i guess I exerted too much pressure on them when I'm doing push up or something. It is like swelling now. yesterday I reached home at 10.. met up with crusuade ppl. didn't expect to meet daniel ho. but had mac at KAP. that's my favourite mac. basically it is super huge. simply cool. track camp is coming up on the third week. so my days in poly will be packed.If ppl wants me to watch movie or something. you ppl have to tell me in advance.sighs. anyway,I bought new footwear again. my sandals kinda of worn off. :) modified my blog.
I like to move it move it move it.. magadascar.it kinda of cute. ppl who want me to link. leave a note. thanks. couldn't remember your address..
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
It's been a few days since I lost blogged. Obviously, I'm super duber busy. I'm wondering what I am doing in poly. 24hrs isn't enough. I need more time to sleep.I need my sleep. >.< .. I'm dozing off in any lessons when people just don't talk to me for a minute. I'll be like flat on the table.Horrible me. I still whole lot of stuff to do.. my tutorials.I'm in the NP library blogging. As track starts at like 5 p.m.It is long.Why do I like track that much since secondary school still now.I'm still in like track.I'm tired of 135 trainings. well the worse thing is like there is a competition on the 9 and 11 june the mizuro championship or something. If I have to go, I'll be in trouble. tell the world camp is like from 10 - 12 june. scavenger hunt on the 11.I'll miss the scavenger hunt plus training. then why do I still want to go to the camp ? whatever it is. I'll just leave it to God. I don't understand people who joined track and disappear after 1 training. these people are irritating. don't they understand.missing one training is bad. You will like waste the effort of the past training. people give reasons like legs hurting so they don't want to come. crap. My legs hurt too. not just them. I'm still going. I am just like them. oh ya. I ate wonderful seafood pasta at SIM foodcourt.the whole "restaurant"works like marche.the food isn't expensive.Nice food. I don't believe you'll grow skinner in poly. Our portion of food seems quite alot. that's all for now. training on Monday was terrible. 10 rounds. shan't reveal what we did though. :p
God give me more TIME !!