Sunday, January 30, 2005
Deeply In love with You ---- Youth alive
In my life You've heard me say
I love you
How do I show you it's true
hear my heart, it longs for more of you..
I've fallen deeply in love with you..
You have stolen my heart
I'm captivated by you
Never will you and I part
I've fallen deeply in love with you
You and I, together for ever
Nothing can, stand in the way
My love for you, grows stronger each new day.
I've fallen deeply in love with you
You have stolen my heart
I'm captivated by you
Never will you and I part
I've fallen deeply in love with you
Today, I shared word in Cell today.. A bit anxious... but fun though... People kept asking what happened to my leg... I hurt it when I was playing captain's ball.. So stop asking me what happened to my leg... I had a great time worshipping the Lord today.. Great day!! I went for lunch with Jingyi, joel,jingyi's friend and sam goh for lunch.. Quite fun.. at least occupied then rotting at home ... doing nothing... I bought a pink collared shirt today...
Friday, January 28, 2005
Anyway, stayed in school and played captain's ball till quite late.. about 4.40p.m then headed home.. 05A4 is having a class barqueue on the 4th of Feb.. It'll be fun though... anyway, I think I hurt my foot while playing today... Now it is acting up.. It's ok... :) I thought of crashing into JJC soon.. see how is it like ... :) Anyway.. I had a fun time in school today.. All of us did not hand in our history homework even if we are suppose to.. So boring... anyway, I am lost.... sighz..
Thursday, January 27, 2005
meeting ppl day....
Today.. I met 4 ppl.. Or I should say 3... We went orchard to let walk around and eat.. So .. we took super long to get of MI ... walked to heeren then to Cine for Lunch.. Ate burger king.. walked from cine to MRT.. that's all.. Met Caleb from SU.. He was promoting SA fiesta I think.. then on my way home.. met Patricia.. Now in NJ.. then while walking home.. I saw my ex form teacher.. that's all.. I've been so sleepy.. There's still school tml.. But it is fun.. That's all for today....
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
I had a great day today!! It was Hubert's B'day .. Then we celebrated in the canteen... sat together as a class to like chat.. so cool and fun... then after that was chinese.. I realised.. I seems so lost in Chinese.. I now do not understand what the teacher is trying to say.. she say cancel the redundant words of the sentence then I went to cancel all the words that need to be used.. I'm getting worse.. Econs was fun.. Actually all of us thought it was a lecture.. but it was like tutorial.. We were stuck there like 2 hours.. due to home tutorial.. anyway.. my econs teacher is my home tutor.. Anyway we had quizzes during econs.. Because.. I guess my whole class including me did not do any of her tutorials as we thought it was lecture... During the HT.. we were like drawing names.. and that we have to buy something for someone... FOR Valentine's day... I will miss 05A4... when I leave MI.. I feel that Poly life is better.. I don't know ... we'll see ..
Monday, January 24, 2005
Today, the same.. it's was so boring during econs lecture.. Forgive me.. I think it is really boring.. But management was great... Something interesting.. with the statistics... But no matter what.. Econs is boring.... GP as well... anyway, there's like only 5 guys in my class.. girls dominated class again.. Like 4/7 ...lolx... anyway.. I think i'll miss 05A4.. I have no idea.. I fell sick.. yesterday.. The worst thing is.. After I touch the computer or something.. I seems to have like recovered... Anything.. I finally got a Mp3 player.. Yea... Love my Dad.. hehe... anyway.. my discman wasn't like working that well anymore due to my clumbsiness ??? I always drop stuff... :] I went JP just now... One of the few times that we walked for so long... Because.. we nv enter all the different shops... That's all for today
Friday, January 21, 2005
New Blog
I just did a nice blog for my cell grp.. Love my cell to bits.. Anyway, I've been having fun though.. hmm.. I'm going for NP open house again I guess.. I have no idea why I want to go again.. Guess I want to know more about Ngee ann.. I might want to study there.. I have no idea.. Perhaps.. I just want to get out of my house.. Especially my two younger sisters are always quarelling.. I just cannot stand them.. anyway.. my cell's blog is :
www.cell-rox.blogspot.com <---------- visit it .. A bit empty now.. But I think it'll be like filled soon.. tata.. that's all for today..
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
NP open house
I went NP this afternoon.. My class 05A4 skipped Econs and home tutorial and went to Ngee Ann.. And our poor teacher had to suffer the aftermath of so many missing students.. Anyway.. My whole body is like aching now... my legs.. argh... the P.E lesson yesterday was horrible.. duckwalking.. can you imagine the pain you'll feel the next day.. they did it on purpose.. choosing the exercises which will definitely cause body aches.. Anyway... At ngee ann.. I saw gloria.. SU... they were like selling tupperware?? Guess it's some kind of business project?? they were selling it at NP's so called Orchard Rd.. Then.. I saw Zhiyong too.. with his friends.. Blah.. NP everyone had to get a laptop.. cool rite.. getting a laptop wherever you go.. Gotta finish my management tutorials.. sorry for the short update..
Monday, January 17, 2005
First day In MI
today is a like a day which I feel lost.. I went into the general office and the clerk like had no impression that I am reporting today.. which they like called me the other time.. I have no idea what happened either.. then .. I went to see the ARTS H.O.D then she told me where I am in and send me off to the class.. then we had to sing National anthem.. then down to the lecture theatre.. then I found Thomas, MinMin and Michelle to be in the same LT.. so sat with them.. I feel better at least..then after that was History and our teacher is like absent so I went to the other class when I should be in my own class.. after my break.. back to 05A4.. then my business management teacher came in and .. gave tutorial.. I don't even have the lecture notes ?? I wonder did she gave out any lecture notes.. Or else.. you'll realise my tutorials will all be done wrongly.. anyway.. thank God everything went like well ?? Just that I'm just a bit too quiet.. Should be ok though.. But ECONS was really bad today.. I don't understand a single thing.. No wonder it is " Interesting" in such a way....
Me and sarah went to church in the morning.. to learn
guitar.. Ben and Don was there too.. that was our last lesson anyway.. so sad..But I believe that no matter what... I'll still learn guitar somehow.. :p anyway after that we had lunch.. then I went to esplanade to find Sarah.. Since I've nothing to do..
SO I went there .. then they were at
Marina square's Mac.. Me, alone walk with my guitar down to Mac.. Ordered twister fries.. Eat and wait for her...
aRgh.. I waited until 3.50..Guess what ?? I took out my guitar and started playing in Mac.. I just could not be bothered with the ppl who like stared a me.. we are like suppose to meet our cell at like 4 at Bishan.. But they ended waiting for us.. But it's ok.. Sorry to those who waited.. then when we reached Sophia's house and like played there .. Had an enjoyable time there.. Me and Sarah went home by taking the bus 165.. then in the Bus.. we play guitar.. crazy rite.. anyway in the morning .. we also did that but it was on the
today, I'm suppose to meet sarah at 8.. we ended up meeting at 8.30?? then we reached church like 9.40.. and we're suppose to be there like 9... Nvm.. anyway..we came up with the
CHUBBY BUNNY ice breaker.. Fun rite?? for those who experienced that.. this game goes like this.. you're to put marsh mallows in your mouth without biting.. and say chubby bunny.. after which, the no. of
marsh mallows in your mouth will start to increase.. I took their pictures.. hmm.. what should I do with them.. If anyone want to see them in my blog..
tag me.. geez... I think my cell is fun.. we sat together for service today.. I can see them sing and jumping.. cool cell.. I think worship today was great... especially that all the youths were very enthu... ppl from my cell if you're reading.. I am going to set up a
blog for our cell .. so you can tell me what's up in your life.. k??
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Last day of SP
.. I didn't go SP yesterday.. I was doing
editing of my blog.. doing the pictures in my blog.. I was playing with
adobe photoshop.. Yeah.. Finally I can add words on those pictures .. :p.. Today will also be a great day!! anyway, I thought I would never be able to finish my cell contact list and my cell scheldule.. But I did it..
Thank God :p Today, I'm going for my so called last guitar lesson in church today.. all smiles... Later going to the city .. afternoon I've got to go for Sophia's birthday party...
2 days away to going to MI... feeling
school sick..... I've really enjoyed my days in SP.. For all those trying to gain weight, please go to SP.. You have all kinds of food to choose from... unlike normal schools..
Saturday, January 15, 2005
The Bag of Nails
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down.
He discovered it was easier to hol d his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all.
He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.
He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. "
A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.
Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to us.
Please forgive me if I have ever left a hole.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
this is my
desired MP3 player.. I am going to try saving up for this MP3.. I think it is beautiful.. Black .. but 128 MB.. I think it is enough.. Today.. in SP.. they introduced us to the school of ICT... It's about IT today.. My favourite.. I love computers.. they are fun and interesting.. and anyway.. my computer space is like really small... I want a super big hard disk.. anyway.. we ate at FC3 today.. everyday go different food court to eat.. It's like cool.. there's an enrichment activity in the afternoon.. actually I wanted to go for the one for music.. It's like cool .. you'll like get to create your own
dancetrack.. Interesting.. By the way.. there's a bowling alley in the school.. somewhere.. I have no idea.. the rates the charge is like
$1.40 per game.. Cheaper than the game I played in JB... anyway, I learnt Adobe photoshop today.. Got to do a
valentine's e card.. It's not easy.. did that for around 3 hours.. 1 wish fulfilled today.. I got to know more about graphic design.. :p I got to do some animation.. I hope to go into more of that... Tml is the
"VERY AMAZING RACE" .. I have no idea what's that.. so forget about asking me.. I have dinner and dance tml.. It's because that's our like last day of CFP .. so sad.. I'm starting
MI soon...
I am going to MI really soon.. I feels that I am not excited nor I am reluctant.. I feel kind of sick when I remembered about
CHINESE.. this is bad... I have not touched that since like
JUNE 2004... Whatever..
I am happily enjoying myself at SP.. Skipping our briefing sessions as it was boring... We went to played badminton.. Some SP students played with us.. we played from around 1 plus to 5 plus.. Not bad...I hope I get to touch computers today.. today is our last school.. that means school of info comm technology will come.. yeah!! that's a school I have so much queries for... I do not know if IT is still a growing industry but I am so interested in IT... SP 50 poly campus run is coming everyone in SP is getting ready to run... they stayed back after school to train.. cool... all the CCA groups.. anyway the CCA groups there are like many.. you will not know what to choose too... forget it.. smile :p
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Yesterday was all about the school of business which was quite boring when we were sent to our specific lecturers so after lunch .. all the boon lay secs except yingkai .. we went to play badminton at the sports hall ... we shouldn't be there as like lessons are still on .. but nvm.. we played for three and a half hours... this is so crazy.. then some of the students joined us.. the worse thing is they really think we are SP students.. they asked which school we in.. so we told them we just finished o levels....
I met up with Sarah, joanne and cedric at Tiong Bahru yesterday..talked about our cell programme.. I seems to be so busy everyday.. I really don't feel like going to SP today.. tired after yesterday agenda.. I am enjoying myself but I have to suffer soon.. as I am going to MI... It's bad ok......... I had too much fun in SP.. getting to eat different things everyday..
Monday, January 10, 2005

gurl rules!!

slackin once more


Nazri & Denise

slackin in the convention centre

Food court 5 Rox!!!

Omgas eating away!!!!

smile :)
Sp rox!!
I still cannot forget my powerboat ride.. Joel Mo just reminded me about the poly marina.. I think that rox!! and He got the License.. I guess what I want to do in poly is to get my powerboat license.. It's kinda of fun.. It's much cheaper than driving license... Anyway.. we did briefing of the SEEE.. SChool of electrical and electronics engineering.. Today we went to W4 to play with LEGO.. We did lego robotics .. Our boat is very funny.. me and hafizah programmed it in such a way that when it hits something, it will stop then reverse for 2.0 s then moves forward.. We set our speed at 3.. Ours was like a frog in water.. when I programmed the speed at 5.. it was utterly violent that the motor came out.. then we switch to speed 3.. Glad about that... it was fun though..
Food!! oh yeah.. I went to eat KFC today at FC5... Pizza hut was there but forget it.. the pizza is like mini size there so .. not nice to eat... Enjoy the new bckgrd music.. Jesse McCartney ---- Beautiful Soul..
I'll miss SP... The lecturers are like your friends who you can chat ... they are nice.. :P
Friday, January 07, 2005
School of Design and Environment..
Very interesting.... This school has finally caught some of my attention.. Especially Architecture and Interior Design... Yesterday I was too tired to update... We played with bubbles in the lecture theatre.. I think you'll never ever get to do that in a lecture hall... Then we had our tea break then we had another round of competition.. Given some materials.. we had to build a structure that's one metre high.. Of course not old fashion la.. I enjoyed it very much... Today we went around looking at the interior design studios...architecture studios.. they uses autocad.. Not bad..
We went on to the civil and structural engineering .. we went to the hydraulic lab.. where we design and cut out our boat.. then we are suppose to let it run.. and see who's the fastest.. the seniors also did.. Of course ... seniors lost to amkss.. their boat was fast.. theirs was fast too.. but not as fast as that amkss boat..
the most interesting thing I did today was at the station where we design our own office which is suppose to have a staff office, reception, toilets, director office, meeting room... then we are suppose to build these in our boundaries and we are suppose to use the given fake 150 dollars to purchase materials to build it.. We did a great job.. Get first!! cool rite..actually we left with only 30 dollars.. we multiply it to 100 dollars by buying something like toto.. It's like we are suppose to have a lump sum of money after buying a materials... But we bought that and we multiply to 100 dollars not bad.. then we got to know some seniors from DPDFM.. Interesting course but .. it doesn't stir me up though.. I got to know Christina, kayan and siya today.. they brought us around the club house.. it's cool ..
Final say.. I'm admitted to millenia insitute for my ARTs course.. I only promised to go after my SP attachment.. I guess I am going to miss SP.. Don't worry .. I'll be back for SP.. For now I'll put DA in my list and DID .. It's kinda of interesting looking at their models and that they will cry if any of the models is destroyed.. Of course.. they did not get to sleep for a few days to finish the model.. And the thing is there's no exam in the course.. NO EXAMS!!! whahaha.. good rite ?? But suffer due to the datelines.. tomorrow SU reunion.. Yeah!!!
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Poly Marina
Today, I had loads of fun.. the Singapore Maritime Academy students did a great job.. intorducing their courses to us.. they tell us.. brief us.. what is their course like.. Marine Engineering.. Nautical studies.. the other one is the marine business.. not bad... we had our boat rides at west coast.. It's really fun.. they sent us to the sea... that's cool.. what is cooler is if I own a boat license.. I am still considering if I want to get one..
I got on to a red rubber boat.. the boat is driven by a girl , Jaslyn.. what can I say... It's really floaty.. scary..?? she sped and like increases the speed suddenly.. so everybody like jerked.. so scared us a little.. but I think it is cool.. I've never sat in a speed boat before anyway.. then we saw the "seashaw" yacht.. What's that?? this yacht is owned by the shaw brothers .. It's a really expensive yacht.. It' s cool that the SMA students get to really experience their work at first..Marine engineering seems fun.. Marine business also attractive but nautical studies is something I will never like to do.. it's also because of my
eyes.. I'm wearing spects which are 300 degrees.. It's quite impossible of course..
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
SP rox!!
It's fun finding our way through the campus.. walking around finding where are we to go .. We reached LT1A then.. we were told that we are going for Industrial visits.. The first thing I thought of is.. Wow.. Surprise..?? tomorrow we will be going out to the sea.. then I think the afternoon is free.. I going to check out the Library tomorrow.. then I guess I am going to swim there tomorrow too.. make use of the facilities.. Anyway.. For SP they are starting course in Mid may... so it's kind of early this year...
We were asked where we want to visit.. the RSAF, the Gardenia factory or Yakult factory.. Me being a person who is so interesed in aerospace industry, I went for the air force muesum.. Saw aircrafts, F-16, skyhawk.. radar.. lots more.. after that touch back down to the campus.. I ate Mcdonald's there.. It's much cheaper to eat in the campus compared to the public...then we went back to LT1A.. then they spoke more on mechanical and manufacturing engineering..the seniors were nice.. they brought us around the workshops... entered into workshops.. stared hard at robots.. the aeronautical lab is also amazing.. then there this machine is like a computer game.. controlling the plane.. amazing.. they brought us to their workshop.. the machine is kind of fun.. I can see them working together.. they are nice people..
I am tired.. I'm sure you'll slim down by walking around the whole campus.. It does seems big.. and complex.. you will definitely lose your way around without a map.. I am looking forward to the visit to the sea tomorrow.. get to go on a yacht..
all smiles ~~~
Monday, January 03, 2005
For the first time, I really explored the poly campus.. It is like 42 hectares.. Very big.. There are squash courts, tennis courts, swimming pool, sports complex.. Gym.. Just name.. they will have it.. I am still thinking if I should go try Archery, dancing or cycling on the 2 wednesdays afternoon..Basically, we had a briefing in the morning.. then it was breakfast.. Nice food.. But.. My whole plate literally is blown into the water course..
Then we went on for Alpha challenge.. It was really fun.. It looks something like Outward Bound stuff.. Maybe outward bound is tougher but it doesn't seem that easily either.. I tried rock climbing today... Thrashed out.. So tired... Tomorrow only have to be there at 9.. So sleep longer.. wahaha.. I think tomorrow will be even better.. Alpha challenge.. there's more to it... too lazy to type.. tell ya more if you ask me.. I miss 4/7 of course.. Oh ya.. there is 6 canteens in the school and 1 restaurant.. Of course there is fastfood... I am sure to be lost without the map to guide me.. I make new friends too.. But the big problem is we have no idea who their names.. we just talk as we see the people up high.. doing their obstacle.. I am looking forward to the sea trip.. Get to be on a Yacht.. I must take pictures.. geez... You all must go for poly open house.. I think it would be a benefit to people getting their results soon... Lots to say.. But I'm hungry..
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Deeply In love with You ---- Youth alive
In my life You've heard me say
I love you
How do I show you it's true
hear my heart, it longs for more of you..
I've fallen deeply in love with you..
You have stolen my heart
I'm captivated by you
Never will you and I part
I've fallen deeply in love with you
You and I, together for ever
Nothing can, stand in the way
My love for you, grows stronger each new day.
I've fallen deeply in love with you
You have stolen my heart
I'm captivated by you
Never will you and I part
I've fallen deeply in love with you
Today, I shared word in Cell today.. A bit anxious... but fun though... People kept asking what happened to my leg... I hurt it when I was playing captain's ball.. So stop asking me what happened to my leg... I had a great time worshipping the Lord today.. Great day!! I went for lunch with Jingyi, joel,jingyi's friend and sam goh for lunch.. Quite fun.. at least occupied then rotting at home ... doing nothing... I bought a pink collared shirt today...
Friday, January 28, 2005
Anyway, stayed in school and played captain's ball till quite late.. about 4.40p.m then headed home.. 05A4 is having a class barqueue on the 4th of Feb.. It'll be fun though... anyway, I think I hurt my foot while playing today... Now it is acting up.. It's ok... :) I thought of crashing into JJC soon.. see how is it like ... :) Anyway.. I had a fun time in school today.. All of us did not hand in our history homework even if we are suppose to.. So boring... anyway, I am lost.... sighz..
Thursday, January 27, 2005
meeting ppl day....
Today.. I met 4 ppl.. Or I should say 3... We went orchard to let walk around and eat.. So .. we took super long to get of MI ... walked to heeren then to Cine for Lunch.. Ate burger king.. walked from cine to MRT.. that's all.. Met Caleb from SU.. He was promoting SA fiesta I think.. then on my way home.. met Patricia.. Now in NJ.. then while walking home.. I saw my ex form teacher.. that's all.. I've been so sleepy.. There's still school tml.. But it is fun.. That's all for today....
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
I had a great day today!! It was Hubert's B'day .. Then we celebrated in the canteen... sat together as a class to like chat.. so cool and fun... then after that was chinese.. I realised.. I seems so lost in Chinese.. I now do not understand what the teacher is trying to say.. she say cancel the redundant words of the sentence then I went to cancel all the words that need to be used.. I'm getting worse.. Econs was fun.. Actually all of us thought it was a lecture.. but it was like tutorial.. We were stuck there like 2 hours.. due to home tutorial.. anyway.. my econs teacher is my home tutor.. Anyway we had quizzes during econs.. Because.. I guess my whole class including me did not do any of her tutorials as we thought it was lecture... During the HT.. we were like drawing names.. and that we have to buy something for someone... FOR Valentine's day... I will miss 05A4... when I leave MI.. I feel that Poly life is better.. I don't know ... we'll see ..
Monday, January 24, 2005
Today, the same.. it's was so boring during econs lecture.. Forgive me.. I think it is really boring.. But management was great... Something interesting.. with the statistics... But no matter what.. Econs is boring.... GP as well... anyway, there's like only 5 guys in my class.. girls dominated class again.. Like 4/7 ...lolx... anyway.. I think i'll miss 05A4.. I have no idea.. I fell sick.. yesterday.. The worst thing is.. After I touch the computer or something.. I seems to have like recovered... Anything.. I finally got a Mp3 player.. Yea... Love my Dad.. hehe... anyway.. my discman wasn't like working that well anymore due to my clumbsiness ??? I always drop stuff... :] I went JP just now... One of the few times that we walked for so long... Because.. we nv enter all the different shops... That's all for today
Friday, January 21, 2005
New Blog
I just did a nice blog for my cell grp.. Love my cell to bits.. Anyway, I've been having fun though.. hmm.. I'm going for NP open house again I guess.. I have no idea why I want to go again.. Guess I want to know more about Ngee ann.. I might want to study there.. I have no idea.. Perhaps.. I just want to get out of my house.. Especially my two younger sisters are always quarelling.. I just cannot stand them.. anyway.. my cell's blog is :
www.cell-rox.blogspot.com <---------- visit it .. A bit empty now.. But I think it'll be like filled soon.. tata.. that's all for today..
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
NP open house
I went NP this afternoon.. My class 05A4 skipped Econs and home tutorial and went to Ngee Ann.. And our poor teacher had to suffer the aftermath of so many missing students.. Anyway.. My whole body is like aching now... my legs.. argh... the P.E lesson yesterday was horrible.. duckwalking.. can you imagine the pain you'll feel the next day.. they did it on purpose.. choosing the exercises which will definitely cause body aches.. Anyway... At ngee ann.. I saw gloria.. SU... they were like selling tupperware?? Guess it's some kind of business project?? they were selling it at NP's so called Orchard Rd.. Then.. I saw Zhiyong too.. with his friends.. Blah.. NP everyone had to get a laptop.. cool rite.. getting a laptop wherever you go.. Gotta finish my management tutorials.. sorry for the short update..
Monday, January 17, 2005
First day In MI
today is a like a day which I feel lost.. I went into the general office and the clerk like had no impression that I am reporting today.. which they like called me the other time.. I have no idea what happened either.. then .. I went to see the ARTS H.O.D then she told me where I am in and send me off to the class.. then we had to sing National anthem.. then down to the lecture theatre.. then I found Thomas, MinMin and Michelle to be in the same LT.. so sat with them.. I feel better at least..then after that was History and our teacher is like absent so I went to the other class when I should be in my own class.. after my break.. back to 05A4.. then my business management teacher came in and .. gave tutorial.. I don't even have the lecture notes ?? I wonder did she gave out any lecture notes.. Or else.. you'll realise my tutorials will all be done wrongly.. anyway.. thank God everything went like well ?? Just that I'm just a bit too quiet.. Should be ok though.. But ECONS was really bad today.. I don't understand a single thing.. No wonder it is " Interesting" in such a way....
Me and sarah went to church in the morning.. to learn
guitar.. Ben and Don was there too.. that was our last lesson anyway.. so sad..But I believe that no matter what... I'll still learn guitar somehow.. :p anyway after that we had lunch.. then I went to esplanade to find Sarah.. Since I've nothing to do..
SO I went there .. then they were at
Marina square's Mac.. Me, alone walk with my guitar down to Mac.. Ordered twister fries.. Eat and wait for her...
aRgh.. I waited until 3.50..Guess what ?? I took out my guitar and started playing in Mac.. I just could not be bothered with the ppl who like stared a me.. we are like suppose to meet our cell at like 4 at Bishan.. But they ended waiting for us.. But it's ok.. Sorry to those who waited.. then when we reached Sophia's house and like played there .. Had an enjoyable time there.. Me and Sarah went home by taking the bus 165.. then in the Bus.. we play guitar.. crazy rite.. anyway in the morning .. we also did that but it was on the
today, I'm suppose to meet sarah at 8.. we ended up meeting at 8.30?? then we reached church like 9.40.. and we're suppose to be there like 9... Nvm.. anyway..we came up with the
CHUBBY BUNNY ice breaker.. Fun rite?? for those who experienced that.. this game goes like this.. you're to put marsh mallows in your mouth without biting.. and say chubby bunny.. after which, the no. of
marsh mallows in your mouth will start to increase.. I took their pictures.. hmm.. what should I do with them.. If anyone want to see them in my blog..
tag me.. geez... I think my cell is fun.. we sat together for service today.. I can see them sing and jumping.. cool cell.. I think worship today was great... especially that all the youths were very enthu... ppl from my cell if you're reading.. I am going to set up a
blog for our cell .. so you can tell me what's up in your life.. k??
Sunday, January 16, 2005
Last day of SP
.. I didn't go SP yesterday.. I was doing
editing of my blog.. doing the pictures in my blog.. I was playing with
adobe photoshop.. Yeah.. Finally I can add words on those pictures .. :p.. Today will also be a great day!! anyway, I thought I would never be able to finish my cell contact list and my cell scheldule.. But I did it..
Thank God :p Today, I'm going for my so called last guitar lesson in church today.. all smiles... Later going to the city .. afternoon I've got to go for Sophia's birthday party...
2 days away to going to MI... feeling
school sick..... I've really enjoyed my days in SP.. For all those trying to gain weight, please go to SP.. You have all kinds of food to choose from... unlike normal schools..
Saturday, January 15, 2005
The Bag of Nails
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His Father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down.
He discovered it was easier to hol d his temper than to drive those nails into the fence. Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all.
He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.
He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. "
A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one.
Friends are very rare jewels, indeed. They make you smile and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share words of praise and they always want to open their hearts to us.
Please forgive me if I have ever left a hole.
Thursday, January 13, 2005
this is my
desired MP3 player.. I am going to try saving up for this MP3.. I think it is beautiful.. Black .. but 128 MB.. I think it is enough.. Today.. in SP.. they introduced us to the school of ICT... It's about IT today.. My favourite.. I love computers.. they are fun and interesting.. and anyway.. my computer space is like really small... I want a super big hard disk.. anyway.. we ate at FC3 today.. everyday go different food court to eat.. It's like cool.. there's an enrichment activity in the afternoon.. actually I wanted to go for the one for music.. It's like cool .. you'll like get to create your own
dancetrack.. Interesting.. By the way.. there's a bowling alley in the school.. somewhere.. I have no idea.. the rates the charge is like
$1.40 per game.. Cheaper than the game I played in JB... anyway, I learnt Adobe photoshop today.. Got to do a
valentine's e card.. It's not easy.. did that for around 3 hours.. 1 wish fulfilled today.. I got to know more about graphic design.. :p I got to do some animation.. I hope to go into more of that... Tml is the
"VERY AMAZING RACE" .. I have no idea what's that.. so forget about asking me.. I have dinner and dance tml.. It's because that's our like last day of CFP .. so sad.. I'm starting
MI soon...
I am going to MI really soon.. I feels that I am not excited nor I am reluctant.. I feel kind of sick when I remembered about
CHINESE.. this is bad... I have not touched that since like
JUNE 2004... Whatever..
I am happily enjoying myself at SP.. Skipping our briefing sessions as it was boring... We went to played badminton.. Some SP students played with us.. we played from around 1 plus to 5 plus.. Not bad...I hope I get to touch computers today.. today is our last school.. that means school of info comm technology will come.. yeah!! that's a school I have so much queries for... I do not know if IT is still a growing industry but I am so interested in IT... SP 50 poly campus run is coming everyone in SP is getting ready to run... they stayed back after school to train.. cool... all the CCA groups.. anyway the CCA groups there are like many.. you will not know what to choose too... forget it.. smile :p
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Yesterday was all about the school of business which was quite boring when we were sent to our specific lecturers so after lunch .. all the boon lay secs except yingkai .. we went to play badminton at the sports hall ... we shouldn't be there as like lessons are still on .. but nvm.. we played for three and a half hours... this is so crazy.. then some of the students joined us.. the worse thing is they really think we are SP students.. they asked which school we in.. so we told them we just finished o levels....
I met up with Sarah, joanne and cedric at Tiong Bahru yesterday..talked about our cell programme.. I seems to be so busy everyday.. I really don't feel like going to SP today.. tired after yesterday agenda.. I am enjoying myself but I have to suffer soon.. as I am going to MI... It's bad ok......... I had too much fun in SP.. getting to eat different things everyday..
Monday, January 10, 2005

gurl rules!!

slackin once more


Nazri & Denise

slackin in the convention centre

Food court 5 Rox!!!

Omgas eating away!!!!

smile :)
Sp rox!!
I still cannot forget my powerboat ride.. Joel Mo just reminded me about the poly marina.. I think that rox!! and He got the License.. I guess what I want to do in poly is to get my powerboat license.. It's kinda of fun.. It's much cheaper than driving license... Anyway.. we did briefing of the SEEE.. SChool of electrical and electronics engineering.. Today we went to W4 to play with LEGO.. We did lego robotics .. Our boat is very funny.. me and hafizah programmed it in such a way that when it hits something, it will stop then reverse for 2.0 s then moves forward.. We set our speed at 3.. Ours was like a frog in water.. when I programmed the speed at 5.. it was utterly violent that the motor came out.. then we switch to speed 3.. Glad about that... it was fun though..
Food!! oh yeah.. I went to eat KFC today at FC5... Pizza hut was there but forget it.. the pizza is like mini size there so .. not nice to eat... Enjoy the new bckgrd music.. Jesse McCartney ---- Beautiful Soul..
I'll miss SP... The lecturers are like your friends who you can chat ... they are nice.. :P
Friday, January 07, 2005
School of Design and Environment..
Very interesting.... This school has finally caught some of my attention.. Especially Architecture and Interior Design... Yesterday I was too tired to update... We played with bubbles in the lecture theatre.. I think you'll never ever get to do that in a lecture hall... Then we had our tea break then we had another round of competition.. Given some materials.. we had to build a structure that's one metre high.. Of course not old fashion la.. I enjoyed it very much... Today we went around looking at the interior design studios...architecture studios.. they uses autocad.. Not bad..
We went on to the civil and structural engineering .. we went to the hydraulic lab.. where we design and cut out our boat.. then we are suppose to let it run.. and see who's the fastest.. the seniors also did.. Of course ... seniors lost to amkss.. their boat was fast.. theirs was fast too.. but not as fast as that amkss boat..
the most interesting thing I did today was at the station where we design our own office which is suppose to have a staff office, reception, toilets, director office, meeting room... then we are suppose to build these in our boundaries and we are suppose to use the given fake 150 dollars to purchase materials to build it.. We did a great job.. Get first!! cool rite..actually we left with only 30 dollars.. we multiply it to 100 dollars by buying something like toto.. It's like we are suppose to have a lump sum of money after buying a materials... But we bought that and we multiply to 100 dollars not bad.. then we got to know some seniors from DPDFM.. Interesting course but .. it doesn't stir me up though.. I got to know Christina, kayan and siya today.. they brought us around the club house.. it's cool ..
Final say.. I'm admitted to millenia insitute for my ARTs course.. I only promised to go after my SP attachment.. I guess I am going to miss SP.. Don't worry .. I'll be back for SP.. For now I'll put DA in my list and DID .. It's kinda of interesting looking at their models and that they will cry if any of the models is destroyed.. Of course.. they did not get to sleep for a few days to finish the model.. And the thing is there's no exam in the course.. NO EXAMS!!! whahaha.. good rite ?? But suffer due to the datelines.. tomorrow SU reunion.. Yeah!!!
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
Poly Marina
Today, I had loads of fun.. the Singapore Maritime Academy students did a great job.. intorducing their courses to us.. they tell us.. brief us.. what is their course like.. Marine Engineering.. Nautical studies.. the other one is the marine business.. not bad... we had our boat rides at west coast.. It's really fun.. they sent us to the sea... that's cool.. what is cooler is if I own a boat license.. I am still considering if I want to get one..
I got on to a red rubber boat.. the boat is driven by a girl , Jaslyn.. what can I say... It's really floaty.. scary..?? she sped and like increases the speed suddenly.. so everybody like jerked.. so scared us a little.. but I think it is cool.. I've never sat in a speed boat before anyway.. then we saw the "seashaw" yacht.. What's that?? this yacht is owned by the shaw brothers .. It's a really expensive yacht.. It' s cool that the SMA students get to really experience their work at first..Marine engineering seems fun.. Marine business also attractive but nautical studies is something I will never like to do.. it's also because of my
eyes.. I'm wearing spects which are 300 degrees.. It's quite impossible of course..
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
SP rox!!
It's fun finding our way through the campus.. walking around finding where are we to go .. We reached LT1A then.. we were told that we are going for Industrial visits.. The first thing I thought of is.. Wow.. Surprise..?? tomorrow we will be going out to the sea.. then I think the afternoon is free.. I going to check out the Library tomorrow.. then I guess I am going to swim there tomorrow too.. make use of the facilities.. Anyway.. For SP they are starting course in Mid may... so it's kind of early this year...
We were asked where we want to visit.. the RSAF, the Gardenia factory or Yakult factory.. Me being a person who is so interesed in aerospace industry, I went for the air force muesum.. Saw aircrafts, F-16, skyhawk.. radar.. lots more.. after that touch back down to the campus.. I ate Mcdonald's there.. It's much cheaper to eat in the campus compared to the public...then we went back to LT1A.. then they spoke more on mechanical and manufacturing engineering..the seniors were nice.. they brought us around the workshops... entered into workshops.. stared hard at robots.. the aeronautical lab is also amazing.. then there this machine is like a computer game.. controlling the plane.. amazing.. they brought us to their workshop.. the machine is kind of fun.. I can see them working together.. they are nice people..
I am tired.. I'm sure you'll slim down by walking around the whole campus.. It does seems big.. and complex.. you will definitely lose your way around without a map.. I am looking forward to the visit to the sea tomorrow.. get to go on a yacht..
all smiles ~~~
Monday, January 03, 2005
For the first time, I really explored the poly campus.. It is like 42 hectares.. Very big.. There are squash courts, tennis courts, swimming pool, sports complex.. Gym.. Just name.. they will have it.. I am still thinking if I should go try Archery, dancing or cycling on the 2 wednesdays afternoon..Basically, we had a briefing in the morning.. then it was breakfast.. Nice food.. But.. My whole plate literally is blown into the water course..
Then we went on for Alpha challenge.. It was really fun.. It looks something like Outward Bound stuff.. Maybe outward bound is tougher but it doesn't seem that easily either.. I tried rock climbing today... Thrashed out.. So tired... Tomorrow only have to be there at 9.. So sleep longer.. wahaha.. I think tomorrow will be even better.. Alpha challenge.. there's more to it... too lazy to type.. tell ya more if you ask me.. I miss 4/7 of course.. Oh ya.. there is 6 canteens in the school and 1 restaurant.. Of course there is fastfood... I am sure to be lost without the map to guide me.. I make new friends too.. But the big problem is we have no idea who their names.. we just talk as we see the people up high.. doing their obstacle.. I am looking forward to the sea trip.. Get to be on a Yacht.. I must take pictures.. geez... You all must go for poly open house.. I think it would be a benefit to people getting their results soon... Lots to say.. But I'm hungry..