Friday, December 31, 2004
31 dec 2004
today, I changed my blogskin.. because after midnight it will be a brand new year.. haha.. today I shall look through my journal on 2004 and do an evaluation.. tell you when I finished it...
I love this year as I did a lot of things in 2004... Things I never think of doing.. Going for so many camps, going to myanmar.. ,taking 'o' levels, doing the skit.. many things..
I have no idea what to say.. But all the best to the new year.. I'll miss year 2004 .. That's for sure..
4/7, we are all going towards a different route.. some are going JCs while others go poly.. all the best to all of you ... ^__^
Everything in my avant browser seems so BiG.. I just can't stand it ?? Anyone can help ??
For the past few days.. I've been doing nothing of course.. Stoning at the TV.. staring at the horrifying news of the tsunami.. I don't know what to say .. God seems to close every year with something last year was a earthquake at Iran.. This year is the killer wave.. and he chose 5 days before the start of a new year .. 26 dec'04.. I find that God is trying to tell us something besides the end times are near.. But I can't figure it out...
Anyway.. I'm kind of depressed about the new year.. I'm thinking whether will I be happy to receive the new year.. Maybe many people thinks I'm really happy.. but I'm not really one?? but I try be one.. because you have only 1 life .. live it.. be happy after that it will be the end? I am thinking of going Myanmar again during the March holidays.. I have not stepped out of the house for days.. I seems to have locked myself up and refused to step out..
Well, life is short.. Many asked me why I do not want to find work.. It's because the next half of my life is working.. Why force yourself to make money now?? Money is not as important as people think it is.. It's a long entry again...
Thursday, December 23, 2004
I'm really Busy...
Yesterday, Qiuhui like called me and asked me if I want to go MI ..
I was like stunned.. Now, when the JC registration and stuff has ended..
I was like can it be done?? If it is possible then it will be ok...
Then I'll be so busy for the holidays... I had to take 2 weeks leave for my poly attachment..
Then proceed for MI.. Nvm.. I rather be busy then rotting at home with my computer..
On tuesday, I went to my pri sch gathering.. I thought it was a little boring.. playing whacko... Playing key and parcel where they had to do extreme forefeits.. it was really bad.. PPl who wants that pictures.. I don't think I wanna upload it on the net.. If you want to get it from me I'll send to you on msn ..
samantha_leo@hotmail.com that's my email..
Yesterday.. we went to sentosa yesterday.. I'm darker now.. haha.. we had a class outing with no guys.. that's the best.. we did sand castles eat... get into the water... but I didn't.. Then we played truth or dare.. a great time to know you ppl even more.. that's a good thing.. then we sort of stop at habour front for dinner.. I went straight to bed... I'm utterly tired.. shacked.. whatever..
I'm going Orchard for shopping... why am I doing this ...?
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Cousin's married..
Hey !! Did not update yesterday as I was out form 7 plus till 12.30 a.m ...
My cousin got married yesterday..
Mixed feelings... I have never wore dresses in like 8 years.. since Pri 3 or 4
Got a make over with my sisters and mum.. You will never believe that's me in the picture...
But it seems to me I went for a Prom..
Today we had an outing with evelyn, dorcas and zhen lin..
I've got a new book for bible study.. I think next year will be a great year...
I got to shop for Christmas presents for some of my close buddies..
I want to read books.. I getting sick of facing the computer day and night
I'll go to a library tomorrow.. I promise..
get chocolates for my dear ushers!!! see be an usher in my church.. I'll get chocolates..
Sarah Phua.. If you're back in Singapore and you happen to see this.. Pls call or sms me...
I just want to see if you're free to go window shopping or movie ..
Friday, December 17, 2004
the photos
The pics that I just posted is what I've done the past few days..
I've been designing this thing for like the few days back..
I put my heart .. still not my soul.. If I have a scanner.. You'll see powerpoint for them..
but that's not possible... I'm like a computer freak..
Haha.. Guess what.. I tried playing with Adobe Acrobrat.. I could not touch up pics..
I don't even know how to operate that.. What my Dad said was really true..
I am going to wear contact lens... :p I'll take pictures..
I'll be in dress tomorrow for the wedding.. can you believe it ?? I've never wear dresses since sec 2

left with the bride's baby photo.. It'll be complete.

after some more time

after some time...

First step of my cousin's wedding gift
Thursday, December 16, 2004
I went swimming just now with XX.
We had a great time. I swam 20 laps [1 lap = 50m]
Then I told her about the camps.. we had a lot of fun..
It was so boring in the morning but thank God for XX that she called and asked if I want to go for a swim.. Heard about my class chalet [ i thought it was a disaster.. but I wasn't there]
this morning I was doing the signboard.. for my cousin's wedding.. I did not know what to get for them so I thought of doing that.. I will upload the photo of what I've done by tomorrow night.. That's a promise.. From the start with the materials to the product ..
Basically I really feel that it's been a nice holiday for me.. :p
I'm sitting at the computer.. thinking of a funny skit???
I looked at the letter for career familiarisation programme in SP again..
I think poly life is the best for me I think.
I just don't want to be stuck in a JC doing Science and Arts subjects even I know that is a better path..
Well ppl who know me.. They will know I won't be able to sit down and study .. So I thought poly is much better...
Anyway I have no idea why am I writing all these.. Year 2005 is getting nearer... I am thinking too much..
Anyway, I have too many dreams... I want to learn animation.. My dad won't allow..what can i do?? Media and communications is not really what I want to study either... Nevermind.. animation can learnt in any computer centres...
Haha.. today is a super bad entry though... rite ??
Feel free to chat in my tagboard...
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Had fun yesterday...
Got out of my house at like 10a.m and touched home at 9.15 p.m
11 hrs 15 mins out of the house..
I was super tired...
I went shopping with my aunts for x'mas
I got a 1. Happy house pencil box.. [ a pink one with a flower]
I got a cute turtle... I got a new pink giordano shirt and couple of cool notebks + double side highlighters...
Then I went off to meet my Pri sch mates...
I played Pool again in like ages.. It's a nice feeling but I just got so bored...
Then we caught the X'mas with the kranks..
I shall rate it.. I give u 2 and a half stars .. It's kinda of boring..
that's all for yesterday...
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Wee!!! I've been out having fun for like the holiday ??
I been to Youth camps, picnic at botanical garden, shopping at Orchard for 2 consecutive days.
Then I had SU camp!! which is in Sentosa ... for like 4 days!!
On friday, I went shopping in Orchard, I bought clothes.. A dress and a half dress?? I don't know
Yesterday, I went swimming...
Today, I went to church .. Did a lot of stuff...
Tomorrow.. I am going for a movie with my pri sch pals... =p
I wonder when will this ever end ???
Friday, December 10, 2004
SU camp
Day 1
First day.. We met at Habourfront centre... We reached there around 8.45 ?? Then we board the like last bus or something... Then we reached our campsite and down to our grps... Haha.. me and evelyn went into OMEGA ...Then known as OMGA.. tell you the story if only you read on...
Then my group have like 9 ppl... Caleb,me, randall,evelyn,kah eng, christie,JJ,liesel,serene. Our leaders were : Ernest, Gloria, Esther... Hmm.. they were great leaders... We played team building games... It wasn't that good.. But it got better...My group.. was like the eating group... Caleb and Randall was like ensuring the girls eat enough.. so I think you know girls in my group are never on diet... We had night games that night.. Blindfolded us.. lead us using a string...It's dark errie and the leaders were throwing stones at our feet, blowing air into out ears.. playing the planks... then we walked in.. not bad... it's nice...
Day 2
We had morning devotions... then session.. that's where Altar call Part 1 come in... I was prayed for.. I left a lot of things at the altar that I will never ever take it back... after which we had a worship and we like jumped around.. going like a train or something.. We had beach games in the afternoon... Soccer.. Never in my life i know I could play soccer .. I scored more than 2 goals i think...obviously I got some scratches on my feet and girls can be rough when playing too.. I will tell u if you ask me ..
Day 3
This was the best... we cleaned toilets as a group.. the second part of the altar call was good.. I saw visions again... I think God is telling me a lot of things .. it's just that I'm not listening... again.. I'll tell if you ask... then my group was to present a tribute.. Then we came up with advertisement... we did the rejoice advertisement, the heinekein advert, the if you're happy and you know u clap your hair... Then the lobster advert.. It's really funny.. I hope Randall's photo is taken... LOL.. His hair has grown longer by the work of Rejoice shampoo [Liesel's hair].. the clap your hair advert was funny too.. their facial expressions ... were erm.. FUNNY.. we sang the theme song with actions.. It's really nice.. I really love the song which Zec Chan and Sharon Lee composed.. Sister Esther was really nice.. gave us Chocolates, chips... then we had fun... The best was the mid night worship.. Usually I am always thinking of other things when I worship... This time.. I told God many things.. Now I worship with all my heart and soul...
Here's the OMGA thing.. Zec told us that one leader love OMeGA so much that he or she wrote it on a piece of paper OMGA without realising a E is missin so that's how OMGA came... Then it was the dorm Keys and donkeys ... tell you some other time...
OMEGA 12+ cheer
I say you say we say what
Ooh ah ah ah ah (x3)
Wassup wassup
Ooh ah ah ah ah (x3)
Omega 12+ make from the finest, freshest donkey MOO.. ooh la la ...ooh.. sexy..
it's cool isn't it... can't wait for the reunion... I'll be back for the next SU camp...
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Before SU camp
today, I had my P6 cell....
It was very fun.. We played the "I know, I know" game
Super fun... Watch out ppl... I'll try this with u ppl ...
We go Orchard for lunch...
Quite fun.. After eating.. The guys went to one of their house to play PS2
Me, Jingyi and Winnie went shopping...
We like saw 2 "pretty girls" i meant transexuals..
I almost like freak out... My jaws seem to have dropped..
Forget it....
Anyway tml I have SU camp...
I'll only be back on the 9th of Dec..
I hope it will be very fun...
I'm Recharged...
Today, I went to church for guitar lesson...
A little tired..
Then I met my mum at Raffles Place to alter my dress..
After which I had to rush to Clementi to meet my mentors for the picnic and Botanical Garden
It was really fun...
After that, me Zhenlin, Dorcas went for shopping at wisma atria...
FUN... Tried different types of clothing.. For goodness sake.. Next time I want to go shopping more often....
smilez.... =p
Friday, December 03, 2004
Today was really bored..
Woke up at around 10 to cut my hair..
Then I stayed at home...
Playing computer...
Wanted to go JP for movie or a walk..
But gave it up.. since no one wants to go..
I have to wake up early tml and it would be some sort of a tiring day I guess...
after camp
Today, it was super sian...
I went to cut my hair...
It is now a little shorter..
Wanted to go JP for a movie or something..
Too bad.. No one wants to go...
Tml it'll be quite tiring though...
have guitar tml morning and meeting my mentors at botanical garden at 3 p.m
Sunday--- Could I skip 9 a.m ??? The P6 are coming to Youth this Sunday...
after camp
Today, it was super sian...
I went to cut my hair...
It is now a little shorter..
Wanted to go JP for a movie or something..
Too bad.. No one wants to go...
Tml it'll be quite tiring though...
have guitar tml morning and meeting my mentors at botanical garden at 3 p.m
Sunday--- Could I skip 9 a.m ??? The P6 are coming to Youth this Sunday...
after camp
Today, it was super sian...
I went to cut my hair...
It is now a little shorter..
Wanted to go JP for a movie or something..
Too bad.. No one wants to go...
Tml it'll be quite tiring though...
have guitar tml morning and meeting my mentors at botanical garden at 3 p.m
Sunday--- Could I skip 9 a.m ??? The P6 are coming to Youth this Sunday...
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Youth camp [ 29th Nov to 2nd Dec]
I'm drained... First thing I did when I touch home was to on the computer...
I don't know why... I just want to update my blog
29th Nov
Evelyn and I was like unwilling to go to the youth camp
at first !!!
Then we had our groupings out--- we were grouped with Juliant and Pern Jie
Both of us thought we would like have trouble..
But we came out with this name called PUNK !!!
P --- People
U--- Understanding the
N--- noble
That's was Juliant's idea::: he is a super hyperactive,funny and enthusiastic guy
30th Nov
Soon, our group like had alliance with Sam Goh's team: KONOHA [ don't mind if i spell it wrongly]
Then I have no idea how the Ghandi Ghandi thing came about....
Anyway we had some free time like after the sessions....
We went bowling with like me, my sis,evelyn and Joanne
Then I broke the record.. I scored 0 for the game...
Don't ask me why... I really have no idea
we were also had a skilled.. we performed Matt 9 for the skit.. Ours were like dramatic and super funny...
1st Dec
It was games day!!!
Our group alliance with KONOHA for the extreme gourmet as well as Looking at you Babe!
that game was hard... Guessing the babies of the YOUTH is really tough....
Lastly it was like the Finder Keeper losers weeper...
It was super fun... At first the clue which was given was not clear... We were like at the club house which the clue was like solved at the clubhouse.. We went bck... We did our task... Answered as many bonus questions we can so that it will like help pull up the scores.....
Then we like ate a bowl of noodles that was leftover from lunch and with sardine on top...
Evelyn and I was super full...
We finished the hunt and ended with a third position... Juliant was super upset...
Evelyn and I wanted a grp outing of KONOHA and PUNK ... So we said we want to eat banana boat and miss singapore idol and we will try to be back for the results...
So we went down to the lounge... We brought like a couple of secondary ones...
They were like suppoting taufik.. The TV was showing Singapore Idol and they cheered for taufik in the public.. Ppl were like staring at him.... We tried to hide, pretending not to know them... LOL..
Then after that super nice banana boat, we went for bowling...
We chanted the Ghandi cheer all the way .... cool ....
Then at the bowling alley.. sam wasn't playing at first...
After singing how Juliant play.. I think he could not believe it..
Juliant like first hold the ball and spin himself then release it onto the lane... It hit and like left with one pin, he like jumped or something and got himself a strike...
haha.. After I changed to the 8th lane, I could play bowling ... I would like hit the pins down compared to none at the beginning...
After the game, we had to go back to the villa...
We went back to the villa for the closing session... Then we were like catching the results at the same ...
We did the Ghandi cheer .. It was super funny ...
After session, we went over to the guys dormitory and play.. we played truth or dare and like went on to tell ghost stories.. Sam Goh told most of them... Damn funny.. They looked very serious uptight...biting their nails... we chat about teachers in school... really funny ...lolx...
We stayed till like morning.. and now.. I can't take it anymore.. I need my bed ..
Friday, December 31, 2004
31 dec 2004
today, I changed my blogskin.. because after midnight it will be a brand new year.. haha.. today I shall look through my journal on 2004 and do an evaluation.. tell you when I finished it...
I love this year as I did a lot of things in 2004... Things I never think of doing.. Going for so many camps, going to myanmar.. ,taking 'o' levels, doing the skit.. many things..
I have no idea what to say.. But all the best to the new year.. I'll miss year 2004 .. That's for sure..
4/7, we are all going towards a different route.. some are going JCs while others go poly.. all the best to all of you ... ^__^
Everything in my avant browser seems so BiG.. I just can't stand it ?? Anyone can help ??
For the past few days.. I've been doing nothing of course.. Stoning at the TV.. staring at the horrifying news of the tsunami.. I don't know what to say .. God seems to close every year with something last year was a earthquake at Iran.. This year is the killer wave.. and he chose 5 days before the start of a new year .. 26 dec'04.. I find that God is trying to tell us something besides the end times are near.. But I can't figure it out...
Anyway.. I'm kind of depressed about the new year.. I'm thinking whether will I be happy to receive the new year.. Maybe many people thinks I'm really happy.. but I'm not really one?? but I try be one.. because you have only 1 life .. live it.. be happy after that it will be the end? I am thinking of going Myanmar again during the March holidays.. I have not stepped out of the house for days.. I seems to have locked myself up and refused to step out..
Well, life is short.. Many asked me why I do not want to find work.. It's because the next half of my life is working.. Why force yourself to make money now?? Money is not as important as people think it is.. It's a long entry again...
Thursday, December 23, 2004
I'm really Busy...
Yesterday, Qiuhui like called me and asked me if I want to go MI ..
I was like stunned.. Now, when the JC registration and stuff has ended..
I was like can it be done?? If it is possible then it will be ok...
Then I'll be so busy for the holidays... I had to take 2 weeks leave for my poly attachment..
Then proceed for MI.. Nvm.. I rather be busy then rotting at home with my computer..
On tuesday, I went to my pri sch gathering.. I thought it was a little boring.. playing whacko... Playing key and parcel where they had to do extreme forefeits.. it was really bad.. PPl who wants that pictures.. I don't think I wanna upload it on the net.. If you want to get it from me I'll send to you on msn ..
samantha_leo@hotmail.com that's my email..
Yesterday.. we went to sentosa yesterday.. I'm darker now.. haha.. we had a class outing with no guys.. that's the best.. we did sand castles eat... get into the water... but I didn't.. Then we played truth or dare.. a great time to know you ppl even more.. that's a good thing.. then we sort of stop at habour front for dinner.. I went straight to bed... I'm utterly tired.. shacked.. whatever..
I'm going Orchard for shopping... why am I doing this ...?
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Cousin's married..
Hey !! Did not update yesterday as I was out form 7 plus till 12.30 a.m ...
My cousin got married yesterday..
Mixed feelings... I have never wore dresses in like 8 years.. since Pri 3 or 4
Got a make over with my sisters and mum.. You will never believe that's me in the picture...
But it seems to me I went for a Prom..
Today we had an outing with evelyn, dorcas and zhen lin..
I've got a new book for bible study.. I think next year will be a great year...
I got to shop for Christmas presents for some of my close buddies..
I want to read books.. I getting sick of facing the computer day and night
I'll go to a library tomorrow.. I promise..
get chocolates for my dear ushers!!! see be an usher in my church.. I'll get chocolates..
Sarah Phua.. If you're back in Singapore and you happen to see this.. Pls call or sms me...
I just want to see if you're free to go window shopping or movie ..
Friday, December 17, 2004
the photos
The pics that I just posted is what I've done the past few days..
I've been designing this thing for like the few days back..
I put my heart .. still not my soul.. If I have a scanner.. You'll see powerpoint for them..
but that's not possible... I'm like a computer freak..
Haha.. Guess what.. I tried playing with Adobe Acrobrat.. I could not touch up pics..
I don't even know how to operate that.. What my Dad said was really true..
I am going to wear contact lens... :p I'll take pictures..
I'll be in dress tomorrow for the wedding.. can you believe it ?? I've never wear dresses since sec 2

left with the bride's baby photo.. It'll be complete.

after some more time

after some time...

First step of my cousin's wedding gift
Thursday, December 16, 2004
I went swimming just now with XX.
We had a great time. I swam 20 laps [1 lap = 50m]
Then I told her about the camps.. we had a lot of fun..
It was so boring in the morning but thank God for XX that she called and asked if I want to go for a swim.. Heard about my class chalet [ i thought it was a disaster.. but I wasn't there]
this morning I was doing the signboard.. for my cousin's wedding.. I did not know what to get for them so I thought of doing that.. I will upload the photo of what I've done by tomorrow night.. That's a promise.. From the start with the materials to the product ..
Basically I really feel that it's been a nice holiday for me.. :p
I'm sitting at the computer.. thinking of a funny skit???
I looked at the letter for career familiarisation programme in SP again..
I think poly life is the best for me I think.
I just don't want to be stuck in a JC doing Science and Arts subjects even I know that is a better path..
Well ppl who know me.. They will know I won't be able to sit down and study .. So I thought poly is much better...
Anyway I have no idea why am I writing all these.. Year 2005 is getting nearer... I am thinking too much..
Anyway, I have too many dreams... I want to learn animation.. My dad won't allow..what can i do?? Media and communications is not really what I want to study either... Nevermind.. animation can learnt in any computer centres...
Haha.. today is a super bad entry though... rite ??
Feel free to chat in my tagboard...
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Had fun yesterday...
Got out of my house at like 10a.m and touched home at 9.15 p.m
11 hrs 15 mins out of the house..
I was super tired...
I went shopping with my aunts for x'mas
I got a 1. Happy house pencil box.. [ a pink one with a flower]
I got a cute turtle... I got a new pink giordano shirt and couple of cool notebks + double side highlighters...
Then I went off to meet my Pri sch mates...
I played Pool again in like ages.. It's a nice feeling but I just got so bored...
Then we caught the X'mas with the kranks..
I shall rate it.. I give u 2 and a half stars .. It's kinda of boring..
that's all for yesterday...
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Wee!!! I've been out having fun for like the holiday ??
I been to Youth camps, picnic at botanical garden, shopping at Orchard for 2 consecutive days.
Then I had SU camp!! which is in Sentosa ... for like 4 days!!
On friday, I went shopping in Orchard, I bought clothes.. A dress and a half dress?? I don't know
Yesterday, I went swimming...
Today, I went to church .. Did a lot of stuff...
Tomorrow.. I am going for a movie with my pri sch pals... =p
I wonder when will this ever end ???
Friday, December 10, 2004
SU camp
Day 1
First day.. We met at Habourfront centre... We reached there around 8.45 ?? Then we board the like last bus or something... Then we reached our campsite and down to our grps... Haha.. me and evelyn went into OMEGA ...Then known as OMGA.. tell you the story if only you read on...
Then my group have like 9 ppl... Caleb,me, randall,evelyn,kah eng, christie,JJ,liesel,serene. Our leaders were : Ernest, Gloria, Esther... Hmm.. they were great leaders... We played team building games... It wasn't that good.. But it got better...My group.. was like the eating group... Caleb and Randall was like ensuring the girls eat enough.. so I think you know girls in my group are never on diet... We had night games that night.. Blindfolded us.. lead us using a string...It's dark errie and the leaders were throwing stones at our feet, blowing air into out ears.. playing the planks... then we walked in.. not bad... it's nice...
Day 2
We had morning devotions... then session.. that's where Altar call Part 1 come in... I was prayed for.. I left a lot of things at the altar that I will never ever take it back... after which we had a worship and we like jumped around.. going like a train or something.. We had beach games in the afternoon... Soccer.. Never in my life i know I could play soccer .. I scored more than 2 goals i think...obviously I got some scratches on my feet and girls can be rough when playing too.. I will tell u if you ask me ..
Day 3
This was the best... we cleaned toilets as a group.. the second part of the altar call was good.. I saw visions again... I think God is telling me a lot of things .. it's just that I'm not listening... again.. I'll tell if you ask... then my group was to present a tribute.. Then we came up with advertisement... we did the rejoice advertisement, the heinekein advert, the if you're happy and you know u clap your hair... Then the lobster advert.. It's really funny.. I hope Randall's photo is taken... LOL.. His hair has grown longer by the work of Rejoice shampoo [Liesel's hair].. the clap your hair advert was funny too.. their facial expressions ... were erm.. FUNNY.. we sang the theme song with actions.. It's really nice.. I really love the song which Zec Chan and Sharon Lee composed.. Sister Esther was really nice.. gave us Chocolates, chips... then we had fun... The best was the mid night worship.. Usually I am always thinking of other things when I worship... This time.. I told God many things.. Now I worship with all my heart and soul...
Here's the OMGA thing.. Zec told us that one leader love OMeGA so much that he or she wrote it on a piece of paper OMGA without realising a E is missin so that's how OMGA came... Then it was the dorm Keys and donkeys ... tell you some other time...
OMEGA 12+ cheer
I say you say we say what
Ooh ah ah ah ah (x3)
Wassup wassup
Ooh ah ah ah ah (x3)
Omega 12+ make from the finest, freshest donkey MOO.. ooh la la ...ooh.. sexy..
it's cool isn't it... can't wait for the reunion... I'll be back for the next SU camp...
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Before SU camp
today, I had my P6 cell....
It was very fun.. We played the "I know, I know" game
Super fun... Watch out ppl... I'll try this with u ppl ...
We go Orchard for lunch...
Quite fun.. After eating.. The guys went to one of their house to play PS2
Me, Jingyi and Winnie went shopping...
We like saw 2 "pretty girls" i meant transexuals..
I almost like freak out... My jaws seem to have dropped..
Forget it....
Anyway tml I have SU camp...
I'll only be back on the 9th of Dec..
I hope it will be very fun...
I'm Recharged...
Today, I went to church for guitar lesson...
A little tired..
Then I met my mum at Raffles Place to alter my dress..
After which I had to rush to Clementi to meet my mentors for the picnic and Botanical Garden
It was really fun...
After that, me Zhenlin, Dorcas went for shopping at wisma atria...
FUN... Tried different types of clothing.. For goodness sake.. Next time I want to go shopping more often....
smilez.... =p
Friday, December 03, 2004
Today was really bored..
Woke up at around 10 to cut my hair..
Then I stayed at home...
Playing computer...
Wanted to go JP for movie or a walk..
But gave it up.. since no one wants to go..
I have to wake up early tml and it would be some sort of a tiring day I guess...
after camp
Today, it was super sian...
I went to cut my hair...
It is now a little shorter..
Wanted to go JP for a movie or something..
Too bad.. No one wants to go...
Tml it'll be quite tiring though...
have guitar tml morning and meeting my mentors at botanical garden at 3 p.m
Sunday--- Could I skip 9 a.m ??? The P6 are coming to Youth this Sunday...
after camp
Today, it was super sian...
I went to cut my hair...
It is now a little shorter..
Wanted to go JP for a movie or something..
Too bad.. No one wants to go...
Tml it'll be quite tiring though...
have guitar tml morning and meeting my mentors at botanical garden at 3 p.m
Sunday--- Could I skip 9 a.m ??? The P6 are coming to Youth this Sunday...
after camp
Today, it was super sian...
I went to cut my hair...
It is now a little shorter..
Wanted to go JP for a movie or something..
Too bad.. No one wants to go...
Tml it'll be quite tiring though...
have guitar tml morning and meeting my mentors at botanical garden at 3 p.m
Sunday--- Could I skip 9 a.m ??? The P6 are coming to Youth this Sunday...
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Youth camp [ 29th Nov to 2nd Dec]
I'm drained... First thing I did when I touch home was to on the computer...
I don't know why... I just want to update my blog
29th Nov
Evelyn and I was like unwilling to go to the youth camp
at first !!!
Then we had our groupings out--- we were grouped with Juliant and Pern Jie
Both of us thought we would like have trouble..
But we came out with this name called PUNK !!!
P --- People
U--- Understanding the
N--- noble
That's was Juliant's idea::: he is a super hyperactive,funny and enthusiastic guy
30th Nov
Soon, our group like had alliance with Sam Goh's team: KONOHA [ don't mind if i spell it wrongly]
Then I have no idea how the Ghandi Ghandi thing came about....
Anyway we had some free time like after the sessions....
We went bowling with like me, my sis,evelyn and Joanne
Then I broke the record.. I scored 0 for the game...
Don't ask me why... I really have no idea
we were also had a skilled.. we performed Matt 9 for the skit.. Ours were like dramatic and super funny...
1st Dec
It was games day!!!
Our group alliance with KONOHA for the extreme gourmet as well as Looking at you Babe!
that game was hard... Guessing the babies of the YOUTH is really tough....
Lastly it was like the Finder Keeper losers weeper...
It was super fun... At first the clue which was given was not clear... We were like at the club house which the clue was like solved at the clubhouse.. We went bck... We did our task... Answered as many bonus questions we can so that it will like help pull up the scores.....
Then we like ate a bowl of noodles that was leftover from lunch and with sardine on top...
Evelyn and I was super full...
We finished the hunt and ended with a third position... Juliant was super upset...
Evelyn and I wanted a grp outing of KONOHA and PUNK ... So we said we want to eat banana boat and miss singapore idol and we will try to be back for the results...
So we went down to the lounge... We brought like a couple of secondary ones...
They were like suppoting taufik.. The TV was showing Singapore Idol and they cheered for taufik in the public.. Ppl were like staring at him.... We tried to hide, pretending not to know them... LOL..
Then after that super nice banana boat, we went for bowling...
We chanted the Ghandi cheer all the way .... cool ....
Then at the bowling alley.. sam wasn't playing at first...
After singing how Juliant play.. I think he could not believe it..
Juliant like first hold the ball and spin himself then release it onto the lane... It hit and like left with one pin, he like jumped or something and got himself a strike...
haha.. After I changed to the 8th lane, I could play bowling ... I would like hit the pins down compared to none at the beginning...
After the game, we had to go back to the villa...
We went back to the villa for the closing session... Then we were like catching the results at the same ...
We did the Ghandi cheer .. It was super funny ...
After session, we went over to the guys dormitory and play.. we played truth or dare and like went on to tell ghost stories.. Sam Goh told most of them... Damn funny.. They looked very serious uptight...biting their nails... we chat about teachers in school... really funny ...lolx...
We stayed till like morning.. and now.. I can't take it anymore.. I need my bed ..